Category Archives: UN

UN Working Hard To Turn Climate Crisis (scam) Into Health Issue

There’s obviously been a push to redefine global boiling as a global health issue. Why? Because so many nations have socialized medicine, meaning government controls people’s healthcare, and people will be forced to comply with what government dictates. And now the UN has fully jumped in We must fight one of the world’s biggest health […]

UN Super Excited To Help Kids Sue Over Global Boiling

The United Nations, full of con artists, shady dictators, and authoritarians, wouldn’t have any sort of ulterior motive, would they? UN seeks to help children battling climate change in court A United Nations body on Monday updated a key treaty designed to protect children’s rights to strengthen their hand in fighting climate change, as they […]

UN Head Says Sticking To Facts Could End Hotcoldwetdry

When will we be provided with some cold hard facts that prove that the Modern Warm Period is mostly/solely caused by Mankind? Sticking to ‘cold, hard’ climate facts can end global warming: Guterres World leaders need to listen to and act on solid scientific guidance to urgently reduce global warming, the UN Secretary-General António Guterres […]

UN General Secretary Wants To Stop The “Relentless War On Nature” Or Something

Hey, maybe the U.N. could start with ending all the massive amount of private fossil fueled flights from all over the world? UN Secretary-General: ‘No more baby steps’ on climate change United Nations officials on Monday called for urgent and immediate action to address global problems such as climate change, nuclear threats and human rights […]

After Long Fossil Fueled Private Jet Flight, UN Climate Cult Chief Says “Cooperate Or Perish”

This is definitely all about the science, right? COP27: UN chief tells climate summit, Cooperate or perish SHARM EL-SHEIKH, Egypt (AP) — “Cooperate or perish,” the United Nations chief told dozens of leaders gathered Monday for international climate talks, warning them that the world is “on a highway to climate hell” and urging the two biggest […]

UN Chief Names Group To Investigate Companies On Climate Crisis (scam) Response

Oh, good, a not so secret police group, unelected with absolutely zero accountability to anyone. The Climate Stasi without the power to drag people away and beat them. Yet UN chief names panel to probe companies’ climate efforts The head of the United Nations announced the appointment Thursday of an expert panel led by Canada’s […]

Bummer: ‘Climate Change’ Could Maybe Possibly Make Health Worse

This is all because the UN IPCC report is coming out. There are all sorts of fear-mongering articles out there, and here’s one Global health has improved for decades. Climate change could change that. As temperatures warm, the health risks of climate change are expected to intensify in the U.S. and worldwide. The effects of […]

UN IPCC To Come Out With New Doomsaying Report

The report they came out with right before the nice working vacation even in Glasgow, with all those private jets and celebs and stuff, apparently wasn’t doomy enough, so, it’s time for another one IPCC: Climate change report to sound warning on impacts A new report on the impacts of climate change will likely be […]

Russia Says “Nyet” On UN Resolution Linking Climate Crisis (scam) And Security (oh, and India)

Kinda crazy when the only rational nation is Russia, which, as the old saying goes, even a broken clock is correct twice a day (oh, and India) Russia vetoes UN resolution linking climate change, security Russia on Monday vetoed a first-of-its-kind U.N. Security Council resolution casting climate change as a threat to international peace and […]

The World Is “On The Abyss” From Climate Crisis (scam) Or Something

The climahysteria usually ramps up before the UN COP conferences (when 10k or so take fossil fueled trips to hobnob and attempt to tell the rest how to live their lives) in late November/early December, but, with China Joe having a virtual meeting on the climate emergency (scam) soon, and summer coming, why not drop […]

Pirate's Cove