Climahypocrites Harry And Meghan Sure Do Take Lots Of Private Fossil Fueled Flights

But, see, they’re spreading awareness, so, they’re excused from being forced to do what you peasants will be forced to do

The Duke and Duchess of hypocrisy – Harry and Meghan burned nearly 10 TONS of CO2 by flying to Caribbean on private jet

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have burned nearly 10 tonnes of carbon after flying to the Caribbean on a private jet.

The couple flew over 4,000 miles from New Jersey to Canouan after attending a summit in New York on October 10.

Harry and Meghan also made a four-hour hop between the exclusive retreat and Atlanta in Georgia.

The visit comes after the pair attended a conference organised by Project Healthy Minds.

Zak Williams, the son on iconic actor Robin Williams, told attendees climate change was adversely impacting mental health, particularly among young people.

The Duke and Duchess have been keen to stress their support for tackling climate change in the past.

Remember, they also took the private flight to NYC from California. Then they would have flown from Atlanta back to California. Both of them have yammered quite a bit about climate doom, yet, constantly take long fossil fueled private flights. And live in a big mansion. Drive in low MPG SUVs. You, though, need to live in a tiny home, stay close to home, and ride a bike or the bus.

Speaking of buses

He means that all you peasants will need to take the bus, because EVs will be took expensive and limited (there are only so many metals to make batteries). Say, how did Mayor Pete get to Palm Beach? Did he take Amtrak from D.C.?

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8 Responses to “Climahypocrites Harry And Meghan Sure Do Take Lots Of Private Fossil Fueled Flights”

  1. h says:

    The cost to carbon offset that loooooong flight would add less that 2% to the cost of flying. The industry trade group for private jets has already achieved being carbon neutral. Some jet charters Victor Charters being one, now advertise off setting 200% of their emissions included automatically.
    Aug 22, 2019
    “Private Jet travel is Greener than You think”

    The Davidson County Landfill in NC is selling carbon offsets from their methane recovery system at 16$ per ton. If Harry had chosen this, his carbon offset would have added only 160$ to the flight cost, Teach are you sure that Harry doesn’t offset ALL of his carbon pollution?

    • Jl says:

      Carbon offset boy-again, how is anything offset when the flight in question operates the same as if there were no “offsets”? And why should we be trying to offset anything?

  2. James Lewis says:


    Pure bull shit.

    There us no such thing as carbon neutral. It is a made up concept to allow the rich to do what they want without any blame for their actions.

    • david7134 says:

      There was a study a few days ago on Legal Insurrection that was published by the Norwegians, conclusion, there is no such thing as carbon induced anything. Shows over.

      • Elwood P. Dowd says:

        Here’s a discussion of the “study” published by a retired economist from Norway.

        In the title, Dagsvik and Moen ask, ‘How much does the temperature change due to greenhouse gas emissions?’ Their statistical model, however, does not use any data on greenhouse gases. After they have asserted, in their review, that multiple factors affect temperatures including natural variations, their model does not take such natural influences into account. It is completely useless to investigate the question they have posed. According to the model, the maximum temperature that can be expected within the normal range on a random July day in Oslo is 51 degrees Celsius (124 degrees Fahrenheit)! Only when it gets even warmer will the model allow that temperatures are outside the normal range. An instrument that is so insensitive cannot be used to evaluate theories of climate change, because these do not suggest that temperatures should have increased by tens of degrees because of past greenhouse gas emissions.

        Yes, make certain to use a statistical model so insensitive that it can only detect a difference from the baseline if the temp reaches 124 degrees F. In Oslo Norway no less!!!

        There may be more show to go.

        • Elwood P. Dowd says:

          the second and third paragraphs are not quotes, but my comments.

        • James Lewis says:


          Sounds like a hit dog yelping.

        • david7134 says:

          Look at that, the fat little troll is trying to tell us about stats. Having destroyed a list company because bad stats were used. Stock now sells for 20 cents.

          As I asked Jeff, don’t respond to me. Your rant did nothing to disprove the study and is expected in a hoax.

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