…is an Evil plastic gun, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Cold Fury, with a post on how the squishy Republicans in Florida are feeling about DeSantis.

…is an Evil plastic gun, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Cold Fury, with a post on how the squishy Republicans in Florida are feeling about DeSantis.

Bwaha! Lolgf
“Consent” under penalty of law, is coercion, not consent.
“Consent” under penalty of law, is coercion, not consent.
Townhall and MethMouth are lying to you once again.
Read the Bill (which has not been signed by the Gov).
Shitholes like Townhall supply cretins like MethMouth with disinformation to keep the right-winger perpetually aggrieved, angry and victims.
They rely on your bigotry and lack of curiosity about the truth to gin up outrage.
That’s it. Everyone is lying except Rimjob.
Nope. Just MethMouth and everything he reads.
Both Bud Light and Dylan Mulvaney have increased social media traffic! Maybe they’re smarter than sobbing Kid “Remember Me!” Rock…
I hadn’t heard of Dylan Mulvaney until the right-wing meltdown!! Well done. Unintended consequence much? LOL.
Kansas City homeowner who shot Black teen Ralph Yarl is a white man in his 80s, records show.
So 16 yr old Ralph went to pick up his siblings and rang the wrong doorbell. The homeowner shot Ralph twice in the head.
More guns, less crime. If Ralph had been armed he might be alive today. The old man would likely be dead. Police State 1.
Video shows US police at wrong house before shooting homeowner
Robert Dotson, 52, was killed by police on April 5 in New Mexico after officers responding to a domestic violence report arrived at the wrong house.
On the other hand, if Mr Dotson DIDN’T have a gun he’s likely be alive today! More guns, no crime! Since the police were justified in killing Mr Dotson. Mrs Dotson will likely be charged for firing on the officers! Police State 2.
All part of Uncle Joe’s plan to rid the US of 16 yr old Black kids and 52 yr old gun nuts!!
Truly amazing how quickly they identified the shooter in KC as white…

Bwaha! Lolgf
Older white people are justified in shoot first, ask questions later when a Black teenager shows up at night. This is why we advocate that all Black kids carry convenient concealed semi-autos, like a Beretta Pico, Ruger EC9s, CT380, Bersa Thunder, Hi-Point C-9 ($148), Cobra Denali ($127). If you want a bit more oomph, go to a .38 Special revolver like the elegant Charter Undercover.
We’re setting up a 501(c)(3) charity to purchase pistols and holsters for disadvantaged yutes. GunzFoKidz Foundation.
Another fail with your own special brand of sarcasm and hyperbole devoid of any logic.
Racist much?

Bwaha! Lolgf
Why do you suppose that FOX News is seeking to settle the $1,600,000,000 suit with Dominion?
Dominion Lawyer: Mr Carlson, recall you’re under oath. Were you advised by anyone in FOX management to say that the 2020 election was stolen?
Carlson: I invoke my right to not answer under the protections of the 5th Amendment.
FOX recognizes they’re going to lose so why not lose without airing their dirty laundry.
Making up shit again, hey Rimjob?

Bwaha? Lolgf
“Bud Light smooths things over with new ad featuring drag queen waving an American flag”
With just a little effort we can save the planet.
So easy anyone can do it.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Standing His Ground, a Rural New York Man Shoots into a Car in His Driveway, Killing One
If the kids had had an AR-15 at the ready they could have killed Mr Monahan as he raised his firearm. Now, poor Mr Monahan will likely spend the rest of his life in prison since he killed a white girl. More guns, less crime!!
Kids these days need 1) to keep and bear MORE firearms and 2) to be more careful about finding addresses.
Americans have the 2nd Amendment right to defend their properties from invasion.
Heastie, the Democratic leader of the state Assembly, has been a vocal supporter of the state’s controversial 2019 criminal justice reforms.
Governor Kristi Noem (R-SD) told an adoring crowd at the NRA+ Convention that her 2 year old granddaughter already has a rifle AND a shotgun!
Which begs the question: Does the 2nd Amendment apply to a fertilized ovum (i.e., a Republicun person)? Can a zygote (i.e., Republicun person) residing in a woman convicted of a violent felony keep and bear an AR-15? At what point in gestation can a fetus keep and bear a firearm?
A Florida woman (Deborah) was carrying a fetus diagnosed with Potter Syndrome (lethal). The standard treatment is abortion but because of the new anti-abortion law kept her from that care she needed. She was forced to carry to term and the baby was born and died shortly thereafter.
Nice job, Repubicun men. Nice job…
Although there is an exception for fatal fetal conditions in the law, doctors are reluctant to perform necessary healthcare for fear of lawsuits, jail or loss of license to practice.
Of course, Ms Dorbert could have travelled to a nearby state to secure the health care she needed. She could possibly have gone to Georgia or South Carolina. Or Cuba.