As I have done every year since the 5th anniversary of September 11th, I remember two wonderful individuals, Brook Jackman and Andrew Golkin, who I’ll never have a possible chance to meet and converse with, due to 19 murderous Islamist terrorists and their superiors, who attacked our country on that fateful day.
This is Brooke Alexandra Jackman. She was born August 28, 1978. She was murdered by Islamic extremists September 11, 2001, while working at Cantor Fitzgerald, where she worked as an assistant trader. She was just 23.
After reading so many touching stories and tributes about Brooke, I feel I almost know her. Her smile is infective. It seems so natural, rather then forced, as so many picture smiles are.
But, why listen to me. Listen to her father, Robert Jackman:
Brooke, the Brookster, the baby, so beautiful, so bright, so wonderful. She always made notes of her daily projects; she hated to forget anything. She had to be perfect-to do everything to perfection. She was the best and she always tried to see the best in everyone, always respected the other person’s right to be different. Brooke loved books reading all the time. I would bring her to work when she was a little girl and she would read her books all day in the office until she fell asleep on the couch. Brooke was the baby, the youngest of three, like me. I would tell her that’s what made her so strong, so independent, so focused because she always had to stick up for herself with her older brother and sister.
It seems that everyone who knew Brooke felt the same way. Apparently, she was a huge reader, with her nose always in a book, stopping by Borders everyday on her way to work. A kindred soul, since I typically have several books I am reading at one time. Makes me feel a little closer to this wonderful women I never knew, and now, will never meet.
Brooke was a giver, volunteering her time to work at soup kitchen’s, a school or the disabled, and a thrift shop that benefited cancer patients. She even won an award in 1996 from the Nassau County Executive for “scholarship and service.”
She worked on the 104th floor of Tower 1.
You can access the Brooke Jackman Foundation here.
God Bless you, Brooke, and may He always keep you in His arms.
This is Andrew Golkin. He was a Vice President at Cantor Fitzgerald. Born, 1970. On 9/11, 2001, Islamic extremists killed him. He was 30.
Born and raised in The City, he overcame disabilities to succeed in life, to be a world traveler, and a well respected member of Cantor Fitzgerald as VP of Interest Rates Derivatives.
A graduate of Hobart and William Smith Colleges, he is survived by his parents, Gerald and Janet, and sister Susan, as well as many aunts and uncles.
He worked on the 105th floor of the North Tower on that Day.
His mother, Janet, said “He had a wonderful, sweet disposition. Friends used to say he was the glue that held relationships together.” He was a “vegetarian who liked to box, and preferred a punch in the face over a bite of steak.”
For Andrew Golkin’s family, it wasn’t so much a question of whether to have a service, but what to call it. At 30, he was too young for them to call it “a celebration” of his life, said his sister, Susan, 34, of Manhattan. They called it simply a service in his memory. Five of his friends spoke. The rabbi who conducted his bar mitzvah officiated at the service. “There comes a time when having hope is more detrimental than coming to terms with what happened,” she said.
For her family, it was vital. “So you can know how to live the rest of your life.”
His friends and family have set up the Andrew Golkin Memorial Scholorship Fund, designed to fund and promote educational scholorship for deserving kids in NYC.
Glorified and sanctified be God’s great name throughout the world which He has created according to His will. May He establish His kingdom in your lifetime and during your days, and within the life of the entire House of Israel, speedily and soon; and say, Amen.
May His great name be blessed forever and to all eternity.
Blessed and praised, glorified and exalted, extolled and honored, adored and lauded be the name of the Holy One, blessed be He, beyond all the blessings and hymns, praises and consolations that are ever spoken in the world; and say, Amen.
May there be abundant peace from heaven, and life, for us
and for all Israel; and say, Amen.He who creates peace in His celestial heights, may He create peace for us and for all Israel; and say, Amen.
Where was I? On this 20th year, so many are remembering where they were and what they were doing, so as to Never Forget. The day started out like any other day, getting ready for work. I was in the shower when the radio station I was listening to said a plane had crashed into the World Trade Center. I hurried through, shaved quickly, and got out. And was watching the live helicopter coverage when the 2nd plane crashed. And then the mayhem that occurred at the Pentagon, people not sure what was going on, just that there was smoke or something there, till we found out the reality. People evacuating. The Towers collapsing. The horror and pain on the faces of people in New York City. We stayed tune to a little 5 inch TV I had, which I brought to work.
Where were you? Do you remember why it’s important to never forget?

God rest their souls snd may their family and friends be comforted by the happy memories of them in the years to come
These terrorists were almost all Saudis. The Saudis with their obscene wealth from our/your oil addiction financed the spread of wahabism the most rabid sect of Islam. Through their free madras religious schools in Pakidtan they created the Taliban.
Ergo 9/11 was our own fault, hey Johnnie?

Those terrorists may have “almost all” been Saudis but they ALL were Muslims. The religion is the problem, not the sect. Just as the climate cult is the problem not Greta.
I assume you are for war with Saudi Arabia then, H? Make’em pay? It’s not “our/your” addiction to to oil that taught Muslims to murder non-Muslims. It was Mohammad and his Koran.
When people tell you what they are…..believe them!
No carol Ann I am not at war with Daudi Arabia ykur assumption was factually in error.
You seem to have a much higher opinion of the Saudis than I do.
Apparently you think that ALL muims are tge same and hold to same religious extremes as ykur good friends the Saudis. Make’em pay? Well certainly not continue to pay obscene money them which you seem to think may prevent another 9//. Just keep giving them money everything you gas up you are paying the price that THEY ( not Brandon) sets
The addiction to oil certainly allowed the Saudis to spread THEIR form of extreme wahabism. Remember less than 15% of Muslims are Arabs. But because of their oil wealth the Saudis have spread their form of Islam to other places . Ever been anywhere CA ? Ever had any personal experiences in muim majority areas? Should we continue sending Saudis our advanced weapons? Those top secret mitary nuclear documents thst Trump had at his home brew Fort Knox security level storage room , think the Saudis might want them? Should we/he give them or sell them? How much longer do you want the Daudis to control you by controlling the price of oil?
You are a Buddhist not an Islam, you are a bad Buddhist and know nothing of Islam. There are more than two sects of the Islams, all are bad, all are white supremacist, all hate gays and all desire your death or subservience. We are at war with Islam.
Never Forget the hate and ignorance of Fundamentalist Religions. To think that those animals would kill thousands in the name of their religious fantasies was and is an obscenity.
But never forget that not all Muslims are Islamist zealots who will murder innocents to advance their cause.
Even Barack Obama had the 16 yr old son (an American citizen, no less!) of a terrorist murdered in Yemen. Six years later tRump had the terrorist’s daughter murdered.
As DonJon said in defending Vladimir Putin’s ruthlessness: “We’ve got a lot of killers. What, do you think our country’s so innocent?”
You have them confused with your beloved Commies.
Or maybe the Moslems.
Dear Elwood:
“”Never Forget the hate and ignorance of Fundamentalist Religions. To think that those animals would kill thousands in the name of their religious fantasies was and is an obscenity.”
Now, give us some actual examples.
“But never forget that not all Muslims are Islamist zealots who will murder innocents to advance their cause.”
The problem is this.
The vast vast vast majority of terrorists are Muslims.
“A significant minority (21%) of Muslim Americans say there is a great deal (6%) or a fair amount (15%) of support for extremism in the Muslim American community.”
“”Never Forget the hate and ignorance of Fundamentalist Religions. To think that those animals would kill thousands in the name of their religious fantasies was and is an obscenity.”
My, my, my. Could that be the senile commie projecting again? What Fundamentalist Religion(S)” are you referring to? At the moment I know of only one religion that encourages their followers to murder any person of any other religion who will not convert. That is Islam. ONLY ISLAM. They are not a religion they are a disease, a blight on the earth.
For a dope like you Dowd, to deliberately try and associate say, Unitarians or evangelical Christians or Haredi Jews with the murderous and anti human Muslim dogs is understandable since they like you hate God.
MAGA you maggot!
Never forget, never forgive.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Johnny-“keep giving the Saudis money every time you gas up…”
Really? We weren’t doing that hardly at all under Trump with almost complete energy independence. Too funny-John again makes a point for the other side without even knowing it..
Is your “mind”, such as it is, filled to the brim with mythology? Rhetorical. Of course it is, as all nuCon/MAGAts/tRumpist/nuGOPher “minds” are. If tRump says it, you believe it.
Crude oil is a global commodity and America is a net petroleum exporter, if you include oil and refined oil products such as gasoline, diesel and jet fuel. U.S. exports of oil and oil products exceeded imports in 2020 and 2021, largely because of the fracking surge. But for raw crude, the U.S. imports than we export. We still rely on oil from Canada, Mexico, the Middle East and many other places to meet U.S. demand for gasoline and other finished products. The Saudis control the global price
So, we still give money to the Saudis, Canadians, Mexicans and we did in under tRump rule.
“Saudis control the price”. Not really. The US is actually the largest net producer of crude oil, followed by Saudi Arabia, Russia, Canada and China. The price is set by several factors-supply and demand, trends in the commodities market and oil speculators
That’s because those religions compete against liberal religion-The Church of Climate Astrology. “We see things in the future that there’s no evidence of…”
You cannot separate the nuGOP and fundamentalist christians. And white supremacy and fundamentalist christianity are interwoven in the US. Athough most white supremacists in the US identify as christians, not all christians are white supremacists. And not all white supremacists are terrorists. But some are.
In the US anti-LGBTQ hate crimes are fueled by christian fundamentalism. Anti-abortion violence is fueled by christian fundamentalism. The forced birth movement in the US was shat from the bowels of fundamentalism and is now being incorporated into state laws, although the majority of Americans oppose the strict pro-birth statutes.
So no, fundamentalist christians in the US are not throwing gays off roofs, but neither are fundamentalist Muslims here. But the heart of fundamentalism is always hate. Hate for those who don’t believe. Hate for those who are different. In America, fundamentalists have learned to practice their hate primarily through the state. Pro-birth laws, anti-LGBTQ laws, militant anti-modernism, anti-progressivism and a politicized white, conservative christian religion.
Overarching goals:
Destruction of public education in the US – you must recapture the minds of youngsters and groom them for duty to the cause.
A christian theocracy. Societal laws and Biblical laws will not be in conflict they will be the same!
Punish the non-believers! Execute gays, trans, blasphemers, abortionists, adulterers, rapists, murderers, pedophiles in a cruel and public way. No more wishy-washy worry about the rights of criminals.
The nuRight is America is white, christian, conservative, fundamentalist and white. It’s a clear meld of politics and religion.
So you are saying that all the brown people in the US should leave. Who would do the maid jobs?
I think what he’s saying is that he hates with a passion anyone not pro abortion till birth even for birth control, Muslim, communist, White, and sexually perverted in some way.
IOW, he hates almost 250 million Americans. Interesting how their minds work isn’t it?
Then he’ll project his hate onto us and think he’s great because he’s a typical entitled urban leftist.
He has no idea as to what he believes. Best to just play with him.
Actually I only hate willful ignorance and wanton cruelty. You seem to believe the oft-cited nuCon myth that abortions up until birth are common. Over 90% are performed by 13 wk gestation. Roe v Wade was a workable compromise. nuCons bray “states rights” as a hosanna, but really to distract from their true intents.
Do you really believe 250 million Americans want to ban abortion?
Anyway, we don’t hate those who disagree but we DO object to their plan to steal America.
Porter Diva,
Learn to read! White christian supremacists such as you will stand idly by if and when America becomes a white christian conservative theocracy.
Dear Elwood:
“So no, fundamentalist christians in the US are not throwing gays off roofs, but neither are fundamentalist Muslims here.”
The question becomes this. If the Muslim fundamentalist could, would they? And what support would the general population support this extreme action? And the answer was given to you in my comment and link to Pew was, 21%, or about 1 in 5. That is a significant number.
It is further backed up by the desires of the fundamentalists to have Sharia Law be allowed within the US. This desire is reflected in 51% of the Muslim population and described in this.
Omar Ahmad, co-founder of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, the top Muslim lobby group in Washington: “Islam isn’t in America to be equal to any other faith, but to become dominant. The Quran should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on Earth.”
And you again fail to provide any proof of this claimed Christian fundamentalist desire. Why is that? You equate opposition to abortion on demand with tossing gays off roof tops. How silly.
You further demonstrate how brain washed you are when you fail to capitalize “christians” and then capitalize “Muslims.” Both words describe specific groups. Both should be capitalized. And yes, both groups contain different subgroups. Muslims have sects. Christians have Baptists, Methodists, et al.
“The forced birth movement in the US was shat from the bowels of fundamentalism and is now being incorporated into state laws, although the majority of Americans oppose the strict pro-birth statutes.”
Actually, it is the 10th Amendment that allows states to determine their position. The vast majority of Americans want abortion to be legal, safe and rare. It is the nut cases on the Left demanding abortion on demand or killing be baby in the birth canal that is driving the issue.
Elwood, you must remember that Christianity grew from the Old Testament. Christ was the reformer that eliminated the harsh laws defined in the Old Testament. Then Luther further reformed the Catholic Church and produced off shoots that reformed it further.
Islam has not produced that. It has no defined laws that supposed moderates can use to control the fundamentalists. In fact, he laws favor the actions of the fundamentalists AND THAT IS WHY YOU HEAR VERY LITTLE IN THE WAY OF CONDMENTATION FROM THE MUSLIM “MODERATES.”
Your deep seething hatred for Whites, Christians, conservatives, fundamentalists, and White (but you repeat that particular hate because it’s the one you hate the most), combined with your inability to be rational have made almost all your comments unimportant rants of hate.
We have no time for you separatists to evaluate we the people as haters because we don’t subscribe to fagism, murder, prenatal murder, blasphemies, abortionists, adultery, rapists, pedophiles like sloppy joe. You have just listed your beliefs and not one of them is a capital virtue. You are a dark and dangerous evil person. You blame good people trying to create moral responsibility in our society and culture by painting their virtue as sins. Like all evil people the lies fall from your lips like rain from the sky.
You are undoubtedly the most hateful animal I’ve ever run across. The world will be a better place when you leave it.
MAGA. You even hat Make America Great Again that’s how fuked up you are.