So, um, why in the heck is the EPA funding private immigration groups?
Biden’s EPA using clean-energy cash to fund groups that oppose immigration enforcement
— New York Post (@nypost) June 15, 2024
From the link
The Biden administration quietly funneled $50 million in taxpayer funds earmarked for clean energy to two groups that oppose immigration enforcement.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency tapped the New York Immigration Coalition and New Jersey Alliance for Immigrant Justice as partners to distribute $50 million of $3 billion set aside in the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) for environmental and climate block grants, the Wall Street Journal reported.
Both groups’ missions have nothing to do with protecting the environment.
Instead, they adamantly support abolishing the US Immigration and Custom Enforcement Agency, believe guarding borders is “racist and classist,” and want to block state and local government employees from cooperating with federal immigration officials, said Sen. Shelley Moore Capito (R-W. Va.), whose office is probing IRA spending. (snip)
“And it’s very dishonest when you talk to the American public about the goals of a green climate fund are being determined by immigration justice and immigration coalition groups.”
Remember, all the Credentialed Media and admin mouthpieces and such tell us that the IRA was the greeenest bill ever! Yet, where is all that money going? It might just be $50 million, but, it’s $50 million. How many Americans could that have helped? What if that money had been put towards, say, the water problem in Flint, Michigan instead? There are more than enough real environmental issues that could be dealt with had that money gone to them.
However, the agency previously said the immigration groups and Fordham University – which was tapped as a grant maker — will take “an intersectional approach to place frontline communities in positions of power” to advance climate justice “in disadvantaged and hard-to-reach communities and communities disproportionately impacted by climate change, pollution, and other environmental stressors.”
Some days I wish Richard Nixon had never signed the Environmental Protection Act. This is just batshit crazy. Maybe they could have fixed the chloroform and haloacetic acid issues in Newark, NJ. Isn’t that their job? Not wordsalad on illegal aliens.
Of course, what’s going to happen? Nothing. The GOP can hold as many hearings as they want, but, nothing changes. Which is the problem with the federal government. There is no accountability to We The People.

More taxpayer funds for 2 commie activist groups.
Heckuvajob Joey.
Bwaha! Lolgf
Because that’s what Dems do: looting the treasury to pay off their friends.