Here’s your real war on women
(CNS News) The number of women 16 and older not in the labor force climbed to a record high of 55,116,000 in April, according to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).
This means that there were 55,116,000 women 16 and older who were in the civilian nonsinstitutional population who not only did not have a job, they did not actively seek one in the last four weeks. That is up 428,000 from the 54,688,000 women who were not in the labor force in March.
In April, according to BLS, the labor force participation rate for women was 56.9 percent, down from 57.2 percent in March. The labor force participation rate, as calculated by the BLS, is based on the civilian non-institutional population, which is the number of people in the country 16 or older who are not in the military or an institution.
It’s no wonder James Carville recommended that Democrats not say the word “recovery” during the run up to the 2014 mid-terms: there is none. The economy is limping along. No amount of yammering about “income inequality” and votes on raising the minimum wage to $10.10 will hide the fact that the economy is not doing well. Remember, the 1st quarter 2014 saw a GDP of 0.1%. Democrats blamed this on the weather. Because weather never happened before. There’s always an excuse with these clowns. What there isn’t is true economic growth and a good jobs market, which seems to be hurting women. Well, really, everyone. Fortunately, women are now getting free contraception! Hooray, Obamanomics!

We are actually in a depression. We are matching the model of the depression in 1930. We even have a clone of FDR in office and he is making all the mistakes the FDR did and which kept the depression going.
Of course it’s the weather! More proof of global warming! ;-D