Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Patriotic Pinup

Happy Sunday! Another fantastic day in the Once And Future Nation Of America. The Sun is shining, the birds are singing, and college football is back. This pinup is by Gil Elvgren, with a wee bit of help.

What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. Climate Depot discusses a study showing ‘climate change’ is mostly an urban problem
  2. Cold Fury covers Dem run cities looking to ban meat
  3. Common Cents Blog has your feel good story, where a dog broke out and ……
  4. Da Techguy’s Blog features doctors lying about reproductive health
  5. Dissecting Leftism covers a hospital who fired nurses over not taking the jab, now begging for them to come back
  6. GeeeZ notes the Biden regime warning of ISIS
  7. Geller Report discusses a judge ruling that CDC mask mandates exceed their authority
  8. Legal Insurrection covers Hamas getting all sorts of violent again
  9. Moonbattery shows a drag queen arrested for child porn getting a job as a principal
  10. Outside The Beltway has a great article on the passing of Jimmy Buffett
  11. Pacific Pundit covers why DeSantis did not meet Biden post-Idalia
  12. Powerline notes there being no mass grave in Canada
  13. Sultan Knish dives deep into Sleepy Joe and fact checking
  14. The American Conservative discusses preparing to lose two wars
  15. And last, but, not least, The Astute Bloggers covers Biden’s funding of terror killed an Israeli schoolteacher

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your Pinups for Vets calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me. I’ve also mostly alphabetized them, makes it easier scrolling the feedreader

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Two great sites for getting news links are Liberty Daily and Whatafinger.

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10 Responses to “Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup”

  1. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    11.Pacific Pundit covers why DeSantis did not meet Biden post-Idalia

    DeSantis remembers what happened when NJ Governor Chris Christie welcomed President Obama (and federal funds) to NJ following hurricane Sandy. Right-wing extremists turned on Christie, claiming him working for the people of his state by welcoming the President hurt Mitt Romney in the 2012 election.

    Governor DeSantis wants the federal money, just not President Biden.

    Said President Biden, graciously:

    “No, I’m not disappointed,” Biden said Saturday afternoon. “He may have had other reasons because – but he did help us plan this. He sat with FEMA and decided where we should go, where it’d be the least disruption.”

    Although CA Governor Newsom met with President Trump following wildfires in CA, Trump tried to limit federal funds ’cause politics. (Curiously, in dozens of photos, the 6’3″ Newsom was significantly taller than the supposed 6’3″ Trump – maybe Newsom is lying and is really 6’5″)

    Trump tweeted in January 2019 that California should stop receiving FEMA money until “they get their act together” on proper forest management. He also blasted the state’s governor, Gavin Newsom, in November and threatened to cut off future funding unless the state adopted measures to curb forest fires.

    • drowningpuppies says:

      Desantis shows real leadership in a time of real crisis.

      Brandon mumbles about almost losing his corvette in a kitchen fire and losing his son in Iraq.

      Cry harder, chubby.

      Bwaha! Lolgf

  2. Dana says:

    The woman in the pin up should try walking a 150 lb Great Pyrenees!

  3. […] Pirates Cove has the greatness of Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup! […]

  4. L.G.Brandon!, L.G.Brandon! says:

    Newsom being the personal fraud that he is and loving to wear costumes always wears lifts in his shoes. President Trump who I know personally since since my parents live on Kings Rd where only two blocks north of Mar-a-Lago where my father is a member. I’ve eaten there many times. And I’ve met Trump many times. And he’s about an inch taller than I. Anything else you wanna bitch about you pusillanimous moron?

    You really picked the stupidest crap to complain about. Our president is killing people over in Ukraine and wasted billions of dollars but you’re concerned about how tall Newsom is compared to Trump. Idiot.

  5. H says:

    Trump wears high heels and more makeup than a drag queen.
    Who here believes his lie about weighing 215 pounds?

  6. Z says:

    Thanks for including GeeeZ….proud to be listed!Z

  7. […] as always to Flappr, Pirate’s Cove, The Other McCain, The Daley Gator, Bacon Time and Whores and Ale for the Rule Five […]

Pirate's Cove