Yet, somehow, Democrats get upset when you call them Open Borders
Democrats Offer Plan to Release All Child Traffickers at Border into U.S.
The House Democrats’ first offer to President Trump in negotiations to fund his proposed United States-Mexico border wall includes a provision that would end all immigration enforcement for migrants trafficking children across the southern border.
The draft budget provides the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency with $7.4 billion, nearly $850 million less than requested by the Trump administration, and funds only 1,250 beds for adults and migrant children coming across the border this year, a decrease in detention space.
Attached to that funding, though, is an immigration enforcement ban first introduced by Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) and supported by every Senate Democrat. The Democrats’ offer demands that all immigration enforcement end for any adult crossing the border with a child by the end of Fiscal Year 2019.
Rather than being held in detention for a period of time, those adults and the migrant children they trafficked across the U.S.-Mexico border would be released immediately into the interior of the country.
Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) previously called the plan the “Child Trafficking Encouragement Act†as it ensures that adults bringing children to the southern border would gain immediate access into the U.S. without fear of being deported or turned away.
This is something they pushed in June of 2018, and they’re apparently going to push it again. Is it meant to be a poison pill or are they serious? Their offer includes no border barrier funding. Republicans would be excoriated if they signed on to this from the Republican voters, and probably primaried.
What this does is literally entice people to bring their children, or someone else’s children, with them when they try and force their way into the U.S. They would know they wouldn’t be detained, just released with a wink wink promise to return for a hearing. Then we’ll have their kids demanding citizenship 10 years on, and demanding their parents be allowed to stay. And, good, grief, how many of these kids are not being brought by their parents themselves now, but by traffickers? This would increase.
But don’t say Dems are open borders.

Don’t you just love to reap what you sow democrats???? Remember Kavanaugh. Well your both guilty. You don’t get to defend yourselves. You have to step down now. The woman shall be believed no matter What!!!!!!!!!!!!!
StillAlive: Remember Kavanaugh.
It’s my recollection that Kavanaugh now sits on our Supreme Court. Certainly you’re not advocating we not examine candidates for a life-long appointment on our Supreme Court.
By all means investigate the anonymous allegations against Mr. Fairfax. Recall too, that in the Kavanaugh case a credible witness came forward and testified before Congress, and her and her family were savaged by the right (and tRump). But Kavanaugh did not remove himself from consideration AND was given the opportunity to defend himself. He had a calendar. Why should Mr. Fairfax resign based on what is currently known?
Gov Northam has lost the ability to govern in VA and should resign for the good of the state. His performance at the press conference was tRumpesque in its inappropriateness.
Note too, that DJ tRump was accused by over a dozen women of sexual assault, and admitted to grabbing them by the p*ssy. He paid hush money to at least two women with whom he had extramarital affairs. He didn’t resign either. Yes, yes, the Dems hold themselves to higher standards than the Repubs, and they tossed Senator Franken for pretending to fondle a sleeping woman.
And Northam will undoubtedly resign for his past racism. Will tRump? How about Steve King? How about Mitch McConnell now that pics of him smiling in front of a giant racist flag are circulating.
Bwahaha… Stop it … you’re killing us out here… CREDIBLE … Bwahaha… let me catch my breath…. Credible… BWAHAHAHA…

Thanks nignorant you made our day… Bwahaha…
Adelaide tries to dish it out, but she can’t take it.
Trump has yet to show any racism, while Ada’s masters show it all the time yet she persists in trying to be their favorite house slave.
PS Trump never admitted grabbing anyone, he merely stated the truth; when you have baskets of money, the women come looking for you and accused does not mean proven, or is the law another instance where “consensus” is all that matters?
That’s lynch law.
The Wiz: tRump has yet to show any racism
Only DJ knows what’s in his heart, but he’s certainly shown “any racism”.
DJ and his father, Fred, were sued in 1973 for systematically discriminating against black people in housing. The Trumps eventually settled.
DJ said there were “many fine people†carrying swastika flags and shields bearing racist symbols.
Demanded execution for the Central Park 5 (who turned out to be innocent).
Anti-Obama birtherism.
Anti-Hispanic diatribes. Mexican rapists. “Mexican” Judge Curiel.
DJ’s entire campaign was race-baiting for his alt-right, white nationalist base. We’re not surprised you can’t see it.
And here’s what president tic-tac said about women:
“I better use some Tic Tacs just in case I start kissing her. You know I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab ’em by the pussy. You can do anything.”
That’s great that you approve of rich men assaulting women. “I just start kissing them”, seems like an admission. Do you think it’s acceptable for president bloated fish-face to just start kissing a woman?
OK. Now we are getting somewhere. I see some movement on the part of Democrats. The Republicans should accept their bill and add in the caveat that border patrol will perform DNA collection on all border crossers to positively identify that the child is related to the adult. THEN they can cross. If not related, then the Adult is put to death and the child is repatriated to their country of origin so that their own government can either find their family or treat them as an orphan. Not our problem.
— And the DNA can also be used to permanently identify the people as foreign aliens.
J, we must have missed your “credible witnessâ€. Was she invisible? Or just her memory?
Unless they’re underage or nude, females are invisible to the juvenile Con Men.