And people wonder why Europe has become a hot bed of extremism
WASHINGTON – Members of the European Parliament told U.S. lawmakers Tuesday that CIA tactics for spiriting away terrorism suspects are illegal.
The parliamentarians' briefing for House members concerned CIA renditions, the practice of grabbing terror suspects in one country and delivering them to another country for questioning.
The briefing came the same day it was disclosed that CIA Director Michael Hayden had privately complained to European diplomats last month that a European Parliament report written by a member of the delegation had exaggerated the extent of the renditions.
Hayden made a case that the renditions were an essential tool that had helped the United States and European countries fight international terror, according to a Western official familiar with his remarks.
Why do i picture all the jihadi's laughing out loud? The big question is, which came first: EU surrender monkeys or American liberal surrender monkeys?
Hayden told the diplomats that detainees under CIA control had been essential to better understanding of al-Qaida for both the United States and its European partners.
Yes, but Mike, we need to protect the rights of throat slitters and beheaders. Come on, dude, get with the program!
Sooner or later, the only free country in Europe will be Switzerland, who believe in gun ownership and teach everyone how to use them.
The past, current, and future surrender monkeys.

On target again Blackbeard! The analogy of the Three Monkeys in ‘Hear No Evil…Speak No Evil…and See No Evil’ is perfect for the Europeon / Eurabian Union. The Islamomaniacs (I Slam & I Slime)blew up Spain and England so Europe has Pussied – Up! Great analogy East Carolina Pirate of Patriotism! The Three Monkeys represent Spain, England & France – Ferdinand Banana, Sir Neville Give Up and Jacques Strap?