Wait, is the NY Times questioning the capability of the COVID vaccines? Are they vax deniers now? The vaccines and boosters did not prevent the waves in 2021. (Yahoo non-paywalled version here)
Will COVID Boosters Prevent Another Wave? Scientists Aren’t So Sure.
As winter looms and Americans increasingly gather indoors without masks or social distancing, a medley of new coronavirus variants is seeding a rise in cases and hospitalizations in counties across the nation.
Masks do not work. Not in the least. If they did, the waves since around June 2000 would have been a whole lot less, right? If they worked the NY Times would require all their employees to wear them at work. Stop trying to make masks a thing.
The Biden administration’s plan for preventing a national surge depends heavily on persuading Americans to get updated booster shots of the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna vaccines. Now some scientists are raising doubts about this strategy.
Older adults, immunocompromised people and pregnant women should get the booster shots, because they offer extra protection against severe disease and death, said John Moore, a virus expert at Weill Cornell Medicine in New York.
But the picture is less clear for healthy Americans who are middle-aged and younger. They are rarely at risk of severe illness or death from COVID, and at this point most have built immunity through multiple vaccine doses, infections or both.
Wait, what? Healthy people are at little risk? You mean like since this started?
The newer variants, called BQ.1 and BQ.1.1, are spreading quickly, and boosters seem to do little to prevent infections with these viruses, as they are excellent evaders of immunity.
“If you’re at medical risk, you should get boosted, or if you’re at psychological risk and worrying yourself to death, go and get boosted,” Moore said. “But don’t believe that will give you some kind of amazing protection against infection, and then go out and party like there’s no tomorrow.”
The variants mostly evade the vaccines, so, get ahead and get them? Really? If they did anything, I’d get one. I’m not against them, and if they can keep me from getting really sick from COVID, I’d take one. But, they do not really work at this point
The most recent boosters are “bivalent,” targeting both the original version of the coronavirus and the omicron variants circulating earlier this year, BA.4 and BA.5. Only about 12% of adults have opted for the latest shot.
They do not really make sense at this point. Question: do naturally occurring coronaviruses spin out so many darned variants so darned fast that easily evade vaccines?
“It’s not likely that any of the vaccines or boosters, no matter how many you get, will provide substantial and sustained protection against acquisition of infection,” said Dr. Dan Barouch, head of Beth Israel Deaconess’ Center for Virology and Vaccine Research, who helped develop the Johnson & Johnson vaccine.
The Biden administration may have no choice but to promote boosters given the lifting of other precautions, Chapman said. But most people make decisions based on what others in their social network do, or what their political and community leaders recommend, not on esoteric scientific data, she noted.
Yeah, that’s what most in Progressive circles do, because they have been taught to not think for themselves.

I suggest all Libs keep getting boosted. They are bound to work somehow sooner or later.
We never gave masks a chance. I believe there were two reasons.
The liars in charge, Fauci et al, told us early on that we didn’t need them. He later publicly admitted that he had lied for our own good because he believed that they were more necessary for first care responders and health care workers and that we did not and would not have enough. He was deadly wrong.
As a society we are naturally suspicious of being told what is good for us. From opposition to seat belts to smoking we opposed adopting rules and behavioral changes. While that has some great advantages in the long run, it can be disastrous in the short run. Freedom trumps control in the long term but it can be deadly to some individuals. Unneeded death is often a gene pool improvement.
From a health care view, we are used to immediate results. “Pop Pop Fiz Fiz Oh What A Wonderful Relief It Is” may be true for heart burn but it doesn’t work for viruses. Especially new viruses that we have no cure for. Worse we have developed vaccines that have stopped many previous diseases. That the early problems resulted in some bad outcomes caused a demand for zero defect and years of testing is a fact. That new technologies can overcome and change the methods is a hard sell in a risk adverse society. We have been studying mRNA for around 40 years. That wasn’t emphasized and a 40 year process was ignored to great disadvantage.
So, we had and have a society that expected instant perfect results to overcome our somewhat recently developed bad habits of not washing our hands and coughing into handkerchiefs.
Mix that together with anti-vaxers spewing nonsense, a media that can’t explain anything that takes more than a 20 second sound bite, politicians lying because they know what’s best for us (sarcasm alert), and we have more than a million dead.
Now, could have early widespread use of masks saved people? Yes. Some. How many no one knows. Could it have eliminated the shut down? Yes.
How do I know this? Because countries that have historically practiced good personal hygiene and wore masks a social norm, primarily Asian, have fared much better. I give you Japan.
Japan’s Death Per Million rate is around 350. We are around 3200.
The linked article, written in March 2020 explains.
As for us and now? Too late. It looks like what is, is.
Pfizer doesn’t give a shit.
Bwaha! Lolgf
Teach the vaccines are only supposed to reduce the transmission and effects of covid.
If you thought they would be 100% effective you were mistaken
One way to check their effectiveness would be to compare the vaccination rates in states with their per Capita death rates. The low vaccination states, mostly red states, had much higher per Capita death rates. Apparently the quack cures like ivermectin or hydroclorquine didn’t help
Do you think that close races might have swung Dem because of the higher death rates of anti vaxxer Trump voters?
Thank you for your insight, Johnnie boy.

Keep sucking on that hookah.
Praise Buddha.
Bwaha! Lolgf
Teach the vaccines are only supposed to reduce the transmission and effects of covid.
Once again you start out with a damn lie and go on from there. Vaccines are supposed to protect a person from contracting or passing on the disease. Period. Any other type of shot would be a therapeutic medicine. Stop lying. It proves you are wrong.
If you thought they would be 100% effective you were mistaken
No one here believed even a real vaccine is 100% effective but then the covid shots were not vaccines so obviously we didn’t think they would be 100% effective, did you?
One way to check their effectiveness would be to compare the vaccination rates in states with their per Capita death rates. The low vaccination states, mostly red states, had much higher per Capita death rates. Apparently the quack cures like ivermectin or hydroclorquine didn’t help
Again, more lies. comparing states is NOT a scientific way to determine effectiveness since states have different demographics like age, race, morbidities etcetera and just comparing the states YOU like against the states YOU don’t like means nothing. You have no Idea and are spreading medical/scientific lies to achieve a political goal. You are an evil bastard because that’s how you democoimmies killed hundreds of thousands of Americans.
And the “quack cures” as you so ignorantly called them were very effective in their use IF USED IMMEDIATELY. But you democommies put out so much disinformation about them because you hate Trump so killing your neighbors is okay the meds were not distributed. It’s hard for you even as the big fat liar e know you to be to call these meds “ineffective” if you stopped their distribution and use for over a year because Trump. You thought it better to allow people to die to teach us a lesson about Trump but in reality you taught us a lesson about how evil you are.
Do you think that close races might have swung Dem because of the higher death rates of anti vaxxer Trump voters?
No. We KNOW those races were once again STOLEN by fraud and deceit which you democommies have honed into an art.
“The first EUA, issued Dec. 11, (2020) for the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine for individuals 16 years of age and older was based on safety and effectiveness data from a randomized, controlled, blinded ongoing clinical trial of thousands of individuals.
To support the FDA’s approval decision today, the FDA reviewed updated data from the clinical trial which supported the EUA and included a longer duration of follow-up in a larger clinical trial population.
Specifically, in the FDA’s review for approval, the agency analyzed effectiveness data from approximately 20,000 vaccine and 20,000 placebo recipients ages 16 and older who did not have evidence of the COVID-19 virus infection within a week of receiving the second dose. The safety of Comirnaty was evaluated in approximately 22,000 people who received the vaccine and 22,000 people who received a placebo 16 years of age and older.
Based on results from the clinical trial, the vaccine was 91% effective in preventing COVID-19 disease.”
The length of prevention was not known but loosing protection over time is not unique to such vaccines as flu, tetanus, pneumonia. All of these require re-vccination after a period of time. The effectiveness has varied. Some flu vaccines have been less than 50%.
Given the relatively short time of prevention effectives the largest benefit has been reducing the symptoms and the greatly lowered hospital admissions and especially in ICU needs.
The greatest sin was that the CDC/FDA et all did a lousy job explaining this and the media who totally oversold it in support of the lies told by the Biden administration.
The quack cures were never given a chance and that was a shame.
Lucifer G. claims that Covid vaccines are not vaccines. That is incorrect.
A vaccine is a substance that stimulates the immune response against a specific infectious agent or disease. Period.
from Merriam Webster
Dearest Elwood:
A man who speaks of “general consensus” should never never never try to discuss understanding the meaning of words.
It only confirms your hypocrisy and blatant ignorance.
Dearest Mr Lewis,
Nothing to add to the discussion but your unprovoked vitriol?
Do you seriously have a disagreement with the Merriam-Webster definition of ‘vaccine”? Let’s hear it. Perhaps you have a good point to make!
Our dearest friend Lucifer made the easily disproven claim that the Covid vaccines are not vaccines. The Dear Mr Teach made the easily disproven claim that masks have no effect against Covid.
And you want to argue about dictionary definitions??
This only confirms your bias and blatant ignorance.
In any event have a restful and thankful Thanksgiving with your family and friends.
My point is simple.
On one hand you use the term “scientific consensus.” Consensus means “general.” Theren isn’t such a thing. It either is or is not.
OTOH the lecture about the definition of vaccine.
You are a hypocrite.
The New York Times said:
Reichstatthalter Andy Beshear (NSDAP-KY) issued executive orders banning gatherings in private homes of more than ten people, from more than two households, for Thanksgiving in 2020. He didn’t try to sent the Staatspolizei door to door to enforce it, but urged ordinary people to snitch on their neighbors who violated his Führerbefehle. I am proud to say that our family ignored and broke his order, and (only) eight of us, but from three households, were seated at the same Thanksgiving dinner table, maskless, and surprise, surprise, none of us came down with the Wuhan flu.
Of course, a couple of weeks before Thanksgiving, the voters of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, responding positively to the Republican candidates for the General Assembly running against the Reichsstatthalter and his authoritarian Führerbefehle, picked up an additional 14 seats in the state House of Representatives, plus two more in the state Senate. In this year’s state legislative elections, Republicans picked up and additional five seats in the House and one in the Senate; the GOP’s majorities are 80-20 and 31-7.
Of course, to be fair, the Democrats almost gave up: out of 100 state House races, the Democrats didn’t even contest 44 of them, and out of 19 state Senate races, the Democrats didn’t contest ten of them.
You see, we resist tyranny in the Bluegrass State!
Teach typed: Masks do not work. Not in the least.
That is a false and dangerous lie to type. Masks reduce transmission of influenza and Covid, regardless of what noted virologist jimhoft of the Gateway Pudendum types.
The noted virologist Elwood P. Dowd falsely claim masks “reduce transmission of influenza and Wuhan” which is not true. Some masks, if properly used and frequently changed MAY help stop transmission of SOME flue particulates but NO mask is 100% capable of stopping the miniscule disease molecules. In fact, most people wear a mask incorrectly, repeat using dirty masks and remove them periodically and therefore negate their efficiency and efficacy.
Masks are useful in keeping dust and city type pollution from entering ones lungs and they are useful in surgery for keeping blood, saliva and such particulates from infecting other people but standard non HAZTEC masks are woefully incapable of protecting from bacteria and viral communication.
If masks could stop Wuhan then those commies in the lab would never have gotten it and people in America would never have spread it when the mask hysteria hit. But in usual fashion leftists like dowd are completely incapable of admitting when they were wrong regardless how many bodies the are standing on while repeating their lies.
Lucifer God Brandumb and daffy dave couldn’t be any more wrong about masks. But what’s new?
You can say what you want this isn’t Twitter and you’re not Trump but fact is all the closures, all the masks, all the fake vaxxes didn’t stop a fukin’ thing. The entire country was gripped by the Commie flu and nothing you liars did even slowed it down.
How many times did pedo joe get Wuhan commie flu? How about Oprah? You are all liars and always will be. Ignorant toad.
According to experts (yes, we know you distrust experts) the efforts saved at least 1 million America lives.
You are correct that the measures were imperfect. But we Americans learn as we go along. We learned that old age, general poor health, certain chronic illnesses, obesity correlated with morbidity and mortality related to Covid. We learned that the immunity conferred with either Covid infection or vaccines was imperfect, so one could contract Covid more than once, but usually with reduced severity. We’ve learned that vaccinated Americans are less likely to die from Covid than unvaccinated Americans. Masks are imperfect but DO reduce the transmission of Covid.
Closing schools no doubt saved some lives, but also set back in our children’s education.
Now with the combined impact of infections and vaccinations, it APPEARS that even the more transmissible variants are no more severe than the original strains.
I had asymptomatic Covid (I tested because a relative tested positive) a year or so ago.
Don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good.
No, the mask are useless .
Dowd, when you refer to “The Experts” are you referring to those paid for by the schools, the CDC, the WHO, the DHHS, Pfizer, Moderna, AZ, other Big Pharma companies or the democrat party?
Are these the same “Experts” that had to redefine “vaccine” or the ones that petitioned for the Big Pharma to be immune from lawsuits for their fake vaccine?
Did you ever consider other “Experts” who disagreed or is medical and scientific decent now considered a political insurrection? If these “Experts” were accurate or even truthful (LOL) why was it necessary to ban vocal opposition and contrary evidence from media and social media?
Why did so many “vaxxed” Americans get Wuhan, die and even get sick from the fake vaccine?
Since the CDC recently admitted they were wrong about the vaccine why is it so hard for you to admit it? Is that part of your psychotic inability to admit error because of a narcissistic/megalomania on your part?
We know, Covid lockdowns never happened either. That’s a hoax created by MAGA Republicans.
Lockdowns did happen! And you goofy right-wing nutjobs deny that any Republican anywhere had any shutdowns, while ignoring that Red States also shut down. Only NE, WY, SD, ND, IA, AR did not lock down. There are more Americans in metro Chicago than those 6 states.
That means TX, AL, LA, MS, MO, KY, TN, FL, SC, KS, ID, MT, AK etc had shut downs! You didn’t know that or you’re lying.
Masks do work but are not perfect. The vaccines are not perfect. It’s unlikely that China “released” SARS-CoV-2.
The CDC did not admit that the vaccines are not vaccines. They didn’t redefine vaccines.
Goofy right-wing deniers like you deny vaccines, Covid, global warming, elections, Red State shutdowns, common sense and reality.
The lockdowns were mostly a Dem invention and did their job, they killed the economy. If Repubs did the lockdowns, it was at the very first and were stopped when found that they were crap.
According to experts (yes, we know you distrust experts) the efforts saved at least 1 million America lives.
You are correct that the measures were imperfect. But we Americans learn as we go along. We learned that old age, general poor health, certain chronic illnesses, obesity correlated with morbidity and mortality related to Covid. We learned that the immunity conferred with either Covid infection or vaccines was imperfect, so one could contract Covid more than once, but usually with reduced severity. We’ve learned that vaccinated Americans are less likely to die from Covid than unvaccinated Americans. Masks are imperfect but DO reduce the transmission of Covid.
Closing schools no doubt saved some lives, but also set back in our children’s education.
Now with the combined impact of infections and vaccinations, it APPEARS that even the more transmissible variants are no more severe than the original strains.
I had asymptomatic Covid (I tested because a relative tested positive) a year or so ago.
Don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good.
Total complete bullshit.
The child rapist stated:
Lucifer G. claims that Covid vaccines are not vaccines. That is incorrect.
A vaccine is a substance that stimulates the immune response against a specific infectious agent or disease. Period.
from Merriam Webster
Screw Merriam Webster if they can’t keep up with leftist definition changes they occur so fast. The CDC itself is the final definer od vaccines, not bookworms.
From Miami Herald Monday, November 21, 2022
Social media is calling bluff on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for modifying its definition of the words “vaccine” and “vaccination” on its website. Before the change, the definition for “vaccination” read, “the act of introducing a vaccine into the body to produce immunity to a specific disease.” Now, the word “immunity” has been switched to “protection.” The term “vaccine” also got a makeover. The CDC’s definition changed from “a product that stimulates a person’s immune system to produce immunity to a specific disease” to the current “a preparation that is used to stimulate the body’s immune response against diseases.
Some people have speculated that the unannounced changes were the CDC’s attempt to hide the fact COVID-19 vaccines are not 100% effective at preventing coronavirus infection. U.S. Representative Thomas Massie of Kentucky said in a popular tweet the CDC has “been busy at the Ministry of Truth.” However, a CDC spokesperson told McClatchy News the “slight changes in wording over time … haven’t impacted the overall definition.”
Like I said liar, you changed the definition because you are lying commie scum.
BTW, everything you say is either bullshit or lies.