Brandon To Designate Grand Canyon Zone As National Monument

Can you guess why? Yeah, the climate scam. And to do this he took a helicopter flight to Andrews, jump on a jumbo jet, followed by a backup jumbo jet and a few fighter jets, then take a large fossil fueled vehicle in a large fossil fueled convoy. This is after taking all that fossil fueled travel from Delaware to D.C. Monday

Biden to designate Grand Canyon national monument in climate change push blocking future uranium mining

President Biden is to announce a historic national park designation for the Grand Canyon Tuesday as part of a $44 million commitment “to strengthen climate resilience across our national park system.”

The move effectively blocks future mining of uranium, the key element used to power nuclear reactors and for other medical, industrial and defense purposes.

A White House official said the Baaj Nwaavjo I’tah Kukveni – Ancestral Footprints of the Grand Canyon National Monument in Arizona – will conserve nearly 1 million acres of greater Grand Canyon landscape sacred to Tribal Nations and Indigenous peoples and advance “Biden’s historic climate and conservation agenda.”

He’s using Native Americans like some people use their kids to get better seats on airplanes. All that fossil fueled travel from Biden isn’t doing much to “protect the environment”, eh?

And it will continue the moratorium on uranium mining, and make it even more difficult

Yet, a U.S. Geological Survey in 2021 found most springs and wells in a vast region of northern Arizona known for its high-grade uranium ore meet federal drinking water standards despite decades of uranium mining. Mining companies and the areas that would benefit from their business remain vehemently opposed to the national monument designation.

The best energy supply available if they want to get rid of fossil fuels, but, most Warmists are against it.

If you’re wonder why Biden had to make this trip, when he could have made the designation while in D.C.? Heck, from his Delaware beach house?

  • 625PM: The President arrives in Albuquerque, New Mexico
  • 8pm: The President participates in a campaign reception

    It’s so he doesn’t have to pay for what was really a campaign trip.

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10 Responses to “Brandon To Designate Grand Canyon Zone As National Monument”

  1. Wylie1 says:

    Every decision Biden makes benefits our enemies and our competitors.

  2. drowningpuppies says:

    Heckuvajob, Joey.

    Bwaha! Lolgf

  3. Professor Hale says:

    Also explains those commercials on Hulu praising Biden for creating National monuments because of how important they are (while forgetting that they are the party of tearing down monuments that they don’t like).

  4. alanstorm says:

    The move effectively blocks future mining of uranium, the key element used to power nuclear reactors and for other medical, industrial and defense purposes.

    If Brandon was working AGAINST US interests, what – if anything – would he be doing differently? Discuss amongst yourselves.

  5. W Wilson says:

    The indians of Arizona will send their children in sacrifice to the pedo joe, then hold out their hand for more money.

  6. H says:

    Uranium is a rather common material
    It is about as common as tin or zinc.
    It isn’t hard to locate it difficult to mine

  7. MrLiberty says:


  8. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    Canada, Kazakhstan, Australia, Namibia are leading producers of uranium. It’s not hard to find.

    “this area represents about 1.3% of the nation’s known and understood uranium reserves”

    Isn’t it worth protecting the Grand Canyon from mining?

    Anyway, in 2016 Fat Donnie, who never lies, accused Hillary Clinton of giving away all our uranium rights to Russia.

  9. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    Let’s declare the entire state of Wyoming as America’s uranium source.

  10. RW says:

    In 1968 Union Carbide burned 50,000 tons of coal with uranium as one of the rare earth elements in the ash. They then hauled the uranium-laced coal ash to a laboratory to extract the uranium from the coal ash.

    Uranium is a natural resource, just have make good use of it.

    Transforming uranium into usable energy in the form of distributed electricity is the cat’s meow.

    You gotta love it. You can read what is writ.

    Hydrocarbons uber alles!

Pirate's Cove