You’ve heard about the flag flap in NJ, right?
A photo of a New Jersey home flying a flag that resembled the flag of ISIS, the militant group being bombed by U.S. planes in Iraq, sparked alarm and a complaint to the Department of Homeland Security — but the home’s occupant said he meant no offense and was just expressing his religion.
Mark Dunaway told ABC News that he’s flown that black flag for the 10 years he’s lived in Garwood, New Jersey.
“I’m Muslim, and I fly a flag in front of my home that says I’m a Muslim,†he said.
Dunaway has flown the black flag — which bears the Arabic inscription familiar to Muslims, “There is no God but God, and Muhammad is the messenger of God†— every year during Ramadan, and every single Friday, he said. Having already had the flag up during Ramadan, he originally planned to keep it up until Friday.
Is he an Islamist, or just flying a flag for peaceful purposes? Only he knows in his heart. I’m inclined to give him the benefit of the doubt, particularly since Mr. Dunaway’s flag is not quite the same as the ISIS flag, which includes a reference to the Islamic state. That said, there was a situation that was a bit more dire
(ABC News) The Secret Service said it is “aware” of a photo that appeared to show an image of an ISIS flag in front of the White House.
If authentic, the photo showed a hand holding up an image of a flag for ISIS (also known as ISIL or Islamic State), displayed on a smartphone, on Pennsylvania Avenue in front of the White House fence. That area, closed off to street traffic, is frequented by thousands of tourists every day.
It was tweeted from an apparently pro-ISIS Twitter handle @sunna_rev on Aug. 9.
That should be a concern, yet, the only place I’ve seen this is by accident going through Yahoo News.
That might be a concern.