I’m kinda shocked the always excitable Salon is running this as summer begins. It’s usually reserved for winter time, but, hey, there’s been a bunch of late spring snow, so…
"The paradox of global warming and colder winter…How to explain this to a climate change denier: Winters are colder — because the planet is heating up" #ClimateTwitter #ClimateCultBS https://t.co/5AIPCoVHB4
— Tom Nelson (@TomANelson) June 23, 2019
From the screed
But will all of this disastrous news make global warming and climate change more difficult to deny? Probably not, because when winter comes, it may be colder than ever, and last longer.
And try to explain this to the denier: the winters are colder — because the planet is heating up.
First, virtually no one is denying that it has gotten warmer since the end of the Little Ice Age. We disagree on causation,
Second, they’re actually arguing that a warming planet will now make winters colder and longer. Remember when they were saying that they would be shorter and not as cold? It’s a cult. It has no resemblance to science.

And try to explain this to the denier: the winters are colder — because the planet is heating up.
You want to make a Vulcan go screaming into the night? Try that little bit of “logic”.
Virtually no one is denying that it has gotten warmer since the end of the Little Ice Age
Well, that would kind of follow if the glaciers have retreated, wouldn’t it? It’s this crock that since internal combustion we’ve turned into a sauna.
PS For God’s sake, Teach, get a new comment widget.
100 percent in favor of finding a solution to fossil fuels.
Nasa is working on Warp Drive technology. Won’t it be interesting if the organization smack dab in the middle of the AGW debate develops warp drive before they figure out a way to replace fossil fuels?
As for replacing fossil fuels it is not as easy as its made out to be. No farming, ranching, moving goods to market will exist without them. Batteries and windmills and solar panels take massive amounts of digging and smelting and creation in order to become a stand in for fossil fuels.
In Europe they are building a gigantic fusion reactor capable of creating 75 mw of electricity. The problem is that it takes 90 MW of energy to create 75. However. This is a step in creating fusion energy which if perfected with a net positive would solve all of the worlds electricity problems.
However remember one thing. To build these plants are mind boggling expensive. The world is trying. Those that deny AGW are only in it to prevent the destruction of economies around the globe until Fossil Fuels can be replaced.
In the meantime. Nasa works on warp drive and Europe is working on Fusion energy including over 1000 private firms using the free market system to race for the solution to fusion energy. The future is not bleak. The future is bright. that is if the left and the right dont kill themselves before we get there.
The climate has always been changing. In the past, people adapted.
“Global Warming Provides A Marvelous Excuse For Global Socialism.†– Margaret Thatcher
And that is ALL it is about.
75 MW? That’s pretty small. About 1% of Grand Coolie dam output. Europe must be using the metric definition for “gigantic”.
from TEACHs screed:
“First, virtually no one is denying that it has gotten warmer since the end of the Little Ice Age.”
….Commenters here still deny that the Earth is warming.
“We disagree on causation,”
…. Actually deniers have no hypothesis, claiming it’s all natural. Climate scientists have obtained overwhelming evidence that the rapid warming of the Earth results from increased atmospheric CO2, much as Svante Arrhenius predicted over a century ago. Why do you think the Earth is warming?
“Second, they’re actually arguing that a warming planet will now make winters colder and longer.”
…. And scientists (e.g., Dr. Francis from the video) have proposed hypotheses as to why a dip in the jet stream occurs as the Arctic warms faster than the rest of the Earth.
“Remember when they were saying that they would be shorter and not as cold?”
… We’re sure someone said that.
“It’s a cult. It has no resemblance to science.”
…. Climate scientists are making observations and proposing hypotheses, based on the observations. That’s what scientists do.
Climate scientists have obtained overwhelming evidence that the rapid warming of the Earth results from increased atmospheric CO2, …Â
Uh no, they most certainly have not, you silly silly little girl.
LOL. Get f*cked.
Lil Fluffy is back to fluffing TEACH!! Good for you, you silly silly lil fluffer. LOL. Don’t forget the mouthwash before you go home to mommy.
Oh my!
Is little missy a little upset?
If so…
BWAHA. LOL. Get f*cked.
You don’t like it when you get it back in your face.
It’s Lil Fluffer who gets it all over his face.
And now formwiz is fluffing Lil Fluffer! It’s a daisy chain of fluff!
Maybe youse guys should try to find something of value to type!
Climate scientists have obtained overwhelming evidence that the rapid warming of the Earth results from increased atmospheric CO2, much as Svante Arrhenius predicted over a century ago
And Nostradamus predicted Hitler.
The “data” is cooked, so we need no hypothesis. The earth warms, it cools. So all of this, “It’s warming”, is just scare stuff.
And scientists (e.g., Dr. Francis from the video) have proposed hypotheses as to why a dip in the jet stream occurs as the Arctic warms faster than the rest of the Earth.
Last I looked, proposal is not proof. Just like the guy who says the Atlantic will run out of air.
And scientists (e.g., Dr. Francis from the video) have proposed hypotheses as to why a dip in the jet stream occurs as the Arctic warms faster than the rest of the Earth.
Somehow, this stuff comes after. these guys and their phony data are always after the fact.
Climate scientists are making observations and proposing hypotheses, based on the observations. That’s what scientists do.
Scientists do not fake their data.
Unfortunately scientists do either fake their data or make errors, that’s why their is peer review. Sadly, when the government is handing out million dollar grants like candy peer review becomes a cafeteria line. And when universities and NGO’s are using these millions (which end up billions) to fund lifestyles rather than science the money, not the science becomes the object.
The entire history of AGW is full of lies, faked data, phony charts, failed predictions and “consensus” by people who are not climate scientists. The science itself has been commandeered by charlatans looking for funding and politically motivated people with nefarious goals. Which one is Elwood?
Since Kye can’t or won’t discuss science, he disparages scientists.
The deniers lost the scientific argument so desperate invective is all that remains.
Any data at odds with their willful ignorance is FAKE!
Scientists, oceans, governments, corporations, reporters, major religions, Arctic ice, national and international scientific orgs, the Pope and Dalai Lama, the internet, Democrats, universities, rivers and glaciers are all players in a Commie plot for world domination.
Only Caucasian, Christian, Conservative American men know the truth!! MAHA!!
““Remember when they were saying that they would be shorter and not as cold?â€
… We’re sure someone said that.”
Lying again or do you forget the infamous “Our children won’t know what snow looks like” or the “Arctic will be ice free by 2013”? You know damn good and well that a lot of “someones” said this.
“Climate scientists have obtained overwhelming evidence that the rapid warming of the Earth results from increased atmospheric CO2”
If they understand this so well then why are the models so consistently wrong? Why have none of their dire prediction come to pass?
You supplied two quotes. You found two someones.
Do you have surveys of climate scientists concerning whether the Arctic would be ice free by 2013 or whether it would no longer snow?
It was predicted that increased atmospheric CO2 would cause warming. Funny that.
It was predicted that the stratosphere would cool.
It was predicted that glaciers, Arctic ice and the Greenland ice sheet would melt.
It was predicted that ocean levels would rise and ocean pH would drop.
The models have not been wrong.
Much of what deniers/Cons believe is false.