If the shark attacks decrease this year, will that be blamed on “global warming”, too?
(UK Daily Mail) Â Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water.
As the summer beach season opens across the United States, experts are warning beach goers to take extra precautions as they predict a record number of shark attacks this year.
George Burgess, director of the International Shark Attack File at the University of Florida, warned that the United States could expect more than 100 attacks this year – thanks, in part, to global warming.
‘We should have more bites this year than last,’ Burgess, said in an interview shortly before the Memorial Day holiday weekend that signals the unofficial start of America’s summer vacation – and beach – season.
Also mentioned are shark populations increasing from historic lows in the 1990’s, and having more and more people going to the beach. But, hey, it’s still mostly due to global warming, probably from all those “climate scientists” traveling around the world on fossil fueled vehicles. Nah, probably all those people taking fossil fueled trips to the beach, so, hey, they deserve it.
And if we were all willing to pay big taxes, the sharks would just stop biting people. This is all a big scam based on scaremongering and drafting Madam Zelda to use her tea leaves upon the computer models.

No Teach the article doesn’t say that an increase will be mostly because of warming water
It says that will be only one of several reasons
Try to be more accurate
The US “could” expect more attacks. Or, it could not. How very scientific.