…is horrible heat snow due to Other People’s carbon footprints, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is The Daley Gator, with a post on the looney left redefining masculinity.

…is horrible heat snow due to Other People’s carbon footprints, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is The Daley Gator, with a post on the looney left redefining masculinity.
A career diplomat who oversaw Ukraine policy during the Obama administration, reportedly raised concerns about Hunter Biden’s board position in Ukraine back in 2015.
Behind closed doors this week, George Kent told Congressional investigators he was turned away by a Biden staffer, when he tried to warn that Ukrainian officials saw hunter as a tool to gain influence with his father.
This after Kent said Acting Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney told him to “lay low†from Ukraine, when kent filed a complaint about Rudy Giuliani.
Let us dissect this for a moment. Working for Obama he said nothing to anyone after being rebuked by VP Bidens staffer. Yet when told to lay low after Giuliani was investigating Ukraine he filed a complaint about Mr. Giuliani.
Another perfect set up of Trump. Leftist career people all through the government just waiting to pounce on a Gop’er while letting anything a Democrat does go by the wayside.
Another bunny ROLCON
The State Department has concluded its investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private server. A Friday report claimed there are nearly 600 security incidents that violated agency policies.
But of course no one cares. ORANGE MAN BAD. HRC GOOD. This is what happens when the press stops becoming a beacon of democracy and starts becoming what the KGB chief said they would back in a 1974 interview.
Take over the press and control the country.
Trump’s State Dept agreed with Mr. Comey and the FBI. Would you say that since charges weren’t filed that Clinton and her staff were “totally exonerated”, just like tRump? LOL
Unlike you, the right does not seek to imprison those that are their political opponents.
Trump just awarded a multimillion dollar federal contract to HIMSELF to save his failing Doral Golf Resort. Do you think the contract will include upgrades to the facility? LOL.
Trump is dumb like a FOX – he’s taking full advantage of the DOJ policy about not indicting a sitting Prez (and no Prez sits as much as Don Grifty). But his hubris is hurting him. He could save Doral by just removing his name.
Some have claimed this is a violation of the emoluments clause, but they are wrong. The emoluments clause addresses graft from FOREIGN countries, not domestic graft. Trump is taking federal funds to enrich himself.
Poor Jimmy Carter endured 6 mo of GOP Congressional investigations (and a special prosecutor) to see if he was using his peanut farm as a political slush fund. The investigations “totally exonerated” President Carter, just as Sec Clinton was “totally exonerated” regarding her emails and Benghazi. As a candidate, Carter was accused by subsequently disgraced GOPher, Earl Butz (AgSec), of accepting Fed subsidies! In the 70s, Carter Farms (Gov Carter was no longer involved in the farm) rec’d $2700. Good times. Trump Inc gets $3.4 MILLION every visit to his golf courses.
Imagine the GOPher chirping if President Carter had ordered the federal gov’t to buy peanuts from the Plains GA peanut farm!
As always, Mortimer Snerd will end up with his LOL shoved up his ass.
Trump just awarded a multimillion dollar federal contract to HIMSELF to save his failing Doral Golf Resort. Do you think the contract will include upgrades to the facility? LOL.
Which contract would that be?
Trump is dumb like a FOX – he’s taking full advantage of the DOJ policy about not indicting a sitting Prez (and no Prez sits as much as Don Grifty). But his hubris is hurting him. He could save Doral by just removing his name.
Since the queers took over, Miami isn’t the same.
And “DOJ policy” was just Mule Ears’ excuse not to try a case in court when he knew he’d lose.
Some have claimed this is a violation of the emoluments clause, but they are wrong. The emoluments clause addresses graft from FOREIGN countries, not domestic graft. Trump is taking federal funds to enrich himself.
Some use the emoluments clause when they haven’t got anything else in the faint and pathetic hope something will actually stick.
And Trump won’t make a penny.
Poor Jimmy Carter endured 6 mo of GOP Congressional investigations (and a special prosecutor) to see if he was using his peanut farm as a political slush fund. The investigations “totally exonerated†President Carter, just as Sec Clinton was “totally exonerated†regarding her emails and Benghazi.
She was? When was this?
As a candidate, Carter was accused by subsequently disgraced GOPher, Earl Butz (AgSec), of accepting Fed subsidies! In the 70s, Carter Farms (Gov Carter was no longer involved in the farm) rec’d $2700. Good times. Trump Inc gets $3.4 MILLION every visit to his golf courses.
Using a family business to funnel money to a politician is a time-honored tradition in the Democrat party. See Clinton, W and H, Biden, J and H, Bentsen, Lloyd, etc.
There is no Trump Inc, except in the minds of demented Leftists.
The investigations “totally exonerated†President Carter, just as Sec Clinton was “totally exonerated†regarding her emails and Benghazi
Investigated by the Democrats. Both. Exxonerated? Sure if you can exxonerate them by a partisan political group then surely you must admit it is just fine for the DOJ run by a partisan to exxonerate Trump.
And it begins…
Washington state just used red flag laws to seize the firearms of local Atomwaffen Division (AWD) leader Kaleb Cole’s firearms. AWD is a neoNazi, white supremacist, terrorist organization.
Seizing weapons because of someone’s political beliefs is unconstitutional.
But, yes, it begins. And next year it will end.
We assume you are in favor of taking Cole’s firearms after all he’s a “white supremacist” just like me. At least YOU say so. Let’s see how many communists or Black Panthers or CAIR members are thus treated.
It’s amusing the “anti-Nazis” act more like Nazis than the Nazis do.
Most tRumpublicans are white nationalists, not supremacists, as the words are now used.
White nationalists desire a white, Christian ethnostate by legal means. White supremacists want a white, Christian ethnostate by any means necessary, including race war.
The laws are directed at individuals not organizations, so it’s possible that members of the virulently racist, black nationalist, New Black Panther Party who advocate violence against whites and Jews could have their weapons confiscated, depending on the state.
The Atomwaffen Division is linked to murders in the US. Are commies, NPPP or CAIR linked to murders?
White nationalists desire a white, Christian ethnostate by legal means. White supremacists want a white, Christian ethnostate by any means necessary, including race war.
Since you use terms interchangeably, what you said has no significance whatsoever.
The laws are directed at individuals not organizations, so it’s possible that members of the virulently racist, black nationalist, New Black Panther Party who advocate violence against whites and Jews could have their weapons confiscated, depending on the state.
And whatever the state governor’s political biases happen to be. Unconstitutional.
The Atomwaffen Division is linked to murders in the US.
Links don’t count.
Are commies, NPPP or CAIR linked to murders?
A commie tried to murder Steve Scalise and several other Congressmen. The Weathermen murdered several Americans and plotted the murders of many more. SNCC incited murder in many American cities in the 60s.
CAIR is linked to Hamas
So as an anti white racist and an anti Christian bigot you presume to define white nationalism and white supremacy to us? That’s ballsy. BTW, your definitions are wrong. White Nationalists understand the historical fact that America was discovered by, conquered by, explored by, settled by, Constitutionally designed by and fought for by overwhelmingly white Christians. That’s just an indisputable fact, Fredo. And up until about 1960’s eighty percent or more of America was white and Christian. IOW, the entire period of time America was grown into the greatest and most prosperous and powerful nation in history whites and Christians were in the overwhelming majority.
White Nationalists also believe in Patriotism and believe we Americans and especially our leaders are duty bound to put America and her interests above those of every other country. If you feel that putting our country first is somehow wrong or racist then you are just plain wrong but I understand why there hasn’t been one American flag displayed at the Democrat-Communist debates because they don’t put America first for anything except BLAME and they have as much patriotism for America as a pig would. And that’s not their only similarities.
Then two things happened in the mid to late 60’s. First a civil rights law was passed that made racism and racist policy legal all across America. As long as it was directed against whites via Affirmative Action. Second, the the Grand Exalted Dragon of the Communist-disguised-as Democrat party, Ted Kennedy (C-MA) managed to get an immigration bill passed that only encouraged non-white Democrat voters to immigrate to America and opened the flood gates with lies and innuendo. The die was cast. For some unknown reason it suddenly became gospel that anyone-but-whites were best for America. Even knowing that America works best, is most productive and prosperous and is strongest when at least 80% are white we decided that “diversity” was our strength and since America has always been diverse that came to mean “whites had to go”. Or as it turned out white genocide via immigration, intermarriage and exclusion. And I say that as a man in an interracial marriage. And I do so because I refuse to lie to myself and to accept the lies of others who hate America. My immigrant wife has more love for America than you and your fellow traveling Democrat-Communists.
Now, Fredo, a white supremacist believes that white people are superior in every way to any other race and believe there is no room in our country for any other race. I obviously don’t believe that but I do believe this country works best when whites are the undisputed majority (as our history proves) and when they are not discriminated against because of their race or taught they are guilty of atrocities because of some phony “white privilege” which in reality is just bad mouthing white success.
Gomer Pyle,
GOP-Faux Patriots claim America is a white Christian nation and are terrified that they’ll lose their privilege/power. They are so afraid that they’ll destroy America to create a white Christian homeland. You, Gomer, love privilege more than you love America – that’s the only way to explain the devotion to the unfit for service Don John Trump.
Oppressors always scream “discrimination” when the oppressed demand equal rights. Oppressors always start describing the purported advantages of “staying in charge”,
Now, PFC Pyle, you believe lightly-pigmented humans are somehow superior to dark-pigmented humans, and you bolster your argument with observations of supposed white superiority.
Face it, Gomer. You’re making excuses for white privilege, perhaps “intellectually” you recognize the advantages of having white skin. Do you think that whites earned all their advantages? But you shouldn’t feel guilty, you should recognize the fact, and work for equality. But you won’t because of your fear.
Are Black Americans commies? They typically vote against the GOP, favoring Democratic policies, including Medicaid, Medicare, Social Security, Disability, public transportation, universal healthcare, police not killing them etc.
Also, is the preference of Black Americans for Democrats another sign of their inferiority to whites? Most Cons would agree that Black Americans fare better under conservative policies. After all, superior white men consistently vote for Republicans. Are Black Americans just not smart or aware enough to know what’s good for them?
Trump’s State Dept agreed with Mr. Comey and the FBI. Would you say that since charges weren’t filed that Clinton and her staff were “totally exoneratedâ€, just like tRump? LOL
Charges weren’t filed against Trump because of lack of evidence.
Charges weren’t filed against the Beast because of Deep State corruption.
Actually, Mr. Mueller stated that the only reason tRump wasn’t indicted was because of the DOJ policy.
tRump could force his DOJ to indict others, but decent members of the DOJ would leak that there’s no there there. Even tRump is not that foolish, although many of his worshipers are.
He said there was not enough evidence to bring to court.
tRump could force his DOJ to indict others, but decent members of the DOJ would leak that there’s no there there.
You mean Comey? Who’s under investigation even as we speak? Or some of the other plants Zippy installed at Justice?
And leaks mean nothing. You find out if there’s no there there in a court of law.
It’s not working.
Bwaha! Lolgfy Schiff.
GOP-Faux Patriots claim America is a white Christian nation and are terrified that they’ll lose their privilege/power. They are so afraid that they’ll destroy America to create a white Christian homeland. You, Gomer, love privilege more than you love America – that’s the only way to explain the devotion to the unfit for service Don John Trump.
Mortimer Snerd, you claim America is supposed to be a brown atheist nation and your crowd is terrified that they’ll lose their privilege/power. They are so afraid that they’ll destroy America to create a Commie homeland where white Christians (or Jews) are murdered at will.
Oppressors always scream “discrimination†when the oppressed demand equal rights. Oppressors always start describing the purported advantages of “staying in chargeâ€,
They do? I don’t recall anything of the sort when blacks and whites marched for civil rights and Republicans voted into law.
And the last line is how Democrats demand blacks vote for them so the white massas will protec’ them on the Welfare Plantation.
Now, PFC Pyle, you believe lightly-pigmented humans are somehow superior to dark-pigmented humans, and you bolster your argument with observations of supposed white superiority.
Well, Mr Snerd (at least he made one stripe), no supposition. Name a black the equivalent of Aristotle, Alexander The Great, Albert Einstein, Alexander Graham Bell, or Aquinas. And that’s just the As. Haven’t even gotten to Salk, Moses, Shakespeare, Madison, Washington (George, of course).
Face it, Gomer. You’re making excuses for white privilege, perhaps “intellectually†you recognize the advantages of having white skin. Do you think that whites earned all their advantages? But you shouldn’t feel guilty, you should recognize the fact, and work for equality. But you won’t because of your fear.
Mortimer, yes, we earned it all. We gave the world sanitation, writing, antibiotics, law, justice, compassion (y’know, Christianity; that thing you think you’re too smart for).
And, no, we shouldn’t feel guilty because people live longer anywhere you choose to nam e than when their brown massas had their way. I worked for equality when I was young. Now I wonder if I was right. Maybe it’s the Entitlement Culture that’s the problem.
But I’m hardly afraid to say so.
You’re a communist dupe, Fredo if you believe in “equality”. There can only be equality under the law and in the eyes of God (so you won’t believe that anyway). NO TWO PEOPLE ARE EQUAL. PERIOD. And it matters not what laws you pass or how many white people you Red Flag, imprison or ultimately execute people will never be equal as individuals or races. You leftists have tried that everywhere you seized power and it failed 100% of the time. You murdered a lot of people in the name of “fairness” and “Equality” but all it did was create a mountain of bodies because people were still not equal.
Now you can put forth every racist, bigoted reason you’ve been taught about why “white privilege” is real and we recognize the advantages of having white skin but so what? We cannot bestow that “privilege” on any non whites even if we wanted to. You must be under the illusion that white superiority is an illusion. If it were an illusion then whites wouldn’t be at the top of the pecking order wherever they are found in quantity. And if it were an illusion there would be African Michaelangelo’s, Arab Einstein’s, Hispanic Mozart’s and at least one Shakespeare of every race. There is not. And there is not for a reason. Just like every animal can’t run like a Whippet, see like an owl or have the strength of an elephant all humans don’t share the same qualities, abilities or capabilities. Sorry but that’s the SCIENCE of the thing.
We cannot take off white accomplishments like a top coat and give it to colored people to try on. They have to earn their own accomplishments and their own successes and their own “privilege”.
We appreciate your honest answer.
Your positions are clear.
Are Black Americans commies? They typically vote against the GOP, favoring Democratic policies, including Medicaid, Medicare, Social Security, Disability, public transportation, universal healthcare, police not killing them etc.
Well, we know you are, Mortimer.
And I would argue most don’t favor Medicaid, Medicare, Social Security, Disability, public transportation, and, especially, universal healthcare. I’m willing to bet most would like to make enough money that they can afford their own coverage. They’ve just been sold a bill of goods by the Democrats for 80 years.
Just because yo’re stupid doesn’t mean they are.
As for police not killing them, white people feel the same way. OTOH they’d probably like the hoodla controlled
Also, is the preference of Black Americans for Democrats another sign of their inferiority to whites? Most Cons would agree that Black Americans fare better under conservative policies. After all, superior white men consistently vote for Republicans. Are Black Americans just not smart or aware enough to know what’s good for them?
You could say the same about white Democrats. Most go that way because Grandpa voted for Roosevelt and, if it was good enough for him, it’s good enough for them.
Problem is, Roosevelt died in ’45. And he wasn’t all that trustworthy, anyway.
tRumpBot: Half of US households (white or Black) don’t have enough income to pay for healthcare, a pension, college tuition, childcare, transportation…
If those families of 4 in the lower 50% were promised a job paying $100,000/yr, you might be right. Unfortunately, our economy doesn’t support 150 million jobs paying at least $100,000 a year.
yo’re is not a word
Few people know how their grandparents voted, or if they voted. Do you vote the way your parents or grandparents voted?
tRumpBots are programmed to spew talking points
yo’re is not a word
It’s a typo but the only observation in silly little sissybitch’s rant that makes any sense.
Bravo spelling Nazi.
You finally got something right.
Lolgfy loser.
TEACH is a silly little sissybitch.
And the bear suit lurks.
You’ve never figured it out, have you?
And where, O where, do you get this nonsense?
It may have been true in the Age of Obama, but Trump has given us an economy where everyone a job. And college, or the tuition to pay for it, is something to be earned.
And a pension is something that your place of employment provides for you in some sort of quid pro quo, usually a matching scheme. If you mean the funds on which to retire, saving is an individual discipline, something the Left discourages. They encourage spendthrift ways so people will end up thralls of the government.
But I do love the little catchphrases your troll massas have provided you. “If those families of 4 in the lower 50% were promised a job” or “our economy doesn’t support 150 million jobs”. The true Welfare State mentality. Everything has to be “provided”.
No, a job paying 100 grand is never “provided”. it is earned through the discipline of education and hard work over a long period.
Few people know how their grandparents voted, or if they voted. Do you vote the way your parents or grandparents voted?
Matter of fact, I do and most people do. You, presumably, never knew your father, so I can understand how you came by that ridiculous bias. I imagine your grandparents voted R and the thought just chills you to the marrow.
tRumpBots are programmed to spew talking points
No, that’s what you learn at Troll Camp.
tRumpBot: Half of US households (white or Black) don’t have enough income to pay for healthcare, a pension, college tuition, childcare, transportation
Point out other countries that allow this for their entire population or 75 percent of their population, please.