Is there any real difference between the Democratic Socialists Of America and the climate cult?
Socialists cheer Dem state’s climate bill mandating fossil fuel shutdown: ‘Will transform New York’
Send the kids out in the cold weather to clean them off
The Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) celebrated after the New York State Senate passed a sweeping climate bill Wednesday evening, bringing it one step closer to being enacted.
The state’s Senate passed the so-called Build Public Renewables Act in a near party-line vote of 37-22 with two Democrats, Sens. John Mannion and Jessica Scarcella-Spanton, voting against the bill and no Republicans voting in favor of it. The legislation, which now moves to the New York State Assembly for approval, would give the state-run power authority greater ability to build renewable generation and mandate fossil fuel plant shutdowns.
“With the passage of the Build Public Renewables Act in the Senate, New York took a vital step toward the sustainable and pro-worker future our state needs,” the DSA’s New York City chapter said in a statement Wednesday. “We’ve been proud to work with labor and working class New Yorkers across the state to fight for this bill, which will transform New York into a global model for clean public power.”
“Today’s vote is a welcome signal that the State Senate, unlike Governor Hochul and her allies, is committed to an energy transition that benefits workers, guarantees we build the clean energy grid we need, and creates an energy system that serves New Yorkers — not shareholders,” the statement continued.
It would end the use of natural gas for power, which a lot of New Yorkers outside NYC and the major metropolitan areas rely on for heating and other needs. Solar panels won’t work when they’re covered with snow, wind turbines won’t turn when they are frozen. Not too mention the huge tracts of land that have to be used, including being clearcut, to put up the panels and wind turbines. Who wants to bet that the same people voting for this Act have not given up their own use of fossil fuels?
But, hey, if NY wants to go the way of California
Energy expert sounds alarm over California power grid: ‘Stressed to the limit’
As California leaders continue to push a renewable energy agenda, one state policy expert is sounding off on the pricey costs and lack of infrastructure that could bring the Golden State’s electric grid to the brink of collapse.
“The California power grid is stressed pretty much to the limit,” California Policy Center co-founder and senior fellow Edward Ring said on “The Big Money Show” Tuesday. “Our ability to import energy as well as our ability to generate energy from renewables just isn’t there, the storage isn’t there or the transmission lines as well.”
Ring, along with other energy experts, have warned California’s power grid faces years of potential blackouts as state politicians prematurely push a renewable energy transition.
Consumers would likely take on a “ridiculous” burden, he further argued, while noting it will be “incredibly expensive” to generate enough wind and solar energy supply.
Well, hey, the majority of Californian’s voted for this, so, they should just shut their mouths and suck it. Same with New Yorkers. Of course, Californians and New Yorkers are abandoning their respective states in droves. Those who voted for the Modern Socialist/Climate Cult madness either need to stay there, or don’t even think about pushing this cult crap in their new states.

The cited article said:
Does the “state-run power authority” actually build anything themselves? Or can they, at most, approve contracts for private utility producers who want to build things?
What happens if no one wants to build these facilities? Public utilities have made an economic trade-off with governments: they will accept lower returns on investment, and the governments will guarantee them little to no competition.
But solar plants don’t always generate power; they don’t generate power at night, which is half of the time, and they don’t generate much on cloudy days or rainy or snowy days.
Would you want to invest your money in a solar generation facility which is going to be heavily regulated in one of the most heavily regulated states in the country?
‘Will transform New York’
Oh, yeah. Have fun, kids.