Illegal Alien Supporters Turn On Dick Durbin During Speech

Live by supporting illegal aliens, die by supporting illegal aliens

(Fox News) Senate Minority Whip Dick Durbin on Thursday faced the fury of 100 Harvard University students who were angry that Democrats caved in to Republicans’ demands to reopen the government last month without a deal on DACA.

The Illinois Democrat was set to speak on immigration to multiple Harvard affiliates at the John F. Kennedy Jr. Forum. But the evening was disrupted as hundreds of students protested despite his previous support for giving amnesty to so-called “Dreamers.”

Demonstrators bearing signs “We Are Not Your Bargaining Chip” were shouting “Say it loud, say it clear — immigrants are welcome here!” and “If we don’t get it? Shut it down!” outside the venue while accompanied by a live band, the Harvard Crimson reported.

There’s no mention of how many of the snowflakes were actually illegal alien Dreamers, but, what they all wanted was a clean DACA bill

Durbin also co-sponsored a bill called the Dream Act that would have made the Obama-era DACA program permanent, though it would have included certain Republican demands such as ending the visa lottery and chain migration.

But the protesters on Thursday told the Crimson that the eliminations were unacceptable and Democrats should focus on guaranteeing rights to DACA recipients without any changes to the immigration policies.

If Democrats want to go down this road, they’ll get nothing. Republicans, who control the House and have a bare majority in the Senate, will not vote for a “clean” DACA bill, and, if they managed to do so, Trump would most likely not sign it. Putting one into law would be a guarantee of a midterm wipeout for the GOP, more losses in 2020, and Trump losing in a landslide in 2020, as Republican voters would refuse to vote GOP.

“When we needed them to hold the line down for us, they weren’t doing that,” Hyo-won “Esther” Jeon – a DACA recipient – told the paper, noting that Democrats must use government shutdowns as leverage to pass progressive legislation. “Every time they kick the can down the road, all they’re doing is making people more vulnerable to deportation.”

“I know that if the Dream Act passes and it’s not a clean Dream Act, I would feel nothing but guilt that this is what it took for me to become a U.S. citizen,” student Laura S. Veira said at the event.

How cute: people who are unlawfully present in the U.S. attempting to dictate the terms of our politics. Dictating the terms of how they can be legalized. One would think that Dreamers would be humble and saying “please” and “thank you”, not demanding and overbearing. If Laura would feel guilty, well, she can leave. It’s amazing that she’s telling the Democrats to keep shutting the government down so she can get cheap, easy citizenship. The Harvard Crimson ends with this line from Laura

“I don’t remember a time where I constantly didn’t wish for papers,” Veira said.

There’s an answer for that: apply for citizenship the lawful way. Do it like other people do. And don’t presume that you can tell the U.S. how it’s going to do things.

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7 Responses to “Illegal Alien Supporters Turn On Dick Durbin During Speech”

  1. Jeffery says:

    The H2N3 Influenza A virus has killed more Americans this year (including dozens of kids) than terrorists and immigrants combined. Does the “president” have a twittering to help this crisis?

    Drug overdoses kill more Americans EVERY month than terrorists and immigrants have killed in total.

    Lack of adequate health insurance kills more Americans each year than terrorists and immigrants have killed in total.

    But how do the Nu Cons spend all their efforts?

    • Hugh Evan-Thomas says:

      Jeffy, re flu deaths: hopefully, you’re next.

      • gitarcarver says:

        There are many things Jeffery is and we will never be friends, but wishing his death is, in my opinion, over the top.

        It’s wrong when he does it to others and it is wrong, in my opinion, to wish it on him.

        Just sayin’…….

    • david7134 says:

      It is not necessarily the flu that is killing people. Certainly flu is being blamed but there are several “super bugs” that are causing problems and death. No health care system can easily see this coming. Now, how do I know that? Because the first of December I almost died with a non-pathogenic strep. I was in septic shock with all systems stopping, especially kidneys. Now, I have the best insurance you can get, but if I had delayed just a few minutes in going to the ER, I would have died. All Americans have this privilege, so what is your problem other than ignorance.

      • Jeffery says:


        My sympathy for your health issues. Septic shock and multi organ failure are little appreciated causes of morbidity and mortality, resulting in hundreds of thousands of deaths each year. We’re glad you have the best health insurance you can get, but understand not every American does. We’re glad you survived.

        My problem is that slashing public health funding and kicking people off their health insurance harms the nation.

        Do you favor cutting NIH and CDC funding?

  2. Jl says:

    And automobiles kill about 30,000 ppl a year so let’s just ignore that homicide down the street……

    • Jeffery says:

      About 10,000 involving drunk driving. Should we invest $25 billion nationally in drunk driving prevention? That could save 9,900 Americans more than the Wall.

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