Jeff Bezos Purchase Expensive House In Super Flooding Miami Area

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And now for something completely different

Amazon founder Jeff Bezos buys home in Miami’s ‘billionaire bunker.’ Tom Brady will be his neighbor

Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon, is buying an estate on an exclusive man-made barrier island in Miami known as “Billionaire Bunker,” where he will be neighbors with a growing list of celebrities including Tom Brady, Ivanka Trump and her husband, Jared Kushner.

Bezos, 59, is paying $68 million for the three-bedroom, waterfront home, which sits on 2.8 acres (1.1 hectares), Fortune magazine and Bloomberg reported. The Amazon founder stepped down as CEO in 2021 to devote more time to philanthropy and other projects.

Guillermo Olmedillo, the village manager of Indian Creek Village, told The Associated Press he has no information about the purchase. The village has a country club and its own police force.

Let’s look at the elevation data

I guess he’s not particularly concerned with sea rise from ‘climate change’, eh?

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9 Responses to “Jeff Bezos Purchase Expensive House In Super Flooding Miami Area”

  1. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    Mr Teach: I guess he’s not particularly concerned with sea rise…

    Probably not. For good or ill, Bezos is spending only 0.05% of his net worth on this property. Unlike most of us, he can insulate himself from the threat of global warming.

  2. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    And why do you think that Bezos is moving in amongst right wingers like Tom Brady, Ivanka Trump and Jerad Kushner?

    BTW, Bezos donated $100 million to help Hawaii recover from the wildfires.

    He also donated $100 million to the charity of that wonderful American hero, Dolly Parton.

  3. Dana says:

    If the whole place washes away, unless Mr Bezos is there and gets injured, it’s no big deal for him; he’s got billions of euros, and can buy or build somewhere else. And it’s not as though he’d be homeless, so . . . .

    But at some point, I have to wonder: do you think that the warmunists would gain more credibility if they behaved like they took seriously what they have said?

    • Elwood P. Dowd says:

      Mr Dana: gain more credibility if they behaved like they took seriously what they have said?

      Probably not. If two oldies but goodies such as myself and the estimable Mr Dana understand that billionaires are different from us, than The People will understand as well. Bezos foregoing a coastal home is unlikely to change many minds, and certainly not Mr Dana’s.

      If you want more people to dismiss global warming you need to reduce heat waves, killer storms and wildfires in Hawaii killing dozens of Americans. Alternatively, re-elect Mr Trump and let him shut down the free press.

      • Our sage from St Louis wrote:

        Alternatively, re-elect Mr Trump and let him shut down the free press.

        Did Mr Dowd get a talking points memo, or something? Someone on Morning Joe said yesterday that if President Trump was elected in 2024, the Morning Joe show would disappear. But somehow, some way, during Mr Trump’s four years in the White House, MSNBC was not shut down, CNN stayed on the cable networks, The New York Times, The Washington Post, and the Los Angeles Times, all of which hated the President’s guts, continued to publish.

        The only attempts at censorship or shutting down media that I see have come from the left, including some people, right now, appealing to the Federal Communications Commission to refuse to reissue Fox News broadcasting license!

        Antifa continued to run wild, the left were screaming out their hatred for the President of the United States, but no one’s freedom of speech or of the press was stifled. But several hundred people rally in the Capitol and the left and Democrats want them all rounded up and thrown in jail.

        • Elwood P. Dowd says:

          Our recognition of Trump’s authoritarian tendencies are not so recent.

          President Trump in 2025 will be a different creature than in 2017, and together with the support of the Freedom Caucusoids they’ll use whatever means necessary to guarantee permanent minority rule. Trump does not want to die in prison, even under Secret Service protection.

          Regarding the scoundrels at the Capitol Building, they were not arrested for “rallying” but for their crimes.

  4. CarolAnn says:

    And why do you think that Bezos is moving in amongst right wingers like Tom Brady, Ivanka Trump and Jerad Kushner?

    Probably because it’s cleaner safer and he has better neighbors then he does wear all the liberals are. Let’s face it who wants a bunch of flaming nut jobs as your neighbors. But for the same reason that amongst us normal people we choose the neighborhoods we choose same reason.

    It’s nice to see he also donated hundreds of millions to actually worthwhile enterprises and causes. It’s funny how all the lefties with money wanna live in red areas.

    • Elwood P. Dowd says:

      Yep, billionaires typically have good support staffs to keep the riff-raff away.

      As my obsessed stalker can tell you, we have 7 neighbors on our dead-end street, but I know the political stances of only 2. On lib and one Trumper. Both great neighbors and friends. So it is possible. The Trumper spent a lot of time helping the across-the-street Bosnian Muslim family with tree trimming and hardscaping. The lib is the unofficial neighborhood organizer.

  5. Jl says:

    But the accelerating sea level rise..!

Pirate's Cove