Now that the memorial to Michael Brown has been knocked down multiple times, being that it is in the middle of the road, Ferguson has decided to go a different route
(The Hill) The mayor of Ferguson, Mo., announced on Wednesday that his city would construct a permanent memorial to Michael Brown, the unarmed teenager shot and killed by a police officer there last summer.
Mayor James Knowles III said that the tribute would honor Brown’s memory at Canfield Drive, according to the Associated Press.
Will this permanent memorial show the gentle giant stealing cigars, assaulting the clerk, walking in the middle of the road, assaulting an officer of the law, attempting to take his service weapon, running away after a shot was fired, then returning to charge the duly sworn officer? Will it perhaps have a saying such as “he made his bed, now he has to lie in it”?
Only in Liberal World do they celebrate a criminal. Of course, Liberals have taken other criminals and bad actors, such as Mumia, Tookie Williams (who’s been executed, of course), Che Guerra, Hugo Chavez, Saddam Hussein, Islamists, Stalin, Mao, Castro, illegal aliens, Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton (can you imagine the outcry from Liberals if Bill was a Republican, and had been accused of rape and sexual assault?) to heart, embracing them.
Wilson resigned over his role in the incident last November. Neither a St. Louis County grand jury nor the Department of Justice (DOJ) pursued criminal charges against the officer for his actions.
In other words, the both found that Officer Darren Wilson did not break the law. Michael Brown did. They’re going to erect a memorial to a thug and criminal.
Hey, maybe the memorial can feature a picture of Ferguson residents looting their own neighborhoods, stealing hair car products for “justice”.

While I agree that EVERYONE has a right to self defense if attacked like the officer has claimed,I am also one that requires evidence that this shooting was actually in response to self defense and not some power trip as may happen with people in positions of authority over others.
My questions create a sense of dishonesty on the side of the state regarding this case.
Why have we never seen a police dash cam audio or video of the engagement? In my experience, when an officer engadges an interaction with anyone, they are required to record. Usually activated on their lapel. But no video or audio released to the public. But there was an amazing ability to release store surveillance video very quickly to the public. Why is this? Is there a biased agenda by the state? That’s one question.
Why did the officer pull up to the subjects so close that when he opened his door there could be a debate whether the door was closed by Michael brown or bounced off Michael brown. Doesn’t seem safe for both the officer or the subjects to drive that close to pedestrians in the street. And is this the proper procedure taught to officers on handling such and Engagement?
When the transcripts were released of the grand jury assembly regarding the possible indictment of officer Wilson, why did the prosecutor encourage no indictment. This is not the role of a prosecutor to act as a legal defense attorney during a grand jury assembly. The role of the prosecutor is to seek an indictment. Why was a grand jury used in this case to begin with? All states have rendered the grand jury a moot point since prosecutors can write their own indictments without the intervention of a grand jury. No grand jury was needed for an indictment of the officer yet a grand jury was assembled and the prosecutor discouraged the indictment.
I don’t believe criminals should be honored it worshipped, but I also don’t believe two wrongs make a right. I see too many issues and questions that lead me to believe that the state was not transparent and honest in this case and because Michael brown is a criminal that we should just look the other way. This is dangerous to law abiding citizens when the law itself can be disregarding by those we trust to uphold it.
When one mans liberties are at stake, all of ours are at stake. Even if the guy is not someone you like.
Sorry for any typos and errors. This was done from my cellphone.
Teach attacks the memory of dead teenager. Classy move.
If Mr. Brown had been convicted of stealing cigars and of defying the orders of an officer, would he have been sentenced to getting shot several times?
How soon do you think we’ll hear that Mr. Brown’s killer (now in hiding) has threatened his wife and had a shootout with a driver?
My father and 2 uncles were liberals they all volunteered to fight Hitler who was before Pearl well liked by conservatives you dishonor all those who fought against the right wing conservatives of Mazi Germany and the militarists of Japan
You sound like one of those nuts that would have preferred us yo be aligned with Germany and Japan in WWII
Ferguson has helped the USA see the rotten underbelly of raaaaacism in the USA
Read this article at the Washington Post by Johnathan Capehart.
Brown would still be alive if he hadn’t tried to take the gun of the police officer.
And John, are the personal attacks against our host really warranted?
Michael Brown was no black “gentle giant†shot in cold blood by a white police officer. Brown was an unrepentant thug killed by a good cop protecting himself in self defense.
Jeffrey ridiculously wrote:
Nope. Trouble is, you failed to mention Mr Brown, high on drugs, reaching into the police cruiser and attempting to seize Officer Wilson’s service weapon . . . something which can, and did, lead to Mr Brown being shot several times.
Had Mr Brown done only what you said, he’d almost certainly have been treated too leniently; since he chose to do something else, he wound up being treated not so leniently. I have a difficult time seeing Ferguson being better off with Mr Brown alive in it.
If by “ridiculously”, you mean “correctly”.
The difference, of course, is evidence. All we have is the killer’s word that Mr. Brown attacked him.
It’s easy for two men to keep a secret when one of them is dead.
Dana tellingly typed:
Most other white supremacists agree with you, regardless of circumstances. That said:
I have a difficult time seeing America being better off with Dana alive in it.
I have a difficult time seeing America being better off with Teach alive in it.
I have a difficult time seeing America being better off with Rush Limbaugh alive in it.
I have a difficult time seeing America being better off with Republicans alive in it.
I have a difficult time seeing America being better off with conservatives alive in it.
I have a difficult time seeing America being better off with Tea Partiers alive in it.
I have a difficult time seeing America being better off with FOX News alive in it.
I have a difficult time seeing America being better off with Sarah Palin alive in it.
I have a difficult time seeing America being better off with Ronald Reagan alive in it.
I have a difficult time seeing America being better off with Ted Nugent alive in it.
This is easy. Fun, too!
Jeffery, “All we have is the killer’s word that Mr. Brown attacked him.”
The physical evidence supports what Officer Wilson stated. Please read the Washpo article I linked to above.
Further, the DOJ found that Wilson’s actions “do not constitute a prosecutable violation†and there “is no evidence upon which prosecutors can rely to disprove Wilson’s stated subjective belief that he feared for his safety.â€
No, I attack treating a criminal who brought about his own death by his own violent actions as some sort of martyr.
Jeffry doubles down:
Except, of course, we have more than just Officer Wilson’s word for it; we have physical evidence which is in line with the officer’s story, and which contradicts the story given by Mr Brown’s accomplice.
But, ’tis the liberal meme that Mr Brown was just a “gentle giant,” who never got into any trouble . . . until he was caught, on tape, roughing up a shopkeeper half his size during a petty theft. It was just a typical liberal meme that Mr Brown never did anything wrong . . . until the autopsy showed that he was a drug user.
I had hoped that you were one of the more reasonable liberals, who could understand that there were some bad guys out there, and that some of them were black. Alas! It seems as though Teh Narrative, that a wicked white policeman gunned down an Innocent Black Teenager has stuck with you far more than has the actual evidence.
Jeffrey wrote, in part:
And what do our esteemed host, Mr Limbaugh and I have in common? Why, we all work for a living, and we all pay our taxes. None of us are perfect, of course, but I’ve never roughed up a shopkeeper half my size and robbed a convenience store, and I’d guess that neither have Messrs Limbaugh and Teach. I’m trying to figure out just how you believe America would be better off without the taxpayers who are supporting the tax takers; without us, all of the welfare moochers you support would go hungry.
Look at what it is you support, Jeffrey! You are supporting criminals over policemen, welfare moochers over taxpayers, illegal immigrants over law-abiding citizens, and who knows how many other cockamamie causes over traditional normality, morality and thriftiness.
The fallacy I see in all of this back and forth is that it seems as though you have to choose one side over the other.
Whatever happened to impartiality in this country???
I tend to be pegged as a conservative or tea partier sometimes or as a liberal other times just because I don’t believe the narrative given to me by government or the media.
I rely on evidence and facts. I like to remain impartial as well. Yes, we all have biases that can cloud our fair judgement over issues we come across, but it seems as though we as a society like to divide every issue across conservative vs. liberal rather than supporting a truly impartial position as an American who wants justice to protected from those both within and outside of government who have their own agendas.
I don’t support Michael Browns actions. And the whole world got to see the video evidence of Michael Browns actions in the store. That is an undeniable truth we can all accept.
The question still remains…. Where is the audio and or video from the squad car regarding the incident leading up to the shooting of Michael Brown?????
We all know that police officers record the enroute and interaction of officers with the public. There is a dash cam and a lapel audio recorder on the officer.
Whenever I need this information I go down to the records department at the police station and pay $10 and I get a wonderful DVD with the entire incident from before arriving to all the way to the police station because the camera is always rolling. It even shows lights and sirens coming on and off, which doors are opened and closed. Our government documents EVERYTHING!
So where is this information at????? Why only release the evidence to prove Michael Brown engadged in illegal activity before a completely different incident took place but fail to release to the public any documentation of evidence regarding the incident itself???? You can’t say they just don’t record anything in that city!
So my question has yet to be answered… Why are we left with the word of one living man over the silence of a dead man in the street?
Where is the honesty and transparency in that situation?
If you have nothing to hide then why does it seem like there is no full disclosure here?? Why would the state want to allow this distrust to persist by not releasing all the evidence to the public?
If I am wrong and there is in fact a full recoding from the squad car available, please send me the link.
Thank you.
If I am wrong and there is in fact a full recoding from the squad car available, please send me the link.
You are wrong not because you haven’t see the video but because there is no video to see.
Well then, I guess case closed because it will always be one person’s word vs the other(or silence).
Only God knows the truth and of course he will be the judge in the end of all things anyways.
Guess I’m glad I don’t live in Missouri where they can’t afford to protect both the officers and the people with evidence brought forth with dash cams.
I live in davenport, IA. We must be like the jetsons and have superior equipment. We will soon be flying in cars while ferguson will be driving horse and buggies I guess.
I see nothing great coming out of that community and its failed government….
Btw, no need to argue about this anymore as we all know no one will ever know the truth at this point….
The Michael not surnamed Brown wrote:
Well, maybe, but it ought to be obvious that a lower-income town like Ferguson — and a lot of other towns — don’t always have the money for all of the newer equipment. There are lots of things my small town doesn’t have, because we just don’t have the money.
A population of just over 20,000 and 18 patrol cars. The claimed cost of each camera plus installation is $3,000 each.
Yet they can afford tear gas, rubber bullets, tactical vehicles, and a militarized response to protests.
I can tell you that many cities and states have either tried to avoid dash cams/body cams and in places that do have this technology installed, the state has tried to make the videos not public information and only available through legal process. Even the supreme courts of those states have declared they are not public information. I guess they are not public entities that have used public funding to acquire the equipment???
We have fought for transparency and open government in our community and we got it…. Has nothing to do with money. Government uses force to get money… It’s not like they have to wait for people to donate. Ferguson has been know to be good at collecting money through traffic stops… I’m sure they have no problem raising money for cameras. Trust me.
Politics is not my thing but its sure apparent the more I read things by certain people on this website that politics drive them. AGW just seems to be another vessel in which to reach their political destination.
My goodness. You all work to destroy America from within, obviously. Mr. Brown was a petty criminal, at worst.
You also live in the 7th most violent city in Iowa and a crime rate above the national average.
Of course, the tactical vehicles and the “militarized response” was supported from outside the city, but don’t let the facts get in your way.
There are no winners in the Ferguson case. We know that Brown was more than a “petty criminal” as described by Jeffery as the strong are robbery and assault on a police officer are both felonies. At the same time, Wilson was part of a police department that has racial issues to say the least. Whether those racial issues were on display when Brown was shot doesn’t seem to be the case, but you never know.
The fact of the matter is that we should not be erecting statues to honor criminals.
Ronald Reagan?
George W. Bush?
“At the worst Brown was a petty criminal..” A petty criminal doesn’t try and take a police officer’s gun. Instead of petty did you mean to say “pretty”, as in a “pretty stupid criminal” tried to take an officer’s gun? George Bush and Ronald Reagan are/were criminals? How so? But soon you’ll probably be able to add Hilary Clinton to that list.
Oh look. Jeffery thinks he is being cute by trying to equate a president with a common thug.
Not surprisingly, Jeffery omitted Clinton who was actually convicted of something.
I wonder why he would omit that name?
Actually, as I stated, Ronald Reagan damaged the US more than Michael Brown ever could.
They are not equals. Ronald Reagan was a much worse thug than Michael Brown. He sold weapons to Iran and used the proceeds to fund the Contras in Nicaragua. Brown stole some cigars.
The thug George W. Bush and his henchmen took the US into a war under false pretenses, killing thousands of brave Americans and wasting over a trillion dollars. They ruined America’s good name by torturing detainees.
Both thugs Reagan and Bush damaged America much more by their criminal acts than did Clinton with his.
And how many of the Wall Street thugs that cost ordinary American citizens 100s of billions of dollars got shot several times?
That’s a reach little jeffy.
You just got ass raped.
Give it up.
When you have to change the subject that badly, Jeffery, you’ve effectively conceded your “argument”.
Jeffrey goes off the deep end:
Really? Saying that people should do something really radical like work for a living is destroying America from within? Pointing out that some politically-favored criminals are still criminals is destroying America from within? Noting that the warmists are huge hypocrites who tell the rest of us what to do while ignoring their own advice is destroying America from within? Paying our taxes, as much as we hate them, whilst half of the very-well-paid leftist hosts at MSNBC don’t is destroying America from within?
Oh, wait, now I get it: it is our challenging the fairy tales and cockamamie programs of the left, now that is destroying America from within!
The Michael not surnamed Brown wrote:
Different decision taking. $3000 x 18 police cars is $54,000, or possibly one more officer’s salary; that’s the kind of decision which is considered with some time to weigh the options. When you have rioters in the streets, you grab whatever you have, and maybe get some supplies from neighboring departments, and go into action.
Not that it matters: had Officer Wilson been wearing a body cam, and it clearly showed him being assaulted by Mr Brown, the good citizens of Ferguson would have rioted anyway, because that was what they wanted to do, and that’s what the race-hustlers like the Rev Al Sharpton hurried down there to encourage.