Guy Trying To Enter U.S. Illegally Sues CBP After Falling From Wall

Let’s say you’re trying to enter the grounds of the White House illegally by climbing over the fence, and you fall off of it and hurt yourself: is this your fault or would you sue? If you sued, would the lawsuit be dismissed because you were trying to enter illegally? Heck, you would have been arrested and in trouble. Fences and walls are up for a reason. They are meant to keep people out of places they shouldn’t be. Hence why Biden is having a fence put around his beach house, why Pelosi has a wall around her house, and so many other illegal aliens supporting Democrats have them around their own homes

CBP sued by family of migrant who died after falling from border wall

The family of a man who died after falling from a border wall near the Otay Mesa Port of Entry has filed a wrongful death lawsuit against the federal government.

Joel Reyes Muñoz’s wife filed the lawsuit, saying her husband’s death remains a mystery.

On Jan. 12, 2022, in his third border crossing attempt, Muñoz fell from the 30-foot wall between Tijuana and San Diego, but according to the lawsuit, he would have survived if Border Patrol had provided him with medical attention instead of deporting him. The lawyer says an hour passed between his fall and his death.

“That was his purpose, to go to the United States and be able to help his children because he wanted them to continue studying,” Leticia Durán Martínez told Telemundo 20.

His third attempt at entering the United States illegally over a 30 foot wall. This is on him, but, I’m sure the suit was filed in a friendly court.

Only 20% of Mexicans were hospitalized in 2022 as a result of their attempted border crossing and suffered injuries unrelated to the wall. About 80% suffered more serious injuries when falling from the border fence.

Don’t climb it. It’s not hard to understand. Democrats, and some squishy Republicans, have enabled and driven this behavior with their support of illegal immigration.

Migrants take the U.S. to court over its glitchy asylum app

It has been more than half a century since U.S. immigration laws were written to enshrine the right to apply for asylum at any port of entry to the country. But a new lawsuit argues that today, the right to seek safe haven from persecution is only accessible to people who show up at America’s doorstep with a working smartphone in hand.

Since May, migrants on the Mexico side of the U.S.-Mexico border who are hoping to apply for asylum have been required to make their asylum appointments through a mobile phone app operated by U.S. Customs and Border Patrol, known as CBP One. The new system has effectively oriented the first — and for many, the most urgent — stage of the asylum process around a digital tool that is, by many accounts, glitchy and unreliable.

On July 27, immigrants’ rights groups filed a class action lawsuit against the Biden administration over its use of the app, setting the stage for a legal showdown over the government’s decision to shift the first stage of the asylum application process into the realm of automation.

Good grief. Biden tried to do illegals a solid by making it easier to apply, meaning they will get to come to the U.S. and hang for years while waiting for their day in court (and disappear when they are denied asylum, like 90% are), and they sue? How about they just stay home? Maybe the U.S. should start using all this money to take care of Americans.

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7 Responses to “Guy Trying To Enter U.S. Illegally Sues CBP After Falling From Wall”

  1. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    Tough break, Joel. Actions have consequences.

  2. MrLiberty says:

    Their restitution should be a life-sentence in Gitmo.

  3. Hal P says:

    Hang them all from the wall…
    Politicians also..

  4. Nolan Parker says:

    I think we owe him And his family a Thank You card and a trophy for proving the wall works. The trophy should look like a scene from the Roadrunner cartoon and have a body shaped dent with ejecta flying up from the perimeter.
    I’m just Sure they would appreciate it and display it proudly in their home.

  5. Thomas Moore says:

    Make sure to remember the day the news blared “JOE BIDEN FINALLY AGREES TO BUILT STOUT SOLID WALL” and the news continued that was around his personal home. And that wall paid for by US taxpayer FJB did not pay for that himself.

  6. Carlos the Jackal says:

    Yes, there is a Barrio lottery as well as a ghetto lottery.
    Your death while committing a CRIME is on you.
    Case dismissed.

  7. JimS says:

    Darwin Award winner.

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