If All You See…

…is horrible carbon pollution bad weather rain causing flooding, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Green Jihad, with a post on St. Greta going anti-Jew.

This is also a silly one. Put on a barely there dress, no bra, to go stand in the rain for some social media photos.

Read: If All You See… »

Brandon’s DOJ Sues Iowa Over Illegal Alien Law

Remember the old debate around Arizona’s SB1070, the “show me your papers” law? In that, illegal alien supporters stated that state government’s could not be tougher than federal law. So, what’s the complaint with Iowa’s law, which essentially does what the federal government law does?

Iowa law lets police arrest migrants. The federal government and civil rights groups are suing

Americans before illegalsThe U.S. Justice Department sued Iowa on Thursday over its new law that would give the state the authority to arrest and deport some migrants, making it the second lawsuit filed in a single day that seeks to block legislation passed earlier this year by state lawmakers.

Both the Justice Department’s lawsuit and another suit filed by civil rights and immigrant rights groups argued the state law was preempted by federal law and should be declared invalid.

“Iowa cannot disregard the U.S. Constitution and settled Supreme Court precedent,” Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General Brian M. Boynton, head of the Justice Department’s Civil Division, said in a statement. “We have brought this action to ensure that Iowa adheres to the framework adopted by Congress and the Constitution for regulation of immigration.”

The Justice Department lawsuit was filed on the same day the ACLU of Iowa, national ACLU and the American Immigration Council filed suit to to block the law on behalf of the Iowa Migrant Movement for Justice and two individual Iowans.

Iowa should send any illegal caught to the DOJ building in D.C. Drop some off outside Boynton’s house. And outside the buildings of the national ACLU and AIC. Let them all enjoy the fruits of their beliefs.

“This ugly law is deeply harmful to Iowa families and communities,” said Rita Bettis Austen, legal director of The American Civil Liberties Union of Iowa. “Iowa lawmakers knowingly targeted people who are protected by federal immigration laws and who are legally allowed to be here.”

Only about 10% will actually qualify for asylum. Many of them illegally crossed the border before declaring asylum. And how many are simply young, fighting age males, not women and children? What if Iowans do not want illegal aliens bringing their 3rd world values, their violence, drugs, crime, and prostitution? Let Biden ship them to states and cities that are declared illegal alien sanctuaries.

The federal lawsuit states that because the Constitution assigns the task of regulating immigration and managing international borders to federal government, the state law should not be enforced.

The law also states that Congress must protect the U.S. from invasion. They’re not doing the job. Democrats, and some squish Republicans, have created a situation where illegals are streaming into the U.S., and they usually aren’t the best people. Iowa should just deport the illegals to D.C., along with other sanctuary areas. Nothing illegal about deporting to another state, right? Why should Iowa have to deal with them? Why should their citizens have to deal with them? Why should the tax dollars of Iowa have to pay for them?

Read: Brandon’s DOJ Sues Iowa Over Illegal Alien Law »

Hollywood Is Forgetting To Put ‘Climate Change’ In Movies Or Something

Hollywood is already having enough problems in putting out good movies that people want to see. People are leery about paying all the money to go see movies that can have all sorts of Woke garbage in them. And that the ideas are pretty repetitive. So, hey, yeah, let’s add climate cult business into it

Lights, camera … climate? Report finds Hollywood is depicting a world without climate change

Remember that scene in 2022?s “Top Gun: Maverick,” when Tom Cruise’s character suddenly has to navigate a climate change-fueled storm? Or in the latest “Scream” movie, when the teens are hiding from the killer in a field of solar panels?

No? Right, that’s because they never happened.

Across Hollywood, the most popular films from 2013 to 2022 largely ignored climate change, despite its growing presence across everyday life — from the effects (extreme weather) to the response to it (electric vehicles, solar panels, and more).

Researchers from Colby College and Good Energy, a nonprofit that helps storytellers portray climate change on-screen, put together a new report and devised what they’re calling a “Climate Reality Check,” similar to the Bechdel-Wallace Test, which assesses whether women get equal screen time. This test, however, asks: Does climate change, as a concept, exist in the film? And does a main character acknowledge it?

Only a small percentage of films passed the exam.

And what, pray tell, picture do they use for the article?

Yeah, they really included a frozen world from the Day After Tomorrow. Because heating causes an ice age.

“I can pretty confidently say that most major studios and networks and streamers are interested in this effort and exploring it,” said Ellis Watamanuk, senior director of the Entertainment Lab at Rare, an international conservation organization that focuses on behavioral science to push for change.

Watamanuk works with filmmakers and TV producers to think about creative ways to infuse climate change into their stories. The idea isn’t to churn out story upon story that’s explicitly about climate change, he said. Rather, it’s finding ways to infuse existing stories, from courtroom dramas to ghost-hunting reality shows, with storylines or examples of the realities of climate change confronting people.

Sigh. It always ends up blatant and has people giving Speeches, destroying the flow of the movie. But, hey, have fun watching your business dry up.

Read: Hollywood Is Forgetting To Put ‘Climate Change’ In Movies Or Something »

Israel Hating UN Votes To Revive Membership Bid For Palestinians

So, um, what actual nation would this be?

UN assembly approves resolution granting Palestine new rights and reviving its UN membership bid

The U.N. General Assembly voted by a wide margin on Friday to grant new “rights and privileges” to Palestine and called on the Security Council to reconsider Palestine’s request to become the 194th member of the United Nations.

The 193-member world body approved the Arab and Palestinian-sponsored resolution by a vote of 143-9 with 25 abstentions. The United States voted against the resolution, along with Israel, Argentina, Czechia, Hungary, Micronesia, Nauru, Palau and Papua New Guinea.

The vote reflected the wide global support for full membership of Palestine in the United Nations, with many countries expressing outrage at the escalating death toll in Gaza and fears of a major Israeli offensive in Rafah, a southern city where about 1.3 million Palestinians have sought refuge.

But while it gives Palestine some new rights and privileges, it reaffirms that it remains a non-member observer state without the right to vote in the General Assembly or at any of its conferences. And the United States has made clear that it will block Palestinian membership and statehood until direct negotiations with Israel resolve key issues, including security, boundaries and the future of Jerusalem.

The Palestinians could have their own nation in Gaza if they’d kick Hamas out, stop attacking Israel, and just be peaceful.

Under the U.N. Charter, prospective members of the United Nations must be “peace-loving” and the Security Council must recommend their admission to the General Assembly for final approval. Palestine became a U.N. non-member observer state in 2012.

But unlike in the Security Council, there are no vetoes in the General Assembly. The resolution required a two-thirds majority of members voting and got significantly more than the 118 vote minimum.

The resolution “determines” that a state of Palestine is qualified for membership — dropping the original language that in the General Assembly’s judgment it is “a peace-loving state.” It therefore recommends that the Security Council reconsider its request “favorably.”

In other words, the UN knows that Palestinians are anything but peace-loving. Just like all the Arab nations won’t take the Palestinians in because they are problematic.

Under longstanding legislation by the U.S. Congress, the United States is required to cut off funding to U.N. agencies that give full membership to a Palestinian state, which could mean a cutoff in dues and voluntary contributions to the U.N. from its largest contributor.

I’m sure Biden will find a way around that.

These are the 25 who abstained

Albania, Austria, Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, Fiji, Finland, Georgia, Germany, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Malawi, Marshall Islands, Monaco, Netherlands, North Macedonia, Paraguay, Republic of Moldova, Romania, Sweden, Switzerland, Ukraine, United Kingdom, and Vanuatu.

It’s disappointing. Even more disappointing in Australia voting to legitimize the terrorists. As well as Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Spain, Norway, New Zealand, Japan, Denmark, France, and Poland. You’d think those last three would understand the danger of legitimizing essentially Nazis.

Read: Israel Hating UN Votes To Revive Membership Bid For Palestinians »

Wackjob Climate Cultists Break Glass Around Magna Carta, Glue Themselves

They admit it. This will be prosecution evidence A. No need for anything else


(UK Independent) Reverend Dr Sue Parfitt, 82, an active Anglican priest, author, and retired psychotherapist from Bristol, and Judy Bruce, 85, a retired biology teacher from Swansea then glued themselves to the cabinet.

Basically, they enjoyed the benefits of fossil fuels for 80+ years, but, now they have issues with it.

The pair held signs which read “The government is breaking the law”, and could be heard saying: “Is the government above the law?”

The ‘Great Charter’ is an essential foundation for the contemporary powers of Parliament.

Ms Parfitt said: “The Magna Carta is rightly revered, being of great importance to our history, to our freedoms and to our laws. But there will be no freedom, no lawfulness, no rights, if we allow climate breakdown to become the catastrophe that is now threatened.”

“We must get things in proportion. The abundance of life on earth, the climate stability that allows civilisation to continue is what must be revered and protected above all else, even above our most precious artefacts.”

Does it say anywhere in there that government must pass laws to further increase their power over the lives of Citizens for this anti-science cult belief? The two nutters were arrested for criminal damage, which may rise to the level of what we call a felony. That glass is not cheap, and it could cause damage to the Magna Carta during replacement. The British criminal justice system, including judges, have become less and less tolerant of this cult insanity.

Read: Wackjob Climate Cultists Break Glass Around Magna Carta, Glue Themselves »

If All You See…

…are wonderful train tracks, a form of transportation that Everyone Else should be forced to take, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Da Techguy’s Blog, with a post on donuts now being a luxury item

Read: If All You See… »

GOP Draws Up Impeachment Articles Over Biden Withholding Israel Aid

This would be aid that was already appropriated. And for all those saying “oh, come on, stop”, well, we warned you and Democrats when Democrats did this to Trump

Articles of Impeachment Drawn over Biden’s Withholding of Israeli Aid for Political Reasons

Articles to impeach President Joe Biden over his decision to withhold aid to Israel for political reasons are in preparation, freshman Rep. Cory Mills (R-FL) announced Thursday.

Biden’s decision to withhold bombs from Israel is concerning due to its political implications. Biden’s base wants him to defund Israel, while many moderate Democrats support Israel’s ability to defend itself against terrorists. Biden appears stuck between competing coalitions during an election year. He currently trails in the polls to Trump and has a historically low approval rating to win reelection as an incumbent.

Democrats accused former President Donald Trump in 2019 of withholding military aid from Ukraine for alleged political reasons.

“These are the same accusations made against President Trump, which resulted in his impeachment by Democrats. The same must happen for Joe Biden, which is why we’re drawing up articles of impeachment now,” Mills told Fox News.

Impeachment proceedings already have some support. “The House has no choice but to impeach Biden based on the Trump-Ukraine precedent of withholding foreign aid to help with reelection,” Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) posted on X. “Only with Biden, it’s true.”

Why does Biden want to protect Hamas? That’s what he’s doing, along with pandering to his pro-Hamas and anti-Jew voters

(Fox News) “The House has no choice but to impeach President ‘Quid pro Joe’ Biden. As Vice President, Biden was caught threatening to withhold funding and aid to Ukraine unless they fired the attorney general investigating Burisma, a company financially benefiting his son Hunter, not to mention the 10% share for ‘the big guy’ himself,” Mills said in a statement.

“Now, Joe Biden is pressuring Israel, our biggest ally in the Middle East, by pausing their funding that has already been approved in the House, if they don’t stop all operations with Hamas. It’s a very clear message, ‘this for that.’”

Israel is in a hot war against a U.S. State Department designated terrorist group, one which kicked this all off with their attack on civilians, killing over a 1,00o, torturing them, raping them, dragging their naked bodies through the streets, beheading children, and Biden wants to protect Hamas. So, yeah, the standard was set by Democrats and a few unhinged, TDS infused Republicans when they impeached Trump. Unsurprisingly, the major Democrat news outlets are mostly ignoring this, because then they’d have to point out that Democrats did the same thing, even though there was no quid pro quo on Trump’s part when it came to withholding aid from Ukraine.

The question now is, will Biden backtrack on the aid as Israel goes into Rafah? Will the GOP fast-track this impeachment if Joe withholds the allocated aid? If so, does this help or hurt Biden?

Read: GOP Draws Up Impeachment Articles Over Biden Withholding Israel Aid »

Germans, Europeans Way More Concerned Over Immigration Than Climate Doom

I bet all the elites who had been pushing climate doom as a way of taking more money from the peasants along with their freedom and life choices didn’t see this coming when they decided to allow mass immigration of people who have zero in common with the citizens and not only have zero interest in assimilating but expect the host countries to change for the immigrants

Germans fear migration more than climate change, study finds

Europe has seen a sharp rise in the share of people who say that reducing immigration should be a top government priority, according to a study published Wednesday. Germany is topping the list.

At the same time, there was less desire to prioritize fighting climate change in the same countries, according to the survey commissioned by the Denmark-based Alliance of Democracies Foundation think tank.

Since 2022, an increasing number of Europeans say their government should prioritize “reducing immigration,” rising from just under 20% to a quarter.

Meanwhile, concern about climate change was on the slide across the continent.

“In 2024, for the first time, reducing immigration is a greater priority for most Europeans than fighting climate change,” the report said.

How much?

“Nowhere is this reversal more striking than in Germany, which now leads the world with the highest share of people who want their government to focus on reducing immigration — topping all other priorities — and now nearly twice as high as fighting climate change,” the report read.

About a quarter of Germans cited immigration as their main priority in 2022, which rose to 44% in the 2024 survey. About a third were most concerned about climate change two years ago, falling below the 25% mark this time.

Germans are on the front row of letting in people from 3rd world and Islamists who won’t learn the language, won’t learn the culture, and create their own little communities rife with crime and violence. And then they spread that diversity and multiculturalism out to the German citizens with assault, rape, murder, theft, etc.

On page 25 of that poll, good news for Warmists: climate change was not last. It was next to last, right before promote gender equality. Immigration is the next most important. In Germany, Netherlands, France, UK, and Norway, their concern for immigration has gone way up while caring about ‘climate change’ has gone down. The Elites created this situation, when they had a good thing going with their climate scame.

Read: Germans, Europeans Way More Concerned Over Immigration Than Climate Doom »

Talking Points Fail: Poll Finds Independents Think Biden Greater Threat To Democracy

They aught to be asking who’s the greater threat to freedom and liberty, but, I guess democracy will have to be OK

Poll: Independents Say Biden Is Greater Threat to Democracy than Trump

Independent voters are not buying the establishment media’s claim that former President Donald Trump is a greater threat to democracy than President Joe Biden, according to the latest NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll.

A majority of independent voters believe Biden is a greater threat to democracy than Trump, the poll found:

  • Biden: 53 percent
  • Trump: 42 percent

The poll sampled 1,199 Americans from April 22-24 with a 3.6 point margin of error.

“I find it shocking,” MSNBC commentator Susan Del Percio said about the poll. “I can’t make sense of that number. I wish I could. I wish I had some really great insight into it.”

Yeah, they pretty much had a meltdown on MSDNC. I’m shocked they covered it

Biden and his Credentialed Media comrades have been pushing the meme that Trump is bad for democracy, so, this is rather a fail on their part.

That said, what will Trump and his team do? It’s not 2016. That playbook obviously failed in 2020. Trump refused to adapt. He seems to be doing the same things for 2024. He needs to focus on the economy, inflation, freedom, free speech, limited government, then he can mix in some other stuff. But, will he? All he needs is to win the states he won in 2016.

Read: Talking Points Fail: Poll Finds Independents Think Biden Greater Threat To Democracy »

Michigan AG Plans To Sue Fossil Fuels Companies

Perhaps the AG can explain who Michigan can survive without fossil fuels. All those automobiles produced. All the shipping across the Great Lakes. How will they clear all the snow?

Nessel plans to sue oil and gas companies over Michigan’s changing climate

Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel announced Thursday her intention to sue the fossil fuel industry for its role in changing Michigan’s climate and threatening the state’s environment, infrastructure, health and economy.

The oil and gas industry profited while knowingly selling products that cause climate change, Nessel’s office said in a document disclosing the coming lawsuits. The industry also deceived the public about climate change, Nessel alleged, leaving the state with the expenses of adapting to and recovering from the effects of warming.

“I don’t know that there’s a bigger issue facing the state of Michigan than climate change,” Nessel said in an interview with The Detroit News. “We are talking about billions and billions of dollars in damages and we’re already starting to see that on a day to day basis. We know this is only going to get worse.”

Well, crime is pretty big in many Michigan cities. How about fixing the water issues in Flint? Or dealing with the Islamic extremists in places like Dearborn?

“Big oil caused these problems and they ought to pay the expenses related to these damages,” Nessel told The News.

They wouldn’t have succeeded if people didn’t want to use them. A lot of people in Michigan depend on fossil fuels, especially heating gas, for those cold winters. They need them for all their boats. For all the tourists. Will Michigan be shutting down the airports? If fossil fuels are so bad, why did she allow so many to travel to Detroit for the NFL draft? Why did she travel to Detroit?

Anyhow, unfortunately the gas and oil companies won’t do things like refuse to sell their products to the state government, or get photos and video of the AG traveling around in fossil fueled vehicles and planes.

Read: Michigan AG Plans To Sue Fossil Fuels Companies »

Pirate's Cove