If you’re a Warmist, you should immediately stop using the Internet
Your Binge-Watching Is Making the Planet Warmer
YOU RECYCLE. YOU ride your bike to work. You bring your own bags to the grocery. You might think you’re a good environmentalist. But those cat videos, TED talks, and Netflix original series you watch to unwind might be slowly killing the planet.
That’s the word from Greenpeace’s latest Clicking Clean report, which evaluates the clean energy initiatives of many different internet companies.
While we’re used to thinking about our environmental impact in terms of how much trash we throw out, how much we drive, and how much electricity we use in our homes, the report highlights the ways that our internet usage has environmental effects that we never see.
It’s a small percentage of the overall “carbon pollution”, but every bit hurts, so, to save Gaia, please stop using the web, Warmists. Do your part.

Or… transition to renewable sources for electricity! You CAN eat your cake and have it too.
See. We don’t have to live in caves as conservatives insist.
And do you really want to shut down the internet? How will you get any attention? Back to harassing women at clinics?
More nonsense from the Greenpeace bullshit factory.
Not really worth commenting on
[…] Via Pirates Cove comes the latest example of the pessimism pf the Left […]
“Back to harassing women at clinics?” Is that sorta like “back to harassing conservative speakers at liberal colleges?”
…, the report highlights the ways that our internet usage has environmental effects that we never see.
Kinda like the whole CAGW hoax.