Of course he won’t. Like most Warmists, he won’t reduce his own carbon footprint, he’ll just pay a “ticket” for his Bad Behavior, while trying to force Other People to have their carbon footprints reduced by government
Bill Gates on why he’ll carry on using private jets and campaigning on climate change
Bill Gates does not agree that using a private jet and campaigning on the issue of climate change represents a contradiction open to allegations of hypocrisy.
During a wide-ranging interview with the BBC aired at the end of last week, Gates was asked for his view on the charge that a climate change campaigner using a private jet to travel around the world was a hypocrite.
“Well, I buy the gold standard of, funding Climeworks, to do direct air capture that far exceeds my family’s carbon footprint,” the Microsoft co-founder, who was being interviewed in Kenya, replied.
“And I spend billions of dollars on … climate innovation. So, you know, should I stay at home and not come to Kenya and learn about farming and malaria?”
The billionaire added that he was “comfortable with the idea that, not only am I not part of the problem by paying for the offsets, but also through the billions that my Breakthrough Energy Group is spending, that I’m part of the solution.”
Warmists always have some sort of excuse, eh?

WTF ???
The cost to offset the carbon footprint of the average American is only 3$ per week. Would you notice that tax ?
H, why do you keep defending the trillion dollar rip off of the American working man $3 for this and $2 for that at a time by billionaires like Bill Gates? Does Gates pay people like you to try and guilt shame others for realizing the whole climate change thing is a hoax so the rich can get richer? Or is Al Gore pulling your strings?
We all understand that your white privilege forbids you to side with us little people who are forced to pay these fees to your billionaire friends and patrons but you still look foolish defending our rich overlords.
Johnny-would you notice that you’ve never explained how a tax “offsets” something? Or why it needs to be offset in the first place?
only a fool would believe that giving unelected bureaucrats billions of dollars would change the climate after everything we’ve seen over the last few decades
Video – Sarah Huckabee Sanders delivers Republican rebuttal to Biden’s SOTU address
Bill Gates on indulgences:
But flying commercial would mean slightly less CO2 to capture!
translation: I’m rich so your peasant problems are not important to me. I can afford to throw money away on fads and political activist contributions.