I’ve known about the hatred of Israel from the Left, especially on college campuses, since the late 90’s. It wasn’t till after 9/11 when it was really exposed, particularly with the explosion of the Internet, thanks to speed increases. Not only was it exposed but it grew, moving from being pro-Palestinian anti-Israel to straight up hatred of Jews, much like the Islamists in colleges. Where were they coming from? They were all linked to the Muslim Brotherhood going back to early in the 20th Century. They pushed the Israel and Jew hatred, but, with more talking and indoctrination rather than straight up violence. It’s insidious and spreads, and all those uber-white urban and suburban kids were easy pickings, especially with their liberal leanings. They’re running around with “free Palestine” merchandise and Intifada kefayas at demonstrations, being part of the “in-crowd”, Doing Something, slowly being more and more radicalized.
I could surely dig through the archives and find tons of examples. Zombie Time has tons of photos of their demonstrations. So, yeah, those of us who focused on the left, especially through the lens of anti-jihad, already knew this, Jake
CNN’s Tapper: Last Few Days Really Eye-Opening to ‘Antisemitism on the Left’
CNN anchor Jake Tapper said Tuesday on his show “The Lead” that after the Hamas terror attacks in Israel, the last few days have been a real eye-opening period “in terms of antisemitism on the left.”
Tapper said, “So you have a Democratic colleague from Michigan, Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib, the first Palestinian American to serve in Congress, and she released a statement. ‘I grieve the Palestinian and Israeli lives lost. The path to peace must include lifting the blockade and, ending the occupation and dismantling the apartheid system that creates the suffocating, dehumanizing conditions that could lead to resistance. As longs our country provides billions in unconditional funding to support the apartheid government, this heartbreaking cycle of violence will continue.’ What was your reaction when you heard Congresswoman Tlaib’s statement?”
Rep. Elissa Slotkin (D-MI) said, “To me, I think the hardest part, not just about that statement but a number of statements that have come out from organizations and individuals, I don’t question whether someone has the right to be angry at the Israeli government, I question their inability to condemn grievous, grievous violence and that is what has been difficult.”
Tapper said, “There does seem to be, look, we spent a lot of time during the Trump years looking at antisemitism on the right. This does. These last few days have been a real eye-opening period for a lot of people, a lot of Democrats and a lot progressives in terms of antisemitism on the left. A lot of people who seemed more shocks at dehumanizing language to describe Hamas than what Hamas actually perpetrated on Saturday.”
Slotkin said, “Yeah, I mean, look, antisemitism should be stamped out wherever it is on the right, or on the left.”
It’s a canard that there was Jew hatred on the right, unless you go out to the far, far, far right, which Conservatives disown. They do not share our values. They are not the GOP base. These people are the Democrat base. They are in elected positions. They teach the kiddies at Democratic Party run colleges. And it is not new. It is just more and more open. Almost 15% of Ilhan Omar’s district is foreign born, mostly from Africa and Asia, meaning Muslim countries there, like Somalia, and they refuse to assimilate and have brought their version of extremist Islam with them, which includes wanting to annihilate Israel and kill Jews.
That’s just one of hundreds of examples of big people and organizations, much less all the individual Democrats hating on Jews. It’s fashionable among them. They all have Reasons, but, their pro-Palestinian anti-Israel beliefs have led to wanting to wipe out Jews, the same as skinheads, the KKK, and white supremacists. Oh, and Muslims. I’d rather have a convo with a Trump deranged rather than most Muslims about Israel and Jews. It is not pretty.
The brutality of Hamas, the blood-thirstiness, brings to mind the worst rampages of ISIS.
This is terrorism.
— President Biden (@POTUS) October 10, 2023
I’ll give Biden credit, or, at least his comms room, for calling Hamas terrorists, especially since the State Dept deemed them as such back in 1997, all while most of the media, including Fox News, calls them “militants”.

The distinguished Mr Tapper may be shocked by the “antisemitism on the left,” but I am not; I’ve seen plenty of it. Most of it springs from their sympathy for the plight of the poor, poor Palestinians, but, as I have said many times in the past, while it is intellectually possible to be opposed to Zionism and not be anti-Semitic, I’ve never seen it actually in practice. Every demonstration I’ve seen online, every screed I’ve ever read, condemning Israel’s control of the lands they conquered, has always devolved into anti-Semitism. Sometimes it was subtle, but mostly it was not.
And I’ve also said, many times before, that the Israelis made a huge mistake by not expelling all of the Arabs from the lands they conquered in 1968. If Israel wanted to keep that territory, they could not afford to allow their bitter enemies to live in it. An expulsion in 1967-68 would have been a humanitarian disaster, along the lines of the expulsion of the Indians from the American southeast in 1830-50, but it would have been over and done with decades ago, leaving Israel with the land for growth, and shortened, more defensible borders. About the only point on which I’d quibble would have been whether Israel should have then destroyed the al Aqsa Mosque; I can see both sides on that question.
Instead, the Israelis hoped that, with conditions being so rotten in Judea and Samaria, the Arabs would emigrate; in that, they ignored their own history. As terrible as Germany made conditions for the Jews in Germany before the war began, few Jews actually chose to emigrate; most were heavily Germanized in their culture, had their family roots in Deutschland, and seem to have thought that yeah, things were bad, but eventually everything would blow over. After all, the Jewish diaspora had 19 centuries of experience in dealing with rising and ebbing anti-Semitism and the occasional pogrom.
Nazi’ism was something wholly new, something so far outside their paradigm that they could not accept the wholly insane idea that the Nazis simply meant to kill them all!
Perhaps it was the shock of the shoah that blinded the Israelis to their own history, to the fact that most Jews did not try to escape Germany when they could, see that such would also happen with the Palestinian Arabs, and realize that their program of restrictive treatment of the Arabs wouldn’t push them to leave voluntarily. Perhaps the shock of the Nazis so pervaded their experience that they also forgot, or didn’t consider, that the refugee ship MS St Louis was turned away by several countries, including the United States, because other countries didn’t want the Jews any more than the Nazis did, and didn’t consider that none of the other Arab nations would want the Palestinians, either.
The Israelis only choice was to push the Arabs into Jordan, where most of them were already citizens, but that choice didn’t linger much beyond 1968. The notion of forced expulsion revolted them, and they just could not do it, but, in the end, that was their only logical choice. Now, they’re saddled with an occupied population who hate them.
[…] Pirates Cove […]
Wow, as though we care about his dilemma. But Jake’s “shock” and whether or not his eyes are now, or ever have been, open aside. Let’s see if there’s a clear, simple way to look at the situation for anyone who’s interested.
Palestine is not a nation, nor has it ever been. So the term Palestinian is not a nationality, by definition, any more than New Englander is a nationality. And Palestinian is certainly not a race. They’re Arabs, that’s it. This doesn’t really make much difference but it’s good for context.
The Arab nations, or “Arab World”, is over 5 million square miles, Israel is a bit more than 8,000. That’s less than an 8′ x 9′ bedroom in a house the size of a football field. Yet the Arabs that call themselves Palestinians (again, not a nationality) claim that all they want is half of that tiny bedroom and everything will be fine and fair.
That is, and has always been, a crock of shit. The mission from the start has been the eradication of Israel and merciless violent death of all Jews, forever. That’s it. There is nothing else for them, it’s a psychosis, an all consuming obsession that has infected generations, and they make absolutely no secret of it. They dream of it, write stories about it, teach it to their children (along with lots of fairly demented lies about it) to their children from before they can speak. Everything that departs materially from that overall theme that they, or anyone else for that matter, utters regarding their beliefs or actions, now or ever, is an absolute lie.
So, by comparison, regardless of the way Jake, those that seem to be “shocking” him, or anyone else may feel about Jews, Israel or their history, if you’re wondering how you should view the Palestinian cause in general, start with how you feel about Naziism, and go downhill from there.
You’re welcome.
Matthew wrote:
Actually, if that was really what they were saying, they could have had their independent nation in early 2021, but that’s not what they were saying, nor what they want. “From the River to the Sea” means that they want all of Israel, and they want it Judenfrei.
Yassir Arafat was offered, straight up, all of Gaza and 97% of Judea and Samaria, along with some compensatory land in Israel proper, and he turned it down, in what President Clinton said was the best offer for which he could ever hope. And he turned it down for one simple reason: if he had accepted it, he knew that his fellow Arabs would kill him.
[…] William Teach: Jake Tapper Shocked By The Jew And Israel Hatred From His Comrades On The Left […]
I also wrote:
The mission from the start has been the eradication of Israel and merciless violent death of all Jews, forever.
I guess the term “Crock of shit” doesn’t have quite the universal definition that I thought it did.
What Yasser said or did has no bearing upon anything current.
Matthew wrote:
Actually, it has a lot of bearing on the current situation.
What if, instead of no, Mr Arafat had accepted Prime Minister Barak’s offer. There would have been an independent Palestine in Judea, Samaria, and Gaza. It’s always possible, indeed probable, that the irredentists would have squalled, but we cannot know for certain whether they would have gained much traction, or been ruthlessly put down. We can know, for certain, that the United States, Israel, and other Western nations would have poured money into the new ‘Palestine’, in an attempt — probably futile, because the Palestinian Arabs are dumb as a box of rocks, but you never know — to make the place prosperous.
And if the whole thing failed, and the new ‘Palestine’ attacked Israel again? The IDF would sweep through, conquer the land again, thoroughly, and have a new excude to expel every last Arab out of Judea, Samaria, and Gaza.
I strongly support the idea of Greater Israel, even though I know it’s a pipe dream.