Scientists Say We’re In Uncharted Territory On Climate Doom Or Something

“Once upon a time” they said “we’re afraid”

‘We Are Afraid’: Scientists Issue New Warning As World Enters ‘Uncharted Climate Territory’

A distinguished international team of scientists on Tuesday issued the starkest warning yet that human activity is pushing Earth into a climate crisis that could threaten the lives of up to 6 billion people this century, stating candidly: “We are afraid of the uncharted territory that we have now entered.”

Writing in the journal Biosciences, the coalition of 12 researchers, spanning North America, Europe and Asia, state in unusually stark language: “As scientists, we are increasingly being asked to tell the public the truth about the crises we face in simple and direct terms. The truth is that we are shocked by the ferocity of the extreme weather events in 2023.”

Record climate anomalies seen around the world in 2023 have astonished the scientific community, raising concerns that further extreme weather, as well as climate tipping points, could arrive sooner than expected. The authors say that the temperature records, which smashed all previous observations, along with record low levels of sea ice, are signs that human activity is “pushing our planetary systems into dangerous instability.”

Can they compare it to previous Holocene warm periods? That’s what’s required for it to be science, comparisons. Otherwise, how do we know this is different?

Drawing on the cumulative body of Earth systems research, from disciplines spanning atmospheric physics, oceanography, biology, paleoclimatology and human geography, Tuesday’s Biosciences report shows that the world is now undergoing changes at a speed never before seen in human existence. Juxtaposed against the “minimal progress” among governments to slow climate change, the authors write, “It is the moral duty of us scientists and our institutions to clearly alert humanity of any potential existential threat and to show leadership in taking action.”

First off, why is it always government that must force people to comply and live a certain way? Why can’t Warmists practice what they preach? What if the huge number of Warmists in the world all went Net Zero in their own lives? We’d see if it made any difference.

Second, these climate cult scientists remind me of lots of pop stars, always having to get more and more crazy to get attention, like, say, Brittney Spears in her crazy years, and Miley Cyrus in hers. At what point does it end, because people are no longer paying attention? They just had enough?

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5 Responses to “Scientists Say We’re In Uncharted Territory On Climate Doom Or Something”

  1. Professor Hale says:

    Uncharted territory? Does that mean that the thousands studies made by climate scienticians that predicted the future with certainty were all just hot air?

    As scientists, we are increasingly being asked to tell the public the truth…

    So what were they telling us before? Were they lying to us before? Or are they lying to us now? Maybe both?

  2. Dana says:

    Our esteemed host asked:

    (W)hy is it always government that must force people to comply and live a certain way? Why can’t Warmists practice what they preach?

    A couple of reasons. First, most don’t even realize what they have been doing. When their Royal Highnesses, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, took a private jet to the Caribbean, do you think it even crossed their minds that it would have been more ‘climate friendly’ had they flown commercial? The activists do not seem to realize that the things for which they advocate would change the way they have to live as well? The lovely Miss Ocasio-Cortez has whined that she can’t replace her Tesla with a union-built plug in electric, because none of the union-built models have the single-charge range to get from Brooklyn to DC. She can’t virtue signal without having to stop and charge her car, along with the other peons, somewhere in Jersey.

    Second, they just don’t want to! People become accustomed to their lifestyles, and a lot of people want more, more, more, but, if the global warming climate change activists’ policies actually get put into place, people will have to get along with less, less, less.

  3. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    Hurricane Otis rapidly increased from a tropical storm to a Cat 5 hurricane before slamming Acapulco Mexico early this morning.

    Otis strengthened from a tropical storm to an extremely dangerous Category 5 hurricane in just 12 hours before it slammed ashore near Acapulco as the strongest storm on record to hit this area and the Pacific coast of Mexico.

    The sudden burst of power gave people little time to prepare and get to safety as Otis bore down on Acapulco, a popular tourist destination that’s also a permanent home to roughly 800,000 people.

    • James Lewis says:


      “… the strongest storm on record…”

      So we don’t know if stronger, or as strong, storms have hit.

      Typical chicken little nonsense.

      • Elwood P. Dowd says:

        That’s right. Before records were kept even stronger hurricanes may have hit Acapulco.

        What was surprising was the intensification from a tropical storm to a Cat 5 over just 12 hours.

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