It was rather wise for Ted Cruz to announce early that he’s officially running for president: it brings that bat guano insane from Liberals out into the open early, so it can be knocked down. Ezra Klein provides one of the more laughable “articles”
If you guessed Sen. Ted Cruz would launch his presidential campaign by remixing John Lennon’s “Imagine,” well, you win the pool.
Cruz, a former national debater, is an excellent speaker. And he doesn’t just dish red meat. His announcement at Liberty University had the friendly, looping cadence of a megachurch preacher. He walked the stage confidently. He bantered with the crowd. He told stories. He was as comfortable talking Obamacare as he is layering on schmaltz. Liberals who have come to expect a conservative firebreather will be disappointed.
But there was an odd note twanging through his address, and it took to an anonymous student on the social networking app YikYak to point it out: “Imagining this guy actually fulfilling these promises.”
The word Cruz kept coming back to — “imagine” — was a bit of a dodge. He asked his audience at the evangelical Christian university to imagine a more conservative world. He asked them to imagine a flat tax, and the full repeal of Obamacare, and a government that stands against gay marriage and with Bibi Netanyahu. But he didn’t tell them how to achieve it — save for the implied vote for Cruz. The speech ended up feeling like a cross between CPAC and The Secret.
Which leads to this subhead
Imagination is not a plan
Really? Remember, Ezra Klein was and is a BIG supporter of Barack Obama, whose entire 2008 campaign was based on “Hope and Change”, and nothing more. Cruz has shown that he has plans. He has been active in the Senate. What did Obama do, other than avoid any difficult votes?
Vox’s Timothy B. Lee also makes a big deal out of the fact that the donation page doesn’t use SSL, but was forced to create a correction
Correction:Â This article originally stated that the site doesn’t use SSL encryption at all. In fact, the submission of the credit card data is encrypted, but the lack of encryption for the donation page as a whole creates unnecessary risks for user security, as explained above.
That is something that Team Cruz needs to fix, right? Oops. They already have. Again, remember that Obama’s website was barely using any security at all, and liberals poo poo’d it.
The NY Times’ Alan Rappeport weighs in on the Cruz birtherism meme, and, unsurprisingly, fails to 100% say “he’s eligible”. It’s not a big surprise, seeing as how the Times ran two “just wondering” articles, in February and July 2008, about whether McCain was actually eligible. Then we have moonbattery from Think Progress
The evidence supporting that assumption is rather thin, but, then, Liberals often do not tend to actually read beyond the headline, so the talking point will simply be that Cruz is part of the He Man Woman Haters Club. Despite doting on his wife and two daughters. Much of the evidence is simply that on some issues, women support it more than men, such as with repealing Ocare, and that women support the contraception mandate (ie, forcing Other People to pay for birth control) 65%. Which leads to
A Flat Tax And Abolishing The IRS
“Instead of a tax code that crushes innovation, that imposes burdens on families struggling to make ends met, imagine a simple flat tax. Imagine abolishing the IRS.,†he said.
There’s little polling on a flat tax or abolishing the IRS specifically, since it mostly hasn’t been a serious policy proposal from either party. The last candidate to propose a flat tax was Herman Cain with his 9-9-9 proposal in 2012. That proposal was 10 points more popular with men than with women.
So, no real evidence, but somehow that’s “anti-woman”.
On immigration reform, abortion and same sex marriage, gun control, government data collection, school choice and Common Core, and foreign policy, women poll different from men, so, this is the so-called evidence that Cruz is anti-women. Will this be the new dynamic, that a simple slight difference of opinion is part of the War on Women? Of course, it’s Democrats who want to disarm the law abiding population, especially women, leaving them more vulnerable to criminals, who do not care about the law.
Anyhow, Democrats are cheering for Ted, because
The launch of Sen. Ted Cruz’s presidential bid Monday has prompted an outpouring of excitement and delight — from Democrats.
To liberal activists, the firebrand Texan is much too far to the right for the nation at large and too extreme to even win the Republican nomination.
But they want nothing more than for him to run strongly throughout the primary season. The more momentum he develops, they argue, the more likely he is to push the eventual GOP nominee further to the right than that person will want to go.
Be careful what you wish for. They said Ronald Reagan was too far to the Right, in both 1980 and 1984, and look how that turned out. Especially when you have someone who can speak and think as well on stage as Cruz can. Teleprompter? He don’t need no stinkin’ teleprompter!
Crossed at Right Wing News.

I agree, dems should be careful what they wish for. If the republican establishment is unable to derail Cruz and he wins the nomination, the american people are going to see a very intelligent, articulate, principled and friendly candidate.
As you mention, they said a lot of negative things about Reagan. Problem was, when people got a chance to actually listen to Reagan, they found out he wasn’t the right wing bogeyman the left and media (BIRM) had tried to portray him as.
Neither did Hitler!
America may be susceptible today to another Reagan, who primed the decline of modern America. President Cruz would finish what Reagan started. But Cruz is no Reagan. As it’s said of Cruz, “He’s never met a man who liked him”.
The likelihood of the oleaginous Cruz being elected is remote, but not impossible. We elected Reagan. Twice.
Reagan WAS the right-wing bogeyman described, but he was wrapped in Hollywood-practiced nice.
Cruz has admitted to being born in Kenyada
The northers know this
Plus doesn’t hd believe in unicorns?
He is also on record as thinking that climate change is a hoax
This is not mainstream
As if to prove our host’s point, Jeffrey wrote, almost as if on cue:
Let the games begin.
Listen, Rafi Cruz is no more anti-woman than the average RWNJ. His policy prescriptions will harm American men and women equally, it’s just that women oppose his policies more than men.
He touted the flat tax? For real? And this is a “smart” Repubicun? Ask actual working Americans how they’d feel about their income taxes increasing so that me, Paris Hilton, Charles Koch, Rush Limbaugh, Rafi Cruz, Stephen King, Barack Obama, Lebron James, Angelina Jolie and Mrs. Greenspan can pay less in income taxes.
I recall in 1980 thinking that we should just elect Reagan, let him ruin America, but finally put to rest the conservative lie. Boy, was I ever wrong! We elected Reagan, not once, but twice, and he set America on the self-destructive conservative course, changed the nature of America, and we haven’t recovered. We may never. Cruz would finally finish what Reagan started – bringing the American people to their knees.
If you’re lucky, his speechmaking skills will be the only qualities he shares with Der Fuhrer!
But I suspect most RWNJs would be OK if he possessed a few other 1930s German qualities.
We get it. You love it when one of yours (Newt, Rush, Sarah, Rafi etc) give it to those smart aleck libs who look down their noses at you, and give all your jobs to Mexicans and Negroes. Here’s an actual Ivy League elite telling you the stories you want to here! But always remember two things: One, when you get a boner when a Rafi Cruz speaks, 23% of Americans agree with you, and two, the Earth continues to warm from the CO2 we keep adding to the atmosphere.
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[…] The Pirate’s Cove – Ted Cruz Presidential Announcement Brings The Liberal Moonbattery Out In Force […]
[…] The Pirate’s Cove – Ted Cruz Presidential Announcement Brings The Liberal Moonbattery Out In Force […]
[…] The Pirate’s Cove – Ted Cruz Presidential Announcement Brings The Liberal Moonbattery Out In Force […]
[…] The Pirate’s Cove – Ted Cruz Presidential Announcement Brings The Liberal Moonbattery Out In Force […]
[…] The Pirate’s Cove – Ted Cruz Presidential Announcement Brings The Liberal Moonbattery Out In Force […]
[…] The Pirate’s Cove – Ted Cruz Presidential Announcement Brings The Liberal Moonbattery Out In Force […]