The Religion Of Peace at work
(Japan Times) Despite an unusual lull that had raised hopes hostage Kenji Goto might be freed, many in Japan were shocked Sunday to learn the Islamic State group had apparently executed him.
In a new video posted online early in the morning, the same masked man seen in previous Islamic State hostage videos is shown standing next to Goto, who is kneeling in an orange jumpsuit.
Brandishing a knife and speaking in his familiar British-accented English, he says: “To the Japanese government. You, like your foolish allies in the satanic coalition, have yet to understand that we, by Allah’s grace, are a large Islamic caliphate with authority and power and an entire army thirsty for your blood.
“Abe, because of your decision to take part in an unwinnable war, this knife will not only slaughter Kenji but will carry on and also cause carnage wherever your people are found. So let the nightmare for Japan begin.â€
After apparently calling out Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, the man applies the knife to Goto’s throat before the video fades to black and shows an image of the journalist’s head resting on his decapitated body.
Terrible, but not unexpected, news. The White House released this statement
The United States condemns the heinous murder of Japanese citizen and journalist Kenji Goto by the terrorist group ISIL. Through his reporting, Mr. Goto courageously sought to convey the plight of the Syrian people to the outside world. Our thoughts are with Mr. Goto’s family and loved ones, and we stand today in solidarity with Prime Minister Abe and the Japanese people in denouncing this barbaric act. We applaud Japan’s steadfast commitment to advancing peace and prosperity in the Middle East and globally, including its generous assistance for innocent people affected by the conflicts in the region.  Standing together with a broad coalition of allies and partners, the United States will continue taking decisive action to degrade and ultimately destroy ISIL.
Very nice, but do you notice what is missing? Any mention of Islamic radicalism. It’s nice that ISIL was referred to as a “terrorist group”, but, can you imagine had this done by a far right group, what the response would have been? Barack Obama, along with so many others on the political left, as well as numerous world leaders, refuse to acknowledge that these terrorists are Muslims, and are doing what they do in the name of Allah and Mohammed. Bernie Goldber wrote, regarding Obama and his team blowing off the Paris march
This is a president who won’t even acknowledge that the Islamic State is … Islamic. Despite the fact that the stated goal of the ISIS jihadists is to create a caliphate in the Middle East, President Obama said the organization “is not Islamic.†He also said they’re not even part of the Muslim religion.
You have to wonder if Mr. Obama thinks that by not linking the words Islamic and terrorism that somehow Islamic terrorism doesn’t really exist. Howard Dean, another so-called progressive, recently said on MSNBC (where else?) that those that many of us call Muslim terrorists are not really Muslims because Islam is a religion of peace. George Orwell must be smiling.
Referring back to the original article
Brandishing a knife and speaking in his familiar British-accented English, he says: “To the Japanese government. You, like your foolish allies in the satanic coalition, have yet to understand that we, by Allah’s grace, are a large Islamic caliphate with authority and power and an entire army thirsty for your blood.
Apparently, that type of talk means that ISIS “is not Islamic”.
This is not to blame all Muslims. Yet, there is certainly a major problem with Islam, in that so many are being radicalized. Most simply travel the road to being one of the hardcore peaceful radicals, believing in full on Sharia law, subjugation of women, gays should be hung, wanting a worldwide Caliphate, wanting all the Jews killed, and everything else that goes with this, but rarely ever getting violent themselves. Once in a while, they’ll perform an honor killing. And some will go further to become one of the hardcore fighters. Sticking your head in the sand won’t make the problem go away. Saying that groups like ISIS aren’t really Islamic won’t make the problem go away. The violence will continue, as will the spread of the radicalized version of Islam. Goto’s beheading is another sad example of how the Religion of Peace acts.
Crossed at Right Wing News.

In 2011, Christian Conservative Anders Brevik bombed a building killing 8, then murdered 69 (mostly teens) at a “liberal” camp.
Brevik made clear that his atrocities were politically and religiously motivated. He has written that he was inspired by Conservatives Pat Buchanan, Pam Geller, Robert Spencer and Daniel Pipes, among other architects of the new Conservatism. He was fully immersed and influenced by Conservative thought and hatred.
Did the Whitehouse refer to Brevik as a “Christianist terrorist”? Did the media? How did the media refer to Keith Luke, Richard Poplawski, Joshua Cartwright, Scott Roeder, Shawna Ford, James von Brunn, Joseph Andrew Stack, Brody James Whitaker, Matthew Fairfield, Jerry Kane, Donny Eugene Mower, Victor White, Kevin William Harpham, Ralph Lang, Cody Seth Crawford, David “Joey” Pedersen, Holly Ann Grigsby, Isaac Aguigui, Anson Chi, Wade Michael Page, Terry Lyn Smith, Frazier Glenn Miller, Jerad and Amanda Miller, Larry Steve McQuilliams, Eric Frein and on and on and on with most conspiracies fortunately interrupted by authorities. Thank goodness that in America we keep a watchful eye on our far-right terrorist wannabes.
Did moderate Christians or Conservatives decry these acts of terrorism committed by their own.
In America, right wing terrorists, while not a great threat, are still a greater threat than Islamic terrorists.
Hey I have a great idea let’s overthrow Saddam a secular despot and allow democracy to bloom in the Mideast !!
Said no no one. Ever.
Thanks W!!!
In the US there’s been at least 111 right-wing attacks or right-wing anti-democracy plots stopped since right-wing terrorist Timothy McVeigh killed all those people (including 19 innocent children). The pace picked up after that Black Kenyan Muslim was elected President, but then again the right-wing always goes more nutter-butter under a Democratic President.
If you and John do not understand the issue with Islam, then it demonstrates how your brains are really not functioning. Add that to the fact that Gruber laid out the plan for passage of the ACA by appealing to the stupid people of American, a direct reference to people like you and John, and you can see that there is clearly something wrong with the way you think, with your knowledge base, your logic, etc. It does little good to point all the many problems with your comments. But one good example is your reference to an event in Norway. You clearly do not understand that the person who did that was crazy, much like you, and that he was a Nazi. I hate to tell you, but Nazis are socialist. That means they are closer to your faith than to the more libertarian leaning conservative elements in the US.
The religion of pieces strikes again. Just saw this interesting statistic- Muslims, which comprise 23% of the world’s population, have won a grand total of 11 Nobel Prizes. One of those 11 was terrorist Yasser Arafat. Jews, which comprise 0.2% of the world’s population, have won 187 Nobel Prizes. But I understand it’s kind of hard to evolve past the 7th century when you’re busy building bombs and planning terrorist attacks. Hey-I have a great idea. Let’s not overthrow Saddam and let him murder hundreds of thousands more of his own people. Let’s let him continue to build WMDs. Hell- for liberals he sounds like a good candidate for the Nobel Peace Prize. Let him continue to finance terrorist operations, shoot at American planes and defy the UN. Said no one, except liberals with a warped sense of moral equivalence.
the followers of mohammed show again why they are always the first guests invited to any party involving pedophilia, bestiality, murder, ignorance, hatred of women, repressed sexual urges, and my favorite sodomy is ok when they say its ok ….. must be that whole global warming thing makes them do it.
Sorry Jeffrey, but rewriting of fact the way you and your kind do not change reality. The Norway killer? A loner found to be insane then found to be competent when the outcry started. The rest of your list is comprised of individuals in Prison. Why? Because there is an outcry to investigate, ensnare, prosecute, and deliver justice. Your failure to accept reality creates absurd arguments that are difficult for a reasonable mind to grasp.
Almost all, if not everyone, you paint as a “Right Wing terrorist” was, at the onset without fact, gleefully connected to right wing groups and christian churches by most of the major media outlets. In all the cases it was found to have no basis of fact.
In spite of that you and the left wing lunacy that pollutes the internet with shoddy reporting and deliberate attempts to misreport the news insist that we are under threat from the baptist church down the street.