Obligatory “Trump Announces 3rd Run For President” Post

And the 2024 presidential election season is off and running

Trump Announces 2024 Presidential Run

Former President Donald Trump officially launched his 2024 presidential campaign at Mar-a-Lago on Tuesday, making a run for the White House for the third consecutive time.

Trump announced his run after highlighting what he did in his first term, as well as inflation, the open border and record-breaking gas prices under the Biden administration.

“I am officially running for president of the United States, and we are going to make our country great again,” Trump said.

“Our country needs a truly great leader, and we need a truly great leader now. We need a leader that wrote ‘The Art of the Deal.’ We need a leader that can bring back our jobs, can bring back our manufacturing, can bring back our military, take care of our Vets. Our Vets have been abandoned!” Trump said, after noting that “America’s comeback starts right now.”

He officially filed his candidacy with the Federal Election Commission as a Republican for 2024.

He said the right things in the speech (Breitbart has the video of the announcement), and, quite frankly, his policies while in office were mostly pretty good. It’s all the intangibles that are the problem. A lot of squishy Republicans, along with Independents and those squishy Dems who can flip, just do not like him. Loathe him. It’s all personal. They won’t even consider his policies, except in terms of reading far left material that does not tell the truth about Trump’s policies and accomplishments.

If Trump manages to win the GOP primary, he will lose the general election, even against a doddering old fool like Biden, who’s bad for the economy and the lives of working and middle class Americans. If he doesn’t win the primaries, he will do his thing where he harms the other Republicans with his slurs and attacks, just like in 2016, making it harder for them to get elected.

Ann Coulter (who, in fairness, started catching a low grade bit of Trump Derangement Syndrome) wrote “What America wants is Trumpism without Trump.” She’s kinda right. We see how well Ron DeSantis and Greg Abbott have done. Trump is doing this for his own ego, if you ask my opinion. And he might burn the GOP down for 2024 if he doesn’t win the primaries. And will lose if he does make it to the general election, cheating or no cheating. He’s just too toxic for those who aren’t the narrow base.

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29 Responses to “Obligatory “Trump Announces 3rd Run For President” Post”

  1. MrToad says:

    Already going to “He’s toxic!”

    If “the new blood” has the stench of Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell, Romney, Romney-McDaniel, the Murdoch’s (and quit calling those Australians foreign agents you Russian bot!),Family Bush! and the rest of the unprincipled globalists, they’ll lose too. That person will be “toxic” to Trump supporters which are the supporters you’re going to need to pull off this republican Utopia.

    DeSantis works until he starts smelling like the UniParty, then he’ll become toxic to republican voters that have been sold a bill of goods by the republican party since “Read My Lips, no new taxes” and “The Giant Sucking Sound”.

  2. H says:

    Under Trump the gas price went from $1.94 April 2020 to $2.94 Feb 2021
    The cost of production remained the same.
    The cost went up because the Arabs cut back production at the request of Trump. The current price is _3.74 under Trump the Saudis were allowed to buy the biggest refinery Port Arthur TX

  3. H says:

    Trump does love to tell us he is a great leader
    Many Dems think he will be a weak candidate. He certainly didn’t help the Great Red Wave this year

  4. UnkleC says:

    I keep seeing positive mention of Gregg Abbott from Texas. Be aware, be very aware of Grabbitt. He is a ‘sticks his finger in the wind’, decides what is best for himself, and follows that path or follows the money. Definitely a swamp, uni-party Rino. There are better choices.
    Be sure to vote, for someone or against someone, just not for a D.

  5. eclectickelvin says:

    There is no alternative candidate to run against Trump. He will run, he will win. He will make Liberal heads explode. He will get the fence built and hopefully, he will bring treason charges against members of the Senate and Congress and if possible, the press.
    Best case scenario he will push to have everything Biden the pedo signed into law made invalid by Biden, who was mentally incapable of knowing what he was signing

    • Elwood P. Dowd says:

      That is sure a MAGAt wet dream!

      Can a US President bring charges against citizens? Or are you hoping trump appoints an AG that he can order to indict his political enemies? Recall how pissed DonJon got when Sessions and Barr would not perform as ordered?

      Rudy? John Eastman? Don Surber? Sidney Powell? Matt Gaetz? Don Jr? Boebert? Jim Hoft? Ron Johnson? Steve Bannon? Tucker Carlson? Alex Jones? Tudor Dixon? Kari Lake? Can he appoint himself??? The hang-up is that the Senate must confirm the AG.

      Would the professional prosecutors in the DOJ do DonJon’s bidding, likely sending Senators, Representatives and reporters to their deaths for treason?

      The best-case scenario will be that Donald J Trump is indicted and convicted.

      Last night DonJon said he would put drug dealers to death, would have the feds take over state run elections, enforcing only same-day, in-person voting and only paper ballots!

      DonJon hates Americans, American democracy and America.

      • drowningpuppies says:

        Rimjob like Biden/Fetterman 2024 is a no brainer.
        Thanks for the updates.

        #Galera https://www.thepiratescove.us/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_cry.gif
        Bwaha! Lolgf https://www.thepiratescove.us/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_cool.gif

  6. Bunkerville says:

    Before its over, DeSantis will too have to sell his soul to meet the “Standards” required of the GOP. No matter, if we don’t win GA the Dems will have supeona power then and we will have two years of Trump called before the mast, endless hearings. If its 50-50 they cannot. A small matter but worth taking note

    What I am saying, don’t look for the GOP to support Walker. They will want him to lose. That will finish Trump.

  7. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    Trump is hoping to use his official candidacy as a vaccine against the states and the DOJ going after him and Trump Inc. “I am a victim”, he whined last night.

    He will scream and whine that it’s all political, not that he has stolen documents, committed tax and insurance fraud, and tried to overturn the 2020 election.

    Just as occurred after Jan 6 when he was strongly condemned by Senate and House Repubs, the condemnations after the Red Tinkle debacle will peter out.

    Even if the nominee, it’s unlikely he could win a free and fair election but winning is not his objective. Running out the clock in the courts is.

    The best outcome for the GOP and America is Trump’s indictment and conviction. He has no intention of letting the nation heal and get back to work.

    • drowningpuppies says:

      Indictment and conviction for what?

      Rimjob is becoming more and more brain damaged as the December 2nd lawsuits draw nearer.
      Poor thing.

      #Galera https://www.thepiratescove.us/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_cry.gif
      Bwaha! Lolgf https://www.thepiratescove.us/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_cool.gif

      • CarolAnn says:

        You gotta bear in mind drowningpuppies, Elwood is a communist and as such the victim needs not break a law or be indicted for such. The very accusation is proof of guilt and his denial is the verdict. They raided the mans home. His home for Gods sake. The home of a former President of the United States only because he poses a threat to their anti patriotic agenda and couldn’t get a conviction on two, count them two impeachments when they controlled Congress.

        That’s what Elwood is a-scared of. Freedom!

        • Elwood P. Dowd says:


          You may not understand the legal process. A suspected lawbreaker, e.g., DonJon, is investigated, indicted, tried and possibly convicted. (Trump is being investigated for having illegal, classified documents and also for attempting to overturn the election).

          There was evidence that DonJon had illegally obtained (i.e., stolen) gov’t documents and the FBI retrieved them, legally after obtaining a search warrant. Do you believe that DonJon is above the law?

      • Professor Hale says:

        Indictment and conviction for what?

        It has always been the democratic party plan to prosecute political opponents and harass them with the power of government to keep them from challenging one party rule. The examples are too numerous to list but certainly include the suits against Trump for rape, accusations about collusion, the never-ending investigations in NY into the Trump real estate empire, and even the recent raid on Mar a Lago for “documents”. Finally there are still people in jails in DC for the 6 Jan protests. All of the leftist groups, BLM, Pink, Move on, and antifa have done worse and none of their people were jailed for it. Obvious conclusion is: these are political prisoners. The kind the USA didn’t have before Biden.

  8. Jl says:

    Carbon-who was president in Feb. of 2021?
    That’s right-grandpa Brandon.

  9. Jl says:

    Johnny carbon-do you understand basic economics? “The cost of production remained the same”. But the amount of sales went way down, causing a huge revenue loss. Your box of cereal or where ever you get your info from is only looking at part of the equation

  10. Professor Hale says:

    I believe Trump will easily win the Republican primary. Then lose the general election to another sock puppet to be named later.

    The Democrats have proven in 2 elections now that they no longer need voters. There is no possibility of that changing in only 2 years. Being a great candidate and running against a corrupt
    and senile opponent has been proven twice to not be enough to win. Add to that the entire Republican establishment hates Trump’s guts and will stab him in the back at every chance, just like Paul Ryan did. Most democratic voters only hate Trump because they are told to. The Never Trumpers hate him because he upsets their apple cart. They are perfectly happy being the minority party in DC and living the good life.

    If Trump wins the general election, he can’t serve. He will have the entire Washington establishment stabbing him in the back AGAIN and undermining every part of his agenda. He has proven that he cannot govern for the exact same reason that his supporters will vote for him: He isn’t one of the club members in DC. He won’t even be able to fill the top 5 members of his cabinet with loyal people. They will be taking notes for their book deals and leaking to the Washington post stuff they just make up… JUST LIKE LAST TIME.

    There is nothing wrong with a 4 year hiatus from Democratic party control, but we should aspire to better than that low bar. Sadly, it is all we are going to get. There are no other Trumps on the bench. Just an endless string of Bush-Mc-Romneys.

    • Professor Hale says:

      And the Democrats should be thanking Trump for saving them from an endless string of Clintons.

    • Professor Hale says:

      If only the Republican party had a system of Superdelegates like the Democrats do. Then they would never need to worry about a populist interrupting the “it’s my turn” parade. Maybe for 2028. America is so much better when it is run by people chosen in the back room of a political party HQ, by a bunch of people you don’t know and couldn’t give 2 shits for you, your constitution, or your inalienable rights.

    • Elwood P. Dowd says:

      Commenter: Most democratic voters only hate Trump because they are told to

      Most dems hate Trump because 1) he’s a Repub and 2) he’s a butthole and 3) he’s a liar.

  11. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    Teach typed: What America wants is Trumpism without Trump

    And just what is Trumpism if not just trumpian-style lib-owning?

    What are the policy proposals that differentiate Trumpism from conservatism or reaganism?

    • L.G.Brandon!, L.G.Brandon! says:

      And just what is Trumpism if not just trumpian-style lib-owning?

      That’s an easy one dowd: patriotism, love of America, Freedom of speech, and every other foundational freedom you communists hate about America….and Trump.

      You have allowed (in your case invited) a far left wing faction to take over the Democrat Party. You are now so radical you can’t define what a woman is and you want kids to get mastectomies and emasculations. That’s so radical it makes Mengele look like Jonas Salk.

      You have turned your party into the communist party and refuse to see it.

      Trump is against all of that. So you hate Trump. We are against all mof that. So you hate us. Communists are the enemy of freedom. You are a communist, therefore you are an enemy of America.

      • Elwood P. Dowd says:


        So Trumpism is fascism. Got it, fascist. You mistake nationalism for patriotism.

        Can you even define patriotism?

        You’re a fascist. You have turned the GOP into a fascist party and refuse to see it.

        You’re a fascist, therefore you are an enemy of America.

        But we don’t hate you, we hate what you stand for. Fascism, toxic nationalism, and that lying in service to your cause is moral. You hate democracy and freedom.

  12. Professor Hale says:

    And yet democrats, like bill and Hillary, loved him before he ran for president. It is an amazing psychological exercise to watch people decide they hate someone, and then “discover” reasons for it. I watched Yugoslavia fall into civil war the same way. Let’s hope America can avoid that. I dont want even democrats to be slaughtered like that.

    • Elwood P. Dowd says:

      Donald Trump was a rich playboy before he remade himself as an icon of the far-right for political reasons. He played the neoNazis, Proud Boys, III Percenters, NSC-131, Patriot Front, The Base etc like a fiddle. Sure, he upset traditional GOP, but it was fine as long as he helped win elections.

      You don’t think tRump gave people reasons to dislike him? His name-calling, insults, his mercurial decisions, his divisiveness, endangering America, his disdain for democracy, his attempts to overturn the 2020 election, his actions on Covid so as not to offend his winger base… There are many odious types, Ye, Alex Jones, Robert Spencer etc, but none with the “talent” and power to destroy the nation. Trump was largely ignored (but not loved) until the 2016 campaign.

      The character he played during his campaign and reign was to entertain viewers such as you.

      • Professor Hale says:

        Let me know if you ever want to have a discussion about Trump, and not the straw man “tRump” you created.

      • Professor Hale says:

        Who do you favor to win in 2024? Constrain yourself to only those eligible candidates in America who are still expected to be alive in Jan 2025.

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