Category Archives: Kerry

Conscience Of The World Kerry Forgets To Mention What Syria Has To Do With US National Security

Secretary Of State John “Waffles” Kerry offers up an opinion piece at the far left Huffington Post which attempts to make the case to the far left that going all bomby on Syria is the Right Thing To Do, which starts off with a headline taking Obama’s line about it being the world setting the […]

Thinking Out Loud, John Kerry Won’t Rule Out Ground Troops

Remember the days when John Kerry said that Iraq was the wrong war in the wrong place in the wrong time? When he and other Democrats, including President McBombypants, were constantly assaulting Operation Iraqi Freedom, which freed 50 million people from a brutal, murderous, torturous, rapist, limb cutting off, chemical weapons using regime which saw, […]

Sec. State Kerry So Concerned Over Syria That He Discusses Hotcoldwetdry

I suspect he was just trying to deflect attention away from that photo of him having an intimate meal with Assad (via Junk Science) (Naharnet) U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said Monday the evidence for climate change was beyond dispute but it was not too late for international action to prevent its worst impacts. […]

John Kerry Links God With Hotcoldwetdry

Maybe he should speak to his boss about reigning in the “carbon pollution” from sending his dog on a different plane (CNS News) Reiterating a theme he presented two weeks ago at an Iftar dinner celebrating the end of Ramadan, Secretary of State John Kerry on Thursday described “global climate change” as “a challenge to […]

Rich SecState Takes Fossil Fueled Flight To India To Complain About Fossil Fuels

If Obama wanted a Secretary of State whose primary focus was “Climate change”, he picked the right one in John Kerry, a true disciple of Gore and Mann, who cares little for science, and ignores the 15+ year pause in warming, ignores that most climate models fail, and is an utter climahypocrite (NY Times) Secretary […]

John Kerry: I Take Lots Of Fossil Fueled Trips So I Know Climate Change Is Bad

Not sure if this is published elsewhere, but here’s our high flying Warmist of State (Grist) Everywhere I travel as secretary of state –in every meeting, here at home and across the more than 100,000 miles I’ve traveled since I raised my hand and took the oath to serve in this office – I raise […]

Monsieur Kerry Takes Fossil Fueled Flight, Regrets America Isn’t Doing More To Stop Fossil Fueled Flights

You can’t make this up. Secretary Of State John “Poodle” Kerry took a fossil fueled flight to Sweden and said this (via Grist, which was hoping he would truly apologize for America because fossil fueled flights are causing the Arctic to broil or something) I also want to say that we appreciate Sweden’s partnership because […]

John Kerry: Hotcoldwetdry Science Is “Screaming At Us”

Though I reckon it’s screaming “you’re a moron and a hypocrite. We’ve seen a .08C (.14F) increase in global temperature from 1997 and .16C (.28F) increase since 1990. Oh, and you take lots of fossil fueled flights, own multiple high “carbon footprint” homes, and won lots of fossil fueled vehicles. The science is screaming that […]

Sec State Kerry: You Have A Right To Be Stupid

At first, I was ready to criticize Kerry for this, but, he is kinda correct (Reuters) “As a country, as a society, we live and breathe the idea of religious freedom and religious tolerance, whatever the religion, and political freedom and political tolerance, whatever the point of view,” Kerry told the students in Berlin, the […]

Crazy And Hypocritical Warmist Set To Become Secretary Of State

In case you haven’t heard (AP) President Barack Obama on Friday nominated Massachusetts Sen. John Kerry, one of Washington’s most respected voices on foreign policy, as his next secretary of state. Obama even mentioned Kerry’s service in Vietnam, but it was strange that he failed to mention Kerry coming home and slurring the men and […]

Pirate's Cove