New Jewelry For You, Ladies

Yeah, um, OK (via the LA Times)

Designing for his first fashion show, Jared Gold understood that a unique piece of jewelry could draw a lot of attention to both his work and the wearer.

His eye-catching creations are alive. And they’re cockroaches — 3-inch-long Madagascar hissing cockroaches bejeweled with Swarovski crystals and attached by a chain to a pin

The “roach brooches” are free to crawl around on a blouse or jacket, attached to a limiting lead. They hiss when upset and, unless the wearer is careful about the roach’s feeding schedule, they can soil your couture clothing.

Gold uses only male roaches — females bite — which he gets from a Los Angeles breeder.

Of course, this would necessitate the purchase of more shoes (boo hiss, so sexist).

Probably not a good idea to put it in the jewelry box with other broaches, lest they become defiled 😉

Linked to Basil’s Picnic.

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4 Responses to “New Jewelry For You, Ladies”

  1. I saw the picture of this & YUCK was the first thing that comes to mind. Wonder if PETA has a problem with him not killing them first – of course they do. I’ll pass on this – real fast & opt for a nice new pair of shoes!

  2. JulieB says:

    oh. my. god. that is SO gross! eeeuuwww…. just thinking about it.

  3. Raven says:

    OMG…who is THIS freak who is making money on this crap?? LOL

  4. William Teach says:

    But it is all the rage! 😉

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