I’ll take this crazy God hater over Kennedy anyday. At least he stands says he will kill the enemy
Minnesota gubernatorial candidate Jonathan Sharkey represents the "Vampyres, Witches and Pagans Party" whose platform includes impaling terrorists.
Sharkey plans to launch his campaign Friday (the 13th) in Princeton, Minn., as a "satanic dark priest," reports the Minneapolis Star-Tribune.
He did launch it. A majory platform? (his website is here)
Any Terrorist who is caught in Minnesota while I am Governor, will find out what the true meaning of my nickname ‘The Impaler’ means. Right in front of our State Capital. Then Fed’s can take the terrorist’s body from the impaling stake. If the US Department of Justice (DOJ) wants to charge me with brutally murdering a terrorist, they may do so. I do not see an American Jury convicting me.
Unless the jury is full of liberals.

Oh, now get your “Liberal are the Root of All Evil” stuff straight! You can’t possibly be saying that Liberals would turn down the opportunity to hold up the power of Vampyres, Witches and Satan! Why, even Pat Robertson knows that liberals love Satanists!
Over Ted Kennedy? Aren’t you setting the bar a might bit low? Or are we playing political limbo?
Na, just had to fit this story in somewhere :)
Laughed my but off when I heard it on the news and what this guy was saying. He is a bit of a crank.