And China is certainly thrilled that Biden did absolutely nothing to stop the spy balloon
China’s Xi has ordered military to be ready for Taiwan invasion by 2027, CIA Director Burns says
CIA Director William Burns has revealed that Chinese President Xi Jinping has instructed his country’s army “to be ready by 2027 to conduct a successful invasion” of Taiwan.
Burns made the remark Thursday during an event at Georgetown University, where he also said he believes that Xi has been closely watching Russian President Vladimir Putin’s prolonged and costly invasion of Ukraine. Beijing has been engaged in a tense territorial dispute with the island, which it claims is part of China.
“On Taiwan, I guess I would say our assessment at CIA is that I wouldn’t underestimate President Xi’s ambitions with regard to Taiwan. He has been pretty clear about that over the years,” Burns said. “I think he has watched very carefully – it seems to us – Putin’s experience in Ukraine and been a little bit unsettled and sobered by that as well.
“We know as a matter of intelligence he has instructed the People’s Liberation Army to be ready by 2027 to conduct a successful invasion,” Burns continued.
China has obviously had designs on Taiwan for pretty much as long as it’s been Taiwan, but, now Xi sees the weakness in Biden and the Woke U.S. military. He’s watched the botched Afghanistan withdrawal, along with the how that weakness led to Putin going into Ukraine and showing no signs of leaving.
“Now, that does not mean that he’s decided to conduct an invasion in 2027, or any other year, but it’s a reminder of the seriousness of his focus and his ambition,” Burns added.
“Therefore, I think it’s very much in our interest as a policy matter in the United States to make clear our commitment to the status quo, to make clear we are not interested as a country in changing that status quo, that we are deeply opposed to anyone trying to change that unilaterally, especially by the use of force,” the CIA director also said.
And what, exactly, is the Biden admin doing to discourage Xi? A few years ago, under President Trump, the news was about jobs, better trade deals, folks cheering jobs coming back to their town, and Americans First. Now the news is about war machines, war, death, peoples lives destroyed by war, and the doomsday clock closing in on 12 midnight. I sure miss President Trump and America First policies of peace and prosperity. Does anyone think the Woke and going Woker military scares Xi?

To the OP of this blog:
If you have a VPN blocker installed you need to adjust its settings. It has eaten every post I have made for days and I will not access the internet without a VPN to protect me from the insanity that prowls the US government, foreign governments, and the average joe commenting on blogs across the world.
Is that what’s happening? I’ve lost a couple dozen comments over the last couple months but I figured Teach was censoring my potty mouth.
I use a government-provided VPN. I’m sure that is fine.
I have noticed that lots of comments seem to post after a very long delay (hours), even though the “recent comments” column on the right shows that they are up.
Trump allowed spy balloons from Gyna to enter US airspace at least 3 times without shooting any down
How embarrassing to shade the Dark Brandon for doing what Trump refused to do. Remember, all of Ivanka’s clothes, and Make America Great merchandise is MADE IN CHINA. Trump knew if he popped their multiple ballots it might cost the Trump family big bucks.
Do sadz for the trumpets that their home run turned into an easy out. And now Brandon has their balloon toy and will not give it back
Of was it the voices telling you things again?
Spy Balloon Cold Open – SNL VIdeo
Gyna has seen how to the strong Biden coalition reacted to what Trump called a “genius’ move by Putin to invade Ukraine.
If Xi attempts to invade Taiwan Biden will be able to field a new coalition to aid Taiwan. Sanctions against China would be much worse for China than those against Russia.
80% of China’s oil is imported and most
75% of that must come by sea. China is also the world’s biggest good importer again by sea. All of it’s fertilizer
also comes by sea the Dark Brandon Chip Coalition has already stopped the sale of all high and medium power chips to China, as well as all the machines that make chips. China knows how vulnerable they are.
Dear H:
You seem to forget that a huge amount of our drugs come from China.
You also seem to forget that an invasion of Taiwan would be over long before any group actions could take form.
Do you think the world would go to war over an accomplished invasion?
The excitable “America First!” Teach is suddenly soooo concerned about Taiwan!! Why would he care what Gyna does to Taiwan?
And then the original Mr “American Patriot” Teach lets fly at the United States military, formerly the spine of American patrots!! We spend nearly one third of our federal budget on defense. Does Mr “Trump Conservative” Teach propose to put Americans First and cut the bloated, “woke” defense budget?
Remember when politics used to stop and water’s edge? Good times.
Anyway, Mr Teach claims to have information about what information the Gynese obtained from the balloon. Can he share what he knows?
Yes, before the left abandoned that quaint concept.
Dear Elwood:
The US military is in dire straights and getting worse.
LOL. Tell that to Xi and Putin.
Dear Elwood:
They know it.
In their first debate next year, President Biden will ask Don Trump about the four (4) times Chinese surveillance balloons entered US airspace during Trump’s single term.
Unless, of course, Loretta “Aileen Wuornos” Boebert is able to assassinate President Biden at the coming SOTU address.
Fake news. You really do believe everything the biden crime family media tells you without thinking (if thinking is even possible).
Think about it. Would the anti Trump hateful media have allowed an opportunity like Chink spy balloons when Trump was pres go unassailed?
You lefties just believe what you want regardless of common sense.
Gyna to invade Taiwan in 2027? Does Gyna-cologist Teach really think that Trump’s buddy Xi will invade during Trump’s second term??
Rimjob always comes back to the genitals.

Guess he thinks he’s clever but readers here know he’s incapable of anything original.
Bwaha! Lolgf
We agreed in 1972 that Taiwan was a province of China, the “One China” policy. The neocons have repudiated that agreement (surprise, surprise), and they are urging the Taiwan government to declare independence. China will invade Taiwan only if they do declare independence. Then the US has to decide whether they want all-out war with China, and possibly Russia as well.
“We” have no authority to determine whether or not Taiwan is a province of Commie China or not. That’s the Taiwanese business. Apparently you disagree with what you term the “neocons” urging Taiwan to declare independence. Freedom is always a deal breaker with you commies, leftists and radicals so it makes sense in that respect. You, by nature and political nature would never support a people wanting Freedom. It ain’t in your despot rule book.
How the hell would you know what will provoke Commie China to invade Taiwan or any body else for that matter, are you on their Political Bureau? They will do whatever any commie country will do and we can either fight them or not. Taiwan is not our problem so I vote “or not”. But that’s just me.
I guess that’s true. WWPD? What would pedo do? One thing, we are already at war with Russia or is all that $110 billion in bribe money and wasted armament going to fight someone I don’t know about? And what makes you think pushing Russia and Commie China into an alliance is a good idea for anyone?
Let’s see-after it’s several day mission was complete, Brandon’s officials come out and say “by the way, we were blocking info the spy ballon was attempting to send, oh, and we forgot to tell you that Trump let basically the same thing happen when he was in office. Why not put out that info when the public heard about it when it was over Montana? Trump officials are denying the accusation, but we’ll see..
Xi Jinping will turn 74 in the summer of 2027. Yeah, he’s pretty much president for life, but it sems a little late in the game for him.
DonJon will be 81 in the summer of 2027.
The neurological effects of his hair dye are evident.
So, you’re saying that hair dye makes people smarter, because Mr Trump is certainly smarter than anyone on the left!
Admittedly, that is kind of a low bar, but hey, at least he can tell the difference between males and females.
That’s the sort of headline the DoD uses to buy 350 ship Navys and F-35 fighters. You can’t justify 1 million men and women in uniform to defend our own borders. Navy admirals feel left out of the party after 20 years of fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan. They have spend all that time warning about Taiwan and China. There is no evidence that China intends to take back Taiwan by force when there are so many other ways to accomplish it. Just as with Hong Kong, Chinese bosses want to milk the fruits of capitalism, not burn it to the ground. Military invasions would destroy the prize that China would want to win. China knows this. Even idiots at the CIA know this. They are just playing the “OMG, WE NEED MORE SPENDING TO DEFEND TAIWAN” card.
Trump officials deny……. Well they still deny Biden is the POTUS. The military has confirmed that there were earlier balloons under Trump.
Dear H:
You gotta have more proof than this.
From Yahoo news “….. according to a statement Saturday by the Department of Defense citing an unnamed “senior defense official.”
Asking the crazy person to prove his assertions is wasting your time.
But even if he were sane, he is clearly not reasonable. Thee are two factions on this web site and neither faction accepts the “proof” the other side presents. So asking for it is futile. Providing it is futile. Engaging each other is futile.
Dear Professor:
A man’s gotta do what a man’s gotta do.
Dear US State department. It’s not 1936. Stop pretending that what you learned at Yale about how the world works is true or even useful. The USA doesn’t need to be enemies with Russia or China. Putin isn’t trying to take over Europe. Putin isn’t Hitler. He isn’t even Stalin. China isn’t trying to take Taiwan. Start trying to make the world a better place through international cooperation instead of “great power competition” *
Americans already know who our real enemies are and most of the time it is our own government.
* A real thing that people from Harvard and Yale talk about a lot.
Which assertions did you already try but we’re unable to find confirmation of?
Before asking me proper etiquette requires you to first look for yourself
I have no secret sources. Everything is easily available using a Google search.
Perhaps it was YOU who woke the Dark Brandon.
You may have triggered him by constantly saying he wass soft on China. Now he has publicly stated the US WILL defend Taiwan.
No appeasement for bullies. US will stand strong. If your fears become overwhelming, hide under your bed
Alan even Fox News is reporting that Trump allowed Gyna spy balloons to overfly the US
Are voices in your head telling you not to believe reality?
I love how leftists still believe that Fox is news for crazy right wingers. That’s just marketing for increasing ad revenues.
Well look at you H, suddenly believing every word of FOX News. My, my, my. You spent the last 5 years bitching “FOX lies” now you believe them. Tell me, what should I make of that? Should I now believe you think FOX is capable of telling the truth or are you so profoundly brainwashed in leftist groupthink you will believe Satan himself if he agrees with the radical leftist narrative?
The CIA Director also said:
So, let’s examine this from the nuCon point of view – since the US military had pussified the ranks by allowing the transgendered to serve, Xi and Putin are encouraged to invade their neighbors. But now, Xi is a “bit unsettled” by Putin’s failures in invading Ukraine. Ask Trump associate Putin about the pussification of the US military. If Putin cannot defeat the Ukraine military what are his chances against America?
Where did you get that dumbassed idea? Where do you get this paranoid leftist crap? Xi hasn’t invaded anybody. He’s too busy forcing children to dig for EV elements and paying off the biden crime family to worry about invading countries.
BTW, what Putin failures in invading are you referring to? The Ukrainians are being slowly ground to dust.
Putin is (so far) fighting a conventional war against Ukraine and their Nazi leaders. He cannot and would not do that with us. It would be nuclear from the start. He has 6600 nukes, we have 2000 supposedly. That would be a real short was.
Why is it we get the impression you actually want a nuclear war? All your comments are arrogant and antagonistic.
Trump-Peace through Strength
Brandon-Chaos through Senility