Don’t desecrate the Koran or Muslim icons. Cause the Islamofascists are doing just fine themselves.
KARACHI, Pakistan May 31, 2005 — A suicide bomber blew himself up during evening prayers at a Shiite mosque Monday, killing one worshipper and wounding 20. The bomber slipped into the mosque during a gunbattle with police that left another attacker and two officers dead.
Scroll over to the left side and look up Religious Desecration under categories. This is not an isolated incident, and I have only been tracking this since the Newsweak story came out.
And how best for the people to follow this tragedy up?
A crowd outraged by the attack went on a rampage afterward in this southern city, setting fire to cars and shops and killing at least six more people. Police recovered the bodies from a KFC restaurant burned by the mob.
Gee, when there was an issue with crosses being burned in Durham, NC, the local citizens did not riot: the staged a candlelite vigil.

Dangerous ignorant fools!
They sure like to destroy religious icons, don’t they?