Guess who gets to pay the price for Government climate apocalypse bills? It’s not the Elites, especially those who pass the bills
(560KPQ) A local legislator is speaking out against a proposed climate change bill that would impose new requirements on cities and counties across Washington State.
Supporters of the bill say it’s a step forward to making Washington a more climate friendly state by reducing urban sprawl and greenhouse emissions.
12th District Representative Keith Goehner says the legislature continues to add more requirements making these goals extremely difficult.
“And if we got two or three objectives and concepts being put forward without clear understanding of how that’s going to impact people’s lives, we need to step back and be very judicious on how we proceed.” Goehner said. “When you look at the cost of living in this day and age, what are we doing and what are we getting for the return on that additional cost. It’s always the taxpayer/consumer that’s having to pay for that.”
This week, the bill passed through the House Local Government Committee by a four to three vote.
Yes, the peasants will have to pay for it. And have to live with it, while the Elites will continue living their big carbon footprint lives, traveling in fossil fueled vehicles, taking private jets, living in big mansions with expansive lawns, etc and so on. Can’t wait till the leftist, climate scam believing citizens of Washington realize their beliefs are hosing their lives.

Our esteemed host concluded:
Oh, I imagine that the elites would move toward greater electrification themselves. It’s just that they can already pay for that stuff themselves without worrying too much about the costs.
That’s the part people need to understand: no matter what they say, the ‘progressives’ have no flaming idea what life is like for most Americans. $30,000 for a brand new geothermal heat pump to heat and cool their homes? While they’d rather not pay that, they can without too much hardship. The idea that some Americans have to live on $30,000 for an entire year just doesn’t enter their minds.
Considering that all the residents of Washington (AC and DC, actually) could vanish tomorrow without affecting the climate one iota, that pretty well defines “Supporters of the bill” as complete idiots.
[…] Pirates Cove- And then, they came for your wallet! […]
Dana a heat pump installation COULD Cost $30000.
The average cost is under $13000 for a new installation
Dear Hairy:
Just $13000????
I just did a fair sized HVAC electric/gas heating cooling system for $6500.