And does it very well
After the debacle that was Playboy’s Hit Piece On Conservative Women, I thought, “Someone should do this right.” I mean, can’t we simply admire the female form without being jerks about it…ehr, much?
So, I thought about doing a list of the hottest conservative women bloggers in politics — but, I realized it wouldn’t work because I know so many of the women who would end up on the list. Having dipped my pinky toe into lists like this before, behind-the-scenes, I get hit on the one side with, “Why was I not on the list” and from the other side with, “You’re a sexist pig for even doing a list like this.” I just don’t need the drama.
Head on over to Right Wing News, where #1 is…………………………….
Just kidding
Kirsten Powers
More: heh. Little Miss Attila has the top liberal writers she’d like to dismember. I have a strong feeling that liberals will not get it.

I can’t argue, Kirsten Powers is hot. She could almost make me want to flip to the dark side… almost.
[…] III: William Teach sends some linky love, and demonstrates that there are some good-looking lefty ladies out there: Share and Enjoy: These icons link to […]
Need to flip her to our side :D
I might flip her, but not necessarily to our side, if ya know what I mean. 8;)