Of course, Hollywood A-listers are super happy to support this stuff
It's not about the adults: it's about dragging (sic) children into this insanity. You want to do all this crap as an adult? Fine. Be you. Kids aren't allowed to go to strip clubs or porno theaters https://t.co/dzdLsXMLsw
— William Teach2 ??????? #refuseresist (@WTeach2) May 6, 2023
Drag isn’t dangerous. For adults. Leave the kids alone. They aren’t allowed in bars, strip clubs, or porn shops/theaters
A majority of Americans oppose allowing gender-affirming care for minors and transgender women participating in women’s sports, a poll found.
A Washington Post-KFF poll found that 68 percent of adults oppose access to puberty-blocking medication for transgender children ages 10-14 and 58 percent oppose access to hormonal treatments for transgender kids ages 15 to 17.
More than 60 percent said transgender women and girls should not be allowed to compete with other women and girls in youth, high school, college and professional sports.
The results come as Republicans in states across the country have pushed for bills to restrict minors’ access to gender-affirming care and ban transgender women from competing on sports teams in line with their gender identity.
No matter how many times they call it “gender affirming care”, it’s about placating and accommodating kids who are mostly going with a fad, one that will see their lives ruined with the drugs and surgeries, one that will see them have serious mental health issues and suicidal thoughts and attempts if the adults go with it, rather than having them seek qualified, competent mental health counselors.
And Americans are not buying into this trans madness. They do not want boys competing against actual girls, nor want them in their bathrooms, changing rooms, showers, and locker rooms.
A majority of adults surveyed in the poll, 57 percent, said a person’s gender is determined by their sex assigned at birth, while 43 percent said it can be different from their sex assigned at birth.
So, 43% of Americans are bat-guano insane and do not understand basic science.
Obviously, the younger the crowd the more they approve of trans-madness, because they’ve been indoctrinated.

If children are protected from this insanity till they are adults VERY few of them would even consider a “drag” lifestyle. By forcing themselves and their ideology on young children they seek to CREATE gender confusion in order to enlist more people into their insanity. This is about propaganda to expand their reach, power and influence. It has NOTHING to do with their freedom to be insane. This insanity allows true pedophiles to hide amongst the propagandists and sexually prey on children.
Only a sick debauched dying society would even consider allowing this activity. Proof that our society is dead and needs to be burnt down and rebuilt.
Our esteemed host wrote:
But that’s just it: the “woke” conflate that to mean we want to make ‘gender transition’ illegal for adults. They don’t argue on the same terms we do, because they believe it more effective to lie than tell the truth.
If a legal adult wants to mutilate himself physically, that’s up to him. I don’t care what he does in that regard, as long as he isn’t attempting to use the force of law to compel other people to go along with his cockamamie delusions.
But, of course, the ‘transgendered’ are trying to get the law to recognize their delusions, and, at least in New York City, businesses can be fined, big time, if their employees ‘misgender’ a customer. Fornicate that!
And exposing kids to this stuff, trying to sexualize children even before puberty? No wonder some call them ‘groomers,’ because that’s exactly the right word.
The honorable Mr Dana complains that ‘woke’ people are not being honest, then himself conflates drag shows with transgenderism (as does Mr Teach).
Mr Teach, aside from not understanding the use of the term sic, contends that drag ‘culture’ is related to the legitimate concerns about 1) trans women in women’s sports and 2) medical care for children who feel misgendered.
We get it. Men wearing outrageous make-up and with bizarre hairstyles and unusual intonations… let’s rephrase that… men wearing extravagant dresses, over-the-top make-up and wigs are entertaining and easy to mock and ridicule.
It’s a fact that some children’s psychologies do not match their gender assignment at birth. It’s also true that this phenomenon has become more prevalent, either by increased recognition (acceptance) of the reality OR alternatively as a response to the publicity. A worthwhile discussion.
It’s also a fact that trans women may have unfair advantages participating in women’s sports. Also an important discussion.
The moderate from Missouri wrote:
What I wrote was:
Well, I certainly state that exposing children to drag shows promotes transgenderism! Drag shows,
menmales dressing up in women’s clothing and parading around as they do promotes the cockamamie idea thatmenmales can be women.But really, why do you object to people objecting to those “trying to sexualize children even before puberty?” What part of letting them grow up normally do you find so objectionable?
‘Grooming’, like ‘woke’ are meaningless right-wing short-hand for stuff they don’t like.
It dates to at least Shakespeare times. It is not sexual or nudity. Children see more flesh on TV, tiktok, music videos and at the pool or beach.
Why do people accuse drag story time of “trying to sexualize children even before puberty?” Have you never seen facebook, tiktok, tv, video games, the beach or music videos? Or even the circus?
There is no evidence that drag reading hour promotes transgenderism anymore than Halloween costumes groom children to practice witchcraft and Satanism.
We get it. You’re fooling no one. The objections from the right are not about sexualizing children but IS about despising gays and transgendered people, which you label as perverse.
Yet, a person can march into a school, kill 20 kids and teachers and we’re told, there’s nothing that can be done to stop it.
Mr Dana asked:
Those kids in Uvalde will not grow up – normally or otherwise. There is excellent evidence that their attendance at the ‘gun show’ was damaging.
Yesterday, a man killed 9 Texans in a mall in Allen Texas; several others were wounded. This is happening all too frequently in America. In schools, malls, parks, theaters, businesses and restaurants shooters kill children, women and men.
To cons, men in dresses are a bigger threat to Americans than men in body armor.
If conservatives tried, they couldn’t think of a more effective way to destabilize society than random public mass murder.
More guns, fewer killings?
Other suggestions?
Rimjob: To cons, men in dresses are a bigger threat to Americans than men in body armor.
And you know this how, dipshit?

Are you just stupid?
Bwaha! Lolgf
DickBreath: And you know this how,
How do you NOT know this, ConBoy?
Bwaha! Lolgf
Funny that the shooter was back brown mix, gang related and likely carrying an illegal gun.
No comments from AOC, Biden, or Sharpton on this one.
Quelle surprise!

Bwaha! Lolgf
Wait, now the guy is described by the Mail as a Nazi white supremacist. Who would have guessed. Total bull.
Do you actually believe this shit or are you trying to be a random troll? First, no “con” anywhere ever stated that ” men in dresses are a bigger threat to Americans than men in body armor.” However, it is probably true since body armor poses no threat either physical nor moral to the Republic whereas men in dresses do illustrate a psycho sexual problem in our culture.
Second, destabilization of society occurs by confusing right with wrong, good with bad and so on. This type of confusion usually fostered by cockeyed leftist culture is also what causes the mental deficiencies that facilitate “random public mass murder”. Note about 95% of these random mass murderers are mentally ill leftists filled with hate by their political leaders. Be they nazis or communists they all seem to have a seething hate for Christians and/or Christian beliefs (like dowd seems to percolate) and no room in their personal philosophies for any other view but their own (another of dowd’s traits).
Comparing cross dressers with mass murderers is an expected logical fallacy that could/would be propagated by a leftist. Your ultimate goal is to remove guns from the hands of the honest citizen because of the crimes of the criminals you and yours let loose on society.
A honest and moral society will not base it’s laws for the good based on the acts of the evil. But a morally bankrupt atheist tyranny would. Which is why compromise is impossible. https://youtu.be/rTusjhPHvpA
CarolAnn types:
What a heaping, stinking pile of bullshit.
Every fizzucking red state legislature is working overtime to prevent ‘drag shows’ but not a one is addressing crazies taking their AR-15s a slaughtering children, shoppers, diners, walkers and picnickers. Thoughts and prayers don’t seem to be working.
The connie responses to dead innocents are 1) black ghettoes! 2) there’s nothing we can do! 3) freedom!
Gays and trans are not destroying America; connies are.
We get it. Connies are afraid that they are being replaced by immigrants, gays, libs, Blacks, and to connies that’s a fate worse than any other, so they support insurrection and even mass murder. All you needed was a leader telling you what you needed to hear. So of course you say compromise is impossible. The word you really want is unacceptable.
In the meantime you pick apart gays, Muslims, women, transgendered, immigrants and drag queens.
As oft noted, the GOP is so much more ruthless than the feckless Dems. The GOP has had a long plan and are ready to close the deal on America. Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Florida, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, West Virginia, Wyoming are in the pocket of the GOP minority and are busy banning abortion, drag shows, medical procedures, out of state travel, restricting voting rights, expanding gun deaths, restricting protest…
The GOP did not return to normal. YOU want America to implode so it can be rebuilt as a white Christian nationalist paradise.
Is this why the odious right refuses to address the weekly slaughter of school children, shoppers, concert goers, families…
How dems… uh, “think”.
Heres your sign.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Everything that moron racist and bigot just commented is a lie. He is an ignorant communist supporter and a pro pervert neofascist.
The reason all this crap is happening is pure and simple demofascist policies. We get it, lefties are brutes, bullies and love to blame guns on the actions of their constituents. We get it people like Elwood like kids either aborted or perverted. We get it. The Dowd crowd supports taking our rights away but not theirs. We get it. The dowd crowd wants a ione party state. They hate opposition that’s why they lie. We get it, they are the worstb of mankind and want to spread the word. We get it. Lol.
The nuGop and nuCons have gone off the deep end. You tell us all what YOU wish to inflict on America – it’s called projection.
Yes, I believe that semi-auto weapons have no place in a peaceful society.
Since you accuse ignorant communist pervert neofascist lefty constituents for ‘all this crap’ wouldn’t taking AR-15s from constituents be to your benefit?
CarolAnn and other white Christian nationalists want a lone party state.
First of all I am not a White Nationalist and resent your false accusation. If anything I am a American Nationalist as you should be also. Or are you not American?
Don’t even try and use your “flip” shit. The only people here who project are the lying leftists who insist on accusing us of wanting to kill people because we believe in our gun rights. You want to take our firearms away because some “vibrant” goes ape-shit and murders innocent people. It is you lefties who riot, burn down buildings, murder people on the streets and kill cops, not us.
Where in my rebuttal did I mention AR-15s? I thought we were talking about body armor or did I read it wrong? You lie and make shit up then project your hateful bigoted anti American crap on others. How can we get rid of un American slobs like you? Please tell us. You don’t deserve to live in this country you hate so much.
Our objective is to keep AR-15 style rifles out of the hands of violent nuts, whether they are white, black, orange, immigrant, straight, gay or trans. This will reduce the number and deadliness of mass shootings.
We should stop the U.S. sales immediately. We should work out a mechanism for retrieving them from current owners. Next I would ban semi-auto pistols used so often in street crimes.
These firearms are designed to kill as many humans as possible.
And I apologize for calling you a white nationalist. From now on, per Mr Teach’s request we’ll let your typings speak for you.
The average citizen needs more personal firepower than ever before in the history of our country. The Dems/ liberals / communist have allowed millions of people into our country, all against the prevailing laws. No one knows who these people are, they could easily be an entire hostile army. No one knows. Some of these illegals have committed mass murder. Then the cities have given up on policing and control of violence, theft, and any other major crime. We must provide for our own security. If that is not bad enough, our federal government is illegitimate and was not duly elected, and they are hostile to us and our way of life.
The US homicide rate is lower today than in 1990. The so-called ‘good guys with guns’ have a poor record taking out ‘bad guys with guns’ before the bad guys kill several children, women and men.
The nuRight has gone nutz, feeling that the U.S. government is illegitimate and needs to be violently overthrown.
You know how to get rid of drunk drivers killing sober drivers? Ban sober drivers. That’s the left’s fix for gun violence
Jl typed:
Nice try, but really not close. A better approach would be to ban drunk drivers from driving! Keep them from keeping a bearing an auto!
Sorry but you would need to take cars away from sober drivers like the left wants to take guns away from non criminals.
Several reasons why gun control is good-
There are no guns in the Bible. If God thought guns would keep you safe he would have created them long ago.
It allows you to trust the government to protect your family. Because the government does everything well and efficiently!
If you take guns away, all bad guys instantly become good guys! After all, it’s the guns that are evil, not human beings.
If you don’t have a gun, you don’t need to spend money on ammo, and that money can be used to purchase more Covid masks to wear when you drive alone in your car!
Babylon Bee