Remember the salad days of there being no new wars, no serious conflicts? Other than some slaps at Iran (and taking out a general who kills US military members), Trump was trying to calm things down. His admin did great work in trying to end conflict between Israel and many Middle East nations. He had a plan to get out of Afghanistan, which Biden completely messed up. Now, Biden is trying to pull us into WWIII (non-paywalled version here)
In Biden’s Unannounced Visit to Kyiv, a Preview of an Increasingly Direct Contest With Putin
President Joe Biden’s sudden appearance in Kyiv’s presidential palace Monday morning was intended first as a morale booster for shellshocked Ukrainians in the midst of a bleak winter of power outages and a bitter war of attrition.
But it was also the first of several direct challenges on this trip to Russian President Vladimir Putin, who a year ago this week believed the Ukrainian capital would become Russian-controlled territory again in a matter of days, moving Putin closer to his ambition of restoring the empire of Peter the Great.
Yes, yes, let’s poke the Bear. How far does Biden intend to go?
“Putin’s war of conquest is failing,” Biden declared from the palace, his very presence there, alongside President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, meant to symbolize Russia’s failure to take a capital that today remains brimming with life, its restaurants overflowing even as warning sirens blare.
“One year later,” he said, “Kyiv stands. And Ukraine stands. Democracy stands.”
The war in Ukraine is about power and the principle of territorial sovereignty, and whether the Western-designed global order that Americans thought would prevail for decades will, in fact, survive new challenges from Moscow and Beijing. But it is increasingly a contest between two aging Cold Warriors, one 70 years old and another who just turned 80, who have been circling each other for years and now are engaged in everything short of direct battle.
Putin took Crimea while Biden was Veep under Obama, and, it was easy, all they saw was some sanctions which did not last, and still have it. He figured Ukraine would be easy. It hasn’t been, but, Russia is still fighting, and Ukraine wouldn’t without money and weapons from the US and EU nations.
Biden was in Kyiv on Monday for less than six hours before the Secret Service whisked him out of the city. (Notably, the White House informed the Kremlin of Biden’s impending visit before the president arrived, not as a diplomatic courtesy but for what Biden’s national security adviser, Jake Sullivan, called “deconfliction purposes” — essentially, to avoid a Russian strike, accidental or otherwise. Sullivan added, “I won’t get into how they responded.”)
It's not enough that we have to send billions upon billions of tax dollars to Ukraine, but we have to suffer the indignity of staged air raid sires and photo ops to make Biden look tough/cool.
— Anthony Abides (@AnthonyAbides) February 20, 2023
So, totally staged. An attempt to make Biden look tough, as he works slowly towards WWIII.

Mr Teach may recall that one year ago Russia invaded a sovereign nation, Ukraine, unprovoked. In a speech yesterday Putin lied that Ukraine started the war!
Is there anything that Putin could do to offend a MAGAt?
No-More-Trumper Ron DeSantis gives President Brandon credit for weakening Russia!
Thanks Brandon!! Would “President Neville” DeSantis also give Putin whatever he wanted?
Over the years Putin has annexed parts of Georgia, Ukraine’s Crimean Peninsula and now parts of Ukraine, with the goal of making Ukraine a Russian territory. Recent news reports also claim Putin intends to annex Russia-friendly Belarus. The West did nothing over those annexations, and certainly will ignore Belarus.
Will NATO go to war with Russia if Putin annexes Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania? Doubtful. How about non-NATO Finland?
Once again, the distinguished Mr Dowd exhibits World War II thinking when the problem is that it might lead to World War III.
Yeah, I’m kind of thinking that getting New York City nuked over Estonia ain’t a great trade.
What part of Russia has a strategic nuclear arsenal don’t you understand?
Perhaps Mr Dana will explain at what point, if any, aggressions should be resisted?
Are any and all invasions by Russia and China acceptable unless the Red Armies cross our borders? Does he favor the United States of America withdrawing from NATO?
When Russia pushes into Poland or Finland we will have WWIII whether the US participates or not. Is it time for the whole of Europe to give up and all become Russian satellites?
To be honest, no one in the West much cares about Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Armenia or Azerbaijan. But then, neither does Russia. Yet.
Does having a nuclear arsenal give a madman carte blanche to do what he desires?
You tell us Dowd? Why did Obama do NOTHING? Why did NATO stick their heads in the sand over Ukraine losing a quarter of its country to Russia in 2014 under OBAMA?
Why do we fight now. Why suddenly are we sending 115 billion dollars to Ukraine when we sent them MRE’s under Obama?
You tell us? At what point should we say fuk it and load up the B-1’s, B-2’s, B-52’s, ship out our 12 ohio class nukes and git er dun?
A bit of a history lesson you might have forgotten:
In early 2014, the Euromaidan protests led to the Revolution of Dignity and the ousting of Ukraine’s pro-Russian president Viktor Yanukovych. Shortly after, pro-Russian unrest erupted in eastern and southern Ukraine.
Simultaneously, unmarked Russian troops moved into Ukraine’s Crimea and took over government buildings, strategic sites and infrastructure. Russia soon annexed Crimea after a highly-disputed referendum.
In April 2014, armed pro-Russian separatists seized government buildings in Ukraine’s eastern Donbas region and proclaimed the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) and Luhansk People’s Republic (LPR) as independent states, sparking the Donbas War.
Why did we refuse to fight when Bush was bogged down in the Middle East and Why did we refuse to fight when Obama was bogged down in the Middle East.
Why now?
Oh yeah, we are not bogged down in the Middle East any longer. Gotta keep the MIC happy.
Republicans criticized President Obama for not going to war with Russian over Crimea!
Are you now suggesting the US should initiate a nuclear war with Russia? That seems very all-or-none of you.
BTW, Crimea is 4% of the area of Ukraine, not 25%. Easy mistake to make.
A year ago, Putin didn’t annex 4% of Ukraine but invaded the nation killing thousands of innocent civilians. See the difference?
Are you now against helping Ukraine defend itself against annihilation but would go to war over Crimea in 2014?
No doubt, the US transfers great amounts of hard-working Americans’ tax monies to super-wealthy defense contractors, but that’s the make-up of the nation. Back when the Bush/Cheney administration engineered the Iraq scam some on the left blamed defense contractors and the economic stimulus associated with going to war for the policy. We can ALWAYS expect those making fortunes from supplying materiel to favor war. ALWAYS.
And once again groomer Elwood parrots his masters’ lies. Besides your Masters’ money corruption in the Ukraine, they had many Bio-weapon labs in Ukraine… NATO with the USA are the instigators of this war. Russia is defending itself as the USA was defending itself when Russia was aiming to put missiles in Cuba.
Why not try doing your own research and thinking for yourself? You may end up being Right.
Trump had 4 years to do as he promised and get us out of Afghanistan. He didn’t.
He did sign a treaty with the Taliban promising to leave in May of 2021
Teach IF Biden does send troops/trainers to Ukraine will you be all in for “Support our Troops”? Or will you be weakening our countries foreign policy by openly supporting Putin’s invasion ?
Expect more of Russia’s high-ranking defense officials to “accidentally” fall from high rise buildings soon.
Groomer Elwood: Expect more patriots to expose your Masters involvement in the Ukraine corruption. Expect more high-ranking US politicians to ‘purposely’ be made to fall.
You weren’t groomed… you sucked those dicks willingly.
Just like you willingly assraped your prepubescent grandson, hey Rimjob?

Would Mel endorse your grooming?
Bwaha! Lolgf
The sad reality is there are NO GOOD GUYS in the Ukrainian debacle. And Mr. Elwood P Shill needs to be banned from the internet. It’s nothing but a Fed Gov troll posting garbage to muddy the waters.
Ukraine is not our business. They aren’t even an ally. Russia sees them as a buffer zone between NATO and Russia. Russia does not want hostile players on their border just like we didn’t want them in Cuba. That isn’t hard to understand.
Sleepy joe the daughter doer is a raving lunatic. He wants a nuclear war so the left can impose “emergency powers”. I know this because all during this Ukrainian fiasco he not once tried to negotiate a peace. No one has. The leftist war mongers in the US only want war and the democommies are happy to oblige.
People like Elwood are committed to Ukraine because they are ruled by the Biden family’s money launderers and because they are pro nazi. Makes sense when you consider Elwood’s political proclivities.
Biden is corrupt so…..
American MAGAts love Trump and Trump loves dictators. The American far-right would welcome a dictator as long as the dictator was on their side – as long as the dictator welcomed a white, Christian dominated society. But most Americans, most humans, prefer freedom and democracy.
The reasonable Mr Dana has legitimate concerns about the desperate Putin’s potential to use nuclear weapons in Ukraine if the world doesn’t give him Ukraine. But what is the proper response to madmen-led nations such as Russia, North Korea, Syria, Iran, Pakistan(?), India(?), China(?) who are encouraged to use the threat of armageddon to get their way?? The West could destroy North Korea, Syria, Pakistan or Iran in a literal flash which likely keeps them at bay.
But what about Russia and China? What about Russia and China. That’s where we are. Do we say to Putin – “OK, take Ukraine, we will withdraw all aid, but please stop there. Thanks!”
It’s likely when Putin invaded Ukraine he accidentally started WWIII. NATO, the US and China are involved.
Rimjob, as you’ve been told it’s not the “far right” but the “right so far”.

Bwaha! Lolgfy
[…] Pirates Cove nails it! […]
Do you realize ” white, Christian dominated society” created freedom and democracy? Once again your inability to see your own projection (trying to make others fight and financed the war YOU want) obscures your ability to be either objective or reasonable. WE DON’T WANT WAR WITH RUSSIA OVER THE UKRAINE.
There are many realistic things to go to war over and the Ukraine is not one of them.
“As American taxpayers paying into Social Security today stare down the barrel toward substantial cuts to their own benefits, estimated to take place in 2034, they can at least take solace in knowing that all categories of Ukrainian pensioners will get a 20% raise in March 2023. “As early as this March,” says Ukrainian Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal, “the government will index pensions by 20%” for about 10 million Ukrainians.
Indexing the payments “is not mandatory according to the Law of Ukraine on the State Budget for 2023,” but benevolent President Zelensky has instructed them to reprice the benefits upwards anyway.
And why wouldn’t he? His government is swimming in American cash.”
Read the whole thing and stop repeating the morons talking points you sound like a cuckold. Ukraine are not our children and Russia (up till now) poses no threat to us.
Wake up America. Slow Joe is driving us to bankruptcy and war!”
Conmenter proclaims: “Wake up America. Slow Joe is driving us to bankruptcy and war!”
Let’s look at US gubmint debt over the years…
Note the drop in debt as % GDP in the past two years. Note increase from 104% GDP to 129% GDP from 2017 to 2020 end. So who is bankrupting America?
The US has approved $111 billion for Ukraine so far in military support, cash and humanitarian aid. The cost of the Iraq and Afghanistan “wars” was close to $8000 billion in 2022 dollars. Ukraine has cost the US less than the 2% of what we wasted in Iraq and Afghanistan. We Americans have spent about twice as much in Ukraine as we spend a year on pet care.
The better argument is the one Mr Dana makes: We are at risk of nuclear war.
Putin of Russia militarily invaded Ukraine, a sovereign and fledgling democracy in eastern Europe. The invasion was unprovoked. Putin wanted Ukraine for political and economic reasons. Putin miscalculated the resolve of Ukraine, Europe and especially President Biden and the US.
It’s clear that many on the right want the US to abandon Ukraine. Many on the right feel that NATO is no longer necessary. Is it unfair, to say that many on the right support Putin and Russia for some reason? Do US rightists oppose crippling economic sanctions against Putin personally and Russia as a nation and economy?
What should be the US/global response (if any) if/when China annexes Taiwan? If Russia annexes non-NATO Finland? NATO member Estonia?
Do you feel that major nuclear powers (Russia, China, US, NATO) should be able to do as they please?
Funny that Rimjob is trying really hard to make some kind of point. Fail.

Then starts asking his rhetorical questions again.
Again Fail.
Seems he’s forgotten who’s running the show.
Bwaha! Lolgf