This is all your fault for all those online purchases
One of the strongest ocean currents is speeding up, concerning scientists
Decades of data have revealed the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC), the only ocean current that encircles the entire globe, has started flowing faster.
The ACC wraps around Antarctica and is a barrier between the tepid subtropical waters north of it and the cool waters to the south, helping keep temperatures low near the frozen continent.
The subtropical waters above the ACC have absorbed significant amounts of heat over the past few decades. In fact, over 90 per cent of the excess heat in the atmosphere created by greenhouse gases has been absorbed and stored in oceans since the 1970s. (snip)
The study, published in Nature Climate Change, used data satellites and Argo, which is a network of floating robotic instruments that record ocean conditions like temperature and salinity. There are currently 4,000 floats scattered across the world’s oceans that are collecting data.
Warming global temperatures have also been affecting prevailing westerly winds and causing them to energize ocean eddies, which are smaller, circular currents of water, near the ACC. However, these winds are playing less of a role in the ACC’s flow rate than the scientists initially suspected.
Well, this is total doom. Which is strange, because it wasn’t that long ago they were telling us the opposite
The slowing down of ocean currents could have a devastating effect on our climate
Remember the movie, “The Day After Tomorrow,” in which a catastrophic series of global disasters strike after climate change causes the world’s ocean currents to stop?
You know it’s a doozy when they cite a movie
Well, new research reveals Earth’s major ocean currents are slowing down, and though the consequences will not be as immediate or dramatic as in the Hollywood fiction, there are real-world impacts for global weather patterns and sea levels.
The slowdown of ocean circulation is directly caused by warming global temperatures and has been predicted by climate scientists.
“This has been predicted, basically, for decades that this circulation would weaken in response to global warming. And now we have the strongest evidence that this is already happening,” said Stefan Rahmstorf? of Potsdam University who contributed to this research.
So, which is it, slowing down or speeding up? Meh, it’s all your fault.

Teach is upset that two different ocean currents are behaving differently!
Which is strange, because it wasn’t that long ago they were telling us the opposite
which is it, slowing down or speeding up?
The article pointed out that the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) has sped up.
The slowing current(s) were:
Is there ANY global Whining propaganda you WON’T believe?
alanstorm: Is there ANY global Whining (sic) propaganda you WON’T believe?
I didn’t comment on the believability of the findings, only that Mr Teach had conflated global currents.
Do you have specific criticisms of the studies? Or other studies that refute the findings?
Are you unwilling to answer me, or unable?
My criticism is that when the claim is made that Global Whining shuts down one current but overheats another, skepticism is warranted.
BTW, your citation is an implcit statement from you on its believability.
speeding up from what point?? starting at the slowest point of the previous slow down, now moving towards where it was before the slow down started??
doya see the fear porn here??
Yep, Global Whining can speed up currents and slow them down at the same time!