Let the scaremongering and hysteria commence!
(The Hill) Several House Democrats are calling on Congress to recognize that climate change is hurting women more than men, and could even drive poor women to “transactional sex” for survival.
The resolution, from Rep. Barbara Lee (D-Calif.) and a dozen other Democrats, says the results of climate change include drought and reduced agricultural output. It says these changes can be particularly harmful for women.
“[F]ood insecure women with limited socioeconomic resources may be vulnerable to situations such as sex work, transactional sex, and early marriage that put them at risk for HIV, STIs, unplanned pregnancy, and poor reproductive health,” it says.
Well, then it’s good that the warming has pretty much been negligible, statistically insignificant, if you will, since 1990, with a miniscule .28F increase, and a lilliputian .14F increase since 1997.
Finally, it encourages the president to “integrate a gender approach in all policies and programs” related to climate change, and to ensure these policies “support women globally to prepare for, build resilience for, and adapt to climate change.”
So, the purpose here is to introduce serious gender politics into the already highly politicized and un-scientific debate, whereby Democrats can simply call those who say anthropogenic global warming/man-induced climate change is a bunch of mule fritters all sorts of dirty names, denigrate them, and demonize them, and continue to perpetuate the so-called GOP war on women. On fake issue linked to another fake issue.

Please show me where this is a problem here in the US. If you can’t, then a bill to force it upon the US will not help those women in other nations.
and, I’m sorry, but doesn’t Food Stamps already solve this problem?
We already give Food Stamps to anyone and everyone, within and outside our borders… so how come we need another program?
oh, right…. .. liberals.
(comment system seems to be working now. Was really hosed earlier today (4/29/13))
Hell, they don’t need a climate apocalypse for that!
Just you try getting laid WITHOUT some sort of transaction.
Yeah, something’s clogging up the server on another site (not one of mine), DH is trying to figure out what. Also, some plugin upgrade is interfering a bit, not sure which, since I upgraded like 14 at once. Makes the mobile plugin not work, had to turn on another, not as good.
If I knew that I could procure transactional sex through the use of food alone, hell, I would not have been alone for last decade …… wait..
So basically, before global warming, there were no whores. And now suddenly there ARE some?
Does anyone other than me see the flaw in this logic? I mean, I don’t want to burst anyone’s bubble, but… we know that’s not a new profession, right? I’m not sure how to move forward here.
No Kevin. We don’t “move forward”. We LEAN Forward.
And no, there were no whor….errr … sexual transactioners … around before the industrial revolution. It was the industrial revolution that changed everything and began the corruption of the world. If CO2 can’t make comely women turn to transacting sex for food, then what would?
Heh. You continue to crack me up, Gumball_WTHeck.
If only it wasn’t for this horrible global warming that is consuming our nation, I’d be laughing. Wait, it’s not really that hot. I think we might have been scammed….
Now all we need for this post is Gitarcarver giving us the history lesson and legal histories surrounding the sexual transactioners and then JGlanton to provide the pics.
Oh, and then john and not-Kevin to attack everyone for making it so uber hot this spring.
Kevin, did you do this?
Hah! No, but we know what’s to blame. GLOBAL WARMING!!!
Thursday morning links…
Get in touch with your inner child (video) Lead phobia 5 Marriage Mistakes Women Make That Lead to Divorce (h/t Insty) Good Grief: ‘Climate Change’ Could Lead Women To Transactional Sex Latest update on the Warm List Natural insemination r…
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