And by “international socialists”, I really mean international socialists. This comes to us from, the website of the International Socialist Organization
ON THIS year’s Earth Day, activists in cities around the U.S. held events as the nationwide Global Climate Convergence got underway.
The convergence was conceived as 10 days of activism, from Earth Day (April 22) to May Day (May 1), to draw the connections between the destruction of the environment and the struggles of working people. By highlighting these links, the convergence represented an important step in pointing to a real solution to climate change–one that sees environmental activists and working people as allies in a common struggle for environmental and social justice.
Is it any wonder that true Socialists, really, those who are enamored with old Soviet styled communism, are thrilled to incorporate “climate change” into their own far, far left doctrines? Linking “climate change” with May Day, another great Soviet holiday? Social justice and the proletariat? Class envy and manufactured division?

I believe this to be the real agenda of the climate change bunch. The ultimate control will be the exchange of carbon credits. They have already used this to control the policies of South American countries.
[…] Pirates Cove: Earth Day, Communism, ,and Climate Change […]