How perfect. Of course, CBS News failed to see the irony, because, of course, snow, especially snow on the first day of spring, is now being blamed on too much heat
About 1,200 middle school children trudged through the latest snow storm to the United Nations General Assembly on Friday evening to hear hip hop singer and producer Pharrell Williams talk about climate change.
Sadly, CBS refused to provide a picture of the kids trudging through the snow to hear about Hotcoldwetdry. But, they have Pharrell
.@Pharrell brings "Happy" message to United Nations on #InternationalDayOfHappiness
— CBS News (@CBSNews) March 21, 2015
I love the Marxist revolutionary hat.
The U.N. sponsored the event, along the U.N. Foundation and MixRadio, to celebrate International Day of Happiness, established by the world organization in 2012. It transformed a normally conflict-focused, staid venue into a dramatically “happy” environment with a clear message: The next generation needs to pay attention to climate change.
Wonderful: they’re using the International Day Of Happiness to stoke the flames of fearmongering regarding “climate change”, which makes kids into neurotic wrecks.
BTW, how much electricity does the UN building use? Electricity is Bad for “climate change”, you know.

It snowed in March in NYC, therefore there is no global warming!!
If conservatives would act like grown-ups and actually work for the betterment of the world that these children they continually use as political props will inherit there would be less confrontation and worry.
But conservatives have circled the wagons to support and defend fossil fuels industry to the detriment of the Earth and our children.
Not having enough food, unemployed parents, poor childcare, poor schools, parents working two jobs, no transportation, poverty, constant war… these factors weigh on children, too.
Grown-ups are supposed to protect and nurture children, which may explain why conservatives are not up to the job.
Instead of Pharrell, they need to have climitoligists talk about climate change. Not a songwriter. The problem is they can’t find one.
This is more about propaganda than science. Why is it that we only hear from celebrities and politicians on this topic?
Left wing people care about humanity but hate people. Right wing people care about people but hate humanity.
>Grown-ups are supposed to protect and nurture children, which may explain why conservatives are not up to the job.
I think if a survey was taken, right wing people are far far far better at protecting and nurturing their children than left wing people are.
They are almost always richer and therefore they have the resources.
Another sign of the decline and politicization of education.
When I was a child we took field trips to museums and historic sites. We learned about natural history, archeology, geology, art, the Founding Fathers, the early settlers, Native Americans, the War Of Independence, the War Of 1812, the Civil War, the Civil Rights Movement, seats of government, and more.
Now schoolkids go to see a vapid hip-hop musician pontificate on a topic that he has no qualifications to speak on.
“Support the fossil fuel industry to the detriment of the earth and our children.” On the contrary, the fossil fuel industry and all products produced that use petroleum have been one of the greatest benefits of mankind. Why would you want to deprive the poor children of the world the access to cheap energy so they can thrive?
Of course the climate truthers know more about science than the U.S. Navy which has for over a decade believed in AGW
Climate deniers insult our military by telling us that our military are fools
Our use of fossil fuels HAS been a great benefit to humankind; so was the discovery of fire, and burning wood as fuel. Why on Earth did we ever switch to burning coal? And since we had/have so much coal why did we start burning gas and oil?
Fossil fuel based energy is only cheap if you ignore the costs – this is the basis for global warming Denialism. The fossil fuels era of human civilization is coming to an end.
If you are really concerned (haha) about the world’s poor, we can shift the major pollution regions, the US, China, EU to zero emissions and allow and assist African nations in developing fossil fuel based energy supplies. It’s precious watching conservatives use Africans as political props. Just precious.
If the military believe in climate change then they simply trust the sources that tell them that it is true.
Many scientists may believe for the same reason. They believe the politicians (and now musicians) that tell them so, without fact checking for them selves.
How do you know the military believe in climate change. Have you fact checked this?
Also, the military is a large organization. So the real question is who precisely in the military believes in AGW.
Or is it simply their political stance taken for political reasons while in reality the individual members do not.
I have not seen any Admirals coming out and saying so. I do not see the rush to convert to nuclear powered warships.
So you think climate scientists aren’t able to evaluate their own data and believe what politicians and musicians tell them. How embarrassing for you.
Yes, our military organizations, most corporations, scientific organizations, national academies of science, scientists and governments accept the overwhelming evidence that the Earth is warming from humans adding CO2 to the atmosphere. Maybe Pharrell Williams has fooled them all, but it seems unlikely. Pharrell is entitled to his informed opinion just as you are entitled to your less-informed one.
>So you think climate scientists aren’t able to evaluate their own data and believe what politicians and musicians tell them.
Not Climate scientists, …scientists from other fields. and yes most are able to evaluate the data but they don’t. They trust the source.
Now many are having secound thoughts including former members of IPCC.
Public sectors may have an “official” public stance but the individuals in them do not.
Where does it say that they do by the way other than media and bloggers conjecture that they do.
Pharrell Williams trusts the source but I bet he knows very little about AGW.
He is also a strong Christian and I will bet he has never heard of Mithra.
>Pharrell is entitled to his opinion.
Yes he does, but he should not be exploited by warmers for propaganda purposes.