Would you people just accept that you need to listen to your bettors and allow them to run your life already. Because this is all about Science
Society isn’t changing fast enough to stop climate change: study
A new report has found that significant social change is needed to halt catastrophic climate change — and society isn’t changing fast enough.
Keeping global warming below 1.5 degrees Celsius — the goal set in the Paris Agreement — is implausible for social reasons, not technical ones, according to the Hamburg Climate Outlook, published Wednesday. The annual publication from Germany’s University of Hamburg includes data from over 140 countries. (snip)
Instead, Marotzke and Engels’ study found that consumption patterns and corporate responses — as well as the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and the Russian invasion of Ukraine — slowed the elimination of carbon fuels and their replacement with zero-emission alternatives.
Instead, Marotzke and Engels’ study found that consumption patterns and corporate responses — as well as the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and the Russian invasion of Ukraine — slowed the elimination of carbon fuels and their replacement with zero-emission alternatives. (snip)
In that publication, two climate scientists using machine learning concluded that the world would breach the internationally agreed-upon goal of 1.5 degrees Celsius warming by 2033 to 2035.
Yeah, this is the silly AI study – basically still a computer model – and the authors decided to add their own little cult spin, meaning government has to force you to change your behavior.
The view of these scientists was essentially in line with the University of Hamburg’s findings: that attitudes and consumption habits, not technical factors, are the main engines pushing global society down its current path toward severe climate disruption.
It’s so strange that Warmists mostly refuse to voluntarily change their own behavior, isn’t it?

In the USA out the average carbon footprint has been dropping at about 1% per year for the last 20 years. USA EV sales in 2023 are expected to increase by about 40%
90% of all international flights have a 2% carbon offset surcharge, although Teach hasn’t seemed to recognize that .old people who are more likely to be climate change deniers are dying out.
It’s all about demographics
The fact that the USA’s foot print is dropping is a good thing given that the rest of the world is belching and spitting co2 at an ginormous rate. The Airlines forced to PAY BRIBE MONEY to fly is a hat tip to the power of fear mongering.
Carbon offsets are nothing more than bribe money. Reducing CO2 output is a priority for Americans lest they have to pay their own share of bribe money which is fast turning into a protection racket akin to the Mafia in the 50s,60s and 70s.
The left learned a great lesson from the GOP in scaremongering(THE USSR is the bogeyman of the world and we need to built a bazillion ships, planes, tanks and so forth so defend the world). The Left just turned this bit of political wisdom to other things, like AGW and gun grabbing.
Written in the latest release from the ATF is that now pistol grip shotguns are now considered SBL’s or short barrel rifles. The ATF is just writing rules and throwing it against the wall to see what sticks. More Scare mongering as the left is now calling semi auto pistols….ASSAULT PISTOLS.
The Sulton Sea in California has more LITHIUM than the rest of the world combined. This is great news for the EV car market.
One little problem. It takes 50,000 gallons of water to retrieve 1 ton of Lithium and the only place to get that water is The Colorado River which right now as we are all aware is in the middle of a drought.
Most lithium is currently produced in Chile, from brines that yield lithium carbonate when treated with sodium carbonate. The metal is produced by the electrolysis of molten lithium chloride and potassium chloride.
So you can bet your bottom dollar that the Biden’s who have a stake in China will declare the Salton Sea off limits and shut down the already growing company that is attempting to mine the Lithium from the almost depleted Salton Sea.
Because to solve a problem for the government means giving up power. Creating problems, nuturing problems(Border, Poverty, Homelessness, WARS, Ukraine, Middle East…etc.) just gives them more power and control over daily lives of Americans and even, if you think about it, the lives of foreigners.
Remember one thing. There is no desire in DC to solve anything. Its all just a campaign slogan for the next election which starts the day after they are sworn in to their current term of office.
Most lithium is currently produced in Chile……Not entirely accurate. Australia produces the most followed by Chile and then China. Argentina is fourth on the list and is being heavily courted by? You guessed it. China.
Can anyone say Monopoly? That is why the Salton Sea discovery is so important for the EV car market if it is to move forward with Lithium batteries.
Quoting from an article on China/Chile relations.
Chile was a pioneer in Latin America’s relationships with China. It has the highest number of instruments of association and cooperation with China at the Latin American level and built the bilateral relationship around pragmatism and economic cooperation.
The Chilean communist party (PC) plays a strong role in his government (ministers, under-secretaries and advisers in more than half the ministries, in the Presidency, Defense, Interior, General Secretary of Government, Finance, Labor, Sciences, Energy, Mining, Education, Justice, Transport and Communications).
Furthermore, PC ties with the Chinese communist party (CCP) could influence Boric’s stance towards international relations, specifically US-China rivalry. The new government has already ceased to criticize the war in Ukraine. China’s presence in Chile will continue to grow. However, public opinion is also shifting and has become increasingly critical of the relationship.
End of quote.
The USA is busy beating each other up over Abortion, gay rights, gun control and other things, while China inherits the world. Good Job USA. Both sides are truly only caring about their next election and not fulfilling the duty to keep America strong and relevant in the world.
The job of the American Communist Party otherwise known as Democrats is to keep Americans at each others throats “by any means necessary”. That includes election fraud, ballot and voting fraud, racial disharmony, religious persecution (only of Christians even Jews are now exempt), the ridiculous EV crap which cannot be achieved within the 10-12 year frame declared, the constant wars soon to be nuclear, the open borders to erase Whites and American heritage, the ignoring of science by claiming a male can magically change to a female if he “identifies: as one, promoting homosexuality by instituting grooming and pervert sex in schools, the ignoring of science with fake “vaccines”, masks and of course the stupid CO2 caused by man only dooming the planet.
The left (always pro war) is pushing hard to ignite a nuclear conflict with Russia. Not because Russia poses a threat to the US but because in their collective stupid mind Putin is a puppet of Trump or vice versa, they can’t seem to decide which. Plus, since Russia is no longer communist the American left wants to punish it for leaving the commie club. But the left will support a despotic nation like the Ukraine, run by a mad pervert nazi as long as it keeps us at war and Trump out of DC.
The only real military enemies the US has is the democrat party and the CCP but I repeat myself since most democrats are on the payroll of the CCP and are screwing hot commie chicks who just happen to be spies.
So Carbon offset Boy-what’s the deal with “most international flights having a 2% carbon offset surcharge” when it doesn’t do anything except increase the ticket price? Are those EVs charged using only wind and solar yet? Do you have scientific proof that the US dropping its carbon footprint by 1% per year is somehow beneficial to the earth? Please show your math..
It doesn’t matter how many batteries you can produce if you cannot charge them.
The west coast and now the TVA area is on the edge of having enough electric generation to maintain a function society much less growth.
Stupid is as stupid does.
The lithium batteries I get from China are already charged. Free energy. Plus H says we can soon make batteries from salt and sea water.
Dear Professor…
You gotta be joking…
The gun-grabbers are back after lead shot again! Turns out bald eagles in Michigan are getting ill and dying from lead poisoning, a result of eating carcasses killed with lead shot.
If you recall, bald eagles were nearly wiped out by DDT, but a controversial federal ban on the pesticide likely saved the species, which had dwindled to just 417 nesting pairs in 1963 to more than 300,000 bald eagles currently living in the wild.
First, the anti-hunting gun grabbers came for lead shot of migratory bird hunters (ducks and geese). Now they’re going after rabbit, squirrel, quail, turkey, grouse, pheasant, dove and varmint hunters!!
We “learned” decades ago that “non-toxic” shot is less efficient, more expensive and even damaging to shotgun barrels, especially if you’re using great-grandpa’s old 12g double!!
Anyway, dead and dying bald eagles are a small price to pay for freedom from gubmint tyranny.
If dead and dying bald eagles are a small price to pay for windmills which are not constitutionally protected then the generally accepted shot which is makes sense. Plus, after being in use for hundreds of years why are eagles suddenly eating the shot? Are they like leftists and just get dumber over time?
Ridiculous arguments. Many years ago, I was working with LAPD and saw a demonstration of a shotgun firing bean bag rounds. They passed the bean bags around so we could all handle them. Afterwards, the organizers made the announcement that the beanbags contained lead and we all need to to wash our hands. Police officer muttered “I guess I should get that 38 slug removed then”.
In most cases, hunters pick up the animals they kill and not leave them behind for eagles. Sort of the whole point of shooting them in the first place.
Dear Carol:
Would you please quit being so logical.
So lead shot is constitutionally protected? Lead shot was banned in 1991 by the feds for migratory bird hunting (ducks and geese). Duck and goose hunters should get lawyers and take this to the Supremes! This ban is more federal tyranny. Many states ban buckshot for big game hunting.
It’s likely that eagles, red tail hawks, vultures and etc HAVE been poisoned for decades. Clearly, environmental lead is not nearly as damaging to the species as DDT was.
You may recall that the US banned lead paints and leaded gasoline.