You just had to know that the Cult Of Climastrology would be out in force after yesterdays tornadoes. Not one measure of sympathy, but, plenty of bat guano insanity
Tornadoes Tear Through Central US: At least 29 tornado sightings had been reported across the s… #climatechange
— 350 San Francisco (@350SF) May 7, 2015
We couldn’t have nuttbaggery without a member (more below the fold)
Oh, and, hey, because tornadoes never ever hit Germany
'Tornado' hits Germany, leaving extensive damage: @guardian #climatechange or a normal but very rare event?
— LifeMachine (@lifemachine) May 6, 2015

If only we didn’t emit so much CO2 today, perhaps tornadoes would not exist, since they only started occurring a few years ago according to my AGW believer friends.
It is my current theory that we emit SO much CO2 today, that it affected the past – causing tornadoes in the 1930s and 40s. Some sort of time-wormhole was created.
Do you remember ‘The Wizard of Oz’? Yeah, I’m pretty sure we caused that, with our CO2 addiction.
Do we really want to strand little girls in weird lands away from their parents? I don’t think so. Let’s stop making CO2 and prevent tornadoes. I’ll start. I’ll hold my breath so I don’t exhale any carbon dioooooooooo…