Do you have an interesting post? Want it spread around? Well, go ahead and link it up! Otherwise, Cynthia McKinney may pop you one, or worse!
Image courtesty of Linda Sog. I started doing a silly photoshop, then said “why bother? This is perfect.” I try not to talk to myself that much, the geese, ducks, deer, fox’s (fex?), etc look at me strange off the back deck :)
Do you have an interesting post? Well, go ahead and leave a trackback, with a reciprical link back to me. Others offering open trackbacks are over in the right sidebar, near bottom. BTW, if the link doesn’t appear immediately, it is cause WordPress is catching it for moderation, not sure why. I will get it approved, I promise!
PS: Oh, hell, I’ll leave this up here for Hump Day the week. Heh, I wrote hump!

Rev. Elligan says She is not a threat to National security. That is not true. She is actually going to soften the National security by making this issue a “race thing”. Who is going to stop any person from entering any sensitive area if they are going to have civil law suits thrown at them? And why is She spending my money on that quitter Chef? I wan’t her fired.
Exposing Roots of Terrorism in USA?…
It tells me that we are on the verge of another domestic terrorist attack, and if it originates from one of these Jamaat-ul-Fuqra members we’re going to go through the embarassment of “Able Danger” all over again….
Every post I have is intersting – isn’t it?
It is at that!
Tuesday with the OTA…
Ok…here’s some of the weekly reads I’m having a good time with: Webkittyn challenges the misconceptions of Republicans in this weeks post. I have a few good points in rebuttal to make. i’ll probably make them tomorrow. Keeping up with……
Roo Poo and Other Wacky Products from Australia