There’s a fine line between idiotic/scaremongering and irresponsible. Warmist propaganda frequently crosses that line. This article by CNBC’s Katy Barnato demolishes that line
Ebola outbreaks may become more frequent because of climate change, scientists have warned, as the deadly disease ravages four countries across West Africa.
Nearly 2,000 people have caught Ebola since the epidemic started in February. More than 1,000 people have died.
All four countries hit—Liberia, Sierra Leone, Guinea-Bissau and Nigeria—have declared public health emergencies, and the World Health Organization (WHO) has termed the outbreak “unprecedented”.
Scientists are uncertain why the current epidemic has proved more serious—both in number of cases and number of deaths—than its predecessors. However, some have pointed to meteorological data to show that previous outbreaks typically occur in clusters after sudden weather changes.
Some scientists believe global warming—and the subsequent increase in extreme weather—could be a factor behind in the virus’s ascendance.
Got that? They are uncertain. Heck, how Ebola outbreaks start is a big uncertain. They mostly have educated guesses as to where the virus spreads from (bats are a big conjecture), but not how the bats get it, nor other animals, nor do they have knowledge as to why outbreaks crop up then disappear. But, hey, they seem really, really sure as to “climate change” being a big factor. Remember, the original known outbreak occurred in 1976, when the media was Very Concerned over a looming ice age.
And, let’s face facts: there are ALWAYS going to be changes in the weather. There’s no reason to go blaming “climate change”, ie, man induced global warming. This was a truly irresponsible, fear mongering, non-scientific article, but, then, what do we expect from Warmists?

When the people in this religious cult want to know why many of us question the science and certainly have no use for the proposed remedies, they need look no further than statements like this.
Friday evening link dump
Dr. John: Rock’s Beloved Wild Card Hopefully Dr. Michael E. Mann Doesn’t Sue Me For This Column Please sue me, Dr. Mann. We’ll get more traffic. Why ‘Deniers’ are Always Wrong – Models can’t be falsified How do you falsify a computer