Just a mistake, y’all!
Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin admitted the United States military may have killed up to 10 civilians, including up to seven children, in a drone strike in Kabul on August 29 that was intended to kill an Islamic State-Khorasan attacker.
Austin said in a statement Friday:
The investigation concluded that the strike — conducted to prevent what was believed to be an imminent threat to Hamid Karzai International Airport — resulted in the deaths of as many as 10 people, including up to seven children.
On behalf of the men and women of the Department of Defense, I offer my deepest condolences to surviving family members of those who were killed, including Mr. Ahmadi, and to the staff of Nutrition and Education International, Mr. Ahmadi’s employer.
We now know that there was no connection between Mr. Ahmadi and ISIS-Khorasan, that his activities on that day were completely harmless and not at all related to the imminent threat we believed we faced, and that Mr. Ahmadi was just as innocent a victim as were the others tragically killed.
We apologize, and we will endeavor to learn from this horrible mistake.
Just a mistake. Who’s going to pay for that mistake? Remember Biden right after the strike?
(Rolling Stone) President Biden warned ISIS-K members that the United States will continue to retaliate for a bombing near Kabul airport on Thursday that killed a number of people, including 13 U.S. troops. He also warned that military commanders believe another attack is “highly likely†in the next “24-36 hours.â€
“This strike was not the last,†the president said in a statement Saturday afternoon, renewing a vow he made in a speech Thursday. “We will continue to hunt down any person involved in that heinous attack and make them pay.â€
He’s the one that ordered it. He’s the Commander in Chief, ultimately responsible.
According to Army Maj. Gen. William “Hank†Taylor, who spoke at a Pentagon press conference on Saturday, one of the Islamic State members killed by the drone strike was known as a “planner,†while another was a “facilitator.†Another person was wounded, Taylor said, but he refused to identify any of the targets or say whether they were directly connected to the Kabul attack. When reporters asked for more details, Pentagon Press Secretary John Kirby said, “They were ISIS-K planners and facilitators and that’s enough reason there alone.â€
They were pretty darned sure then, eh?
Liberal media hammers Biden admin over botched Afghan drone strike: ‘This is absolutely horrifying’
The Biden administration renewed unprecedented backlash from members of the liberal media over its botched drone strike meant to target ISIS-K terrorists but killed Aghan civilians instead.
CNN anchor Jake Tapper kicked off his show Friday by calling out the Pentagon’s “massive and deadly mistake.”
“This is a total about-face from the Pentagon’s initial denial they got anything wrong days after the attack,” Tapper told his viewers.
Except, none of them are actually bashing Biden (who’s on vacation again, and there’s still no statement from the White House). The Pentagon, sure, but, none are actually calling for anyone to be fired.
- NY Times: Pentagon Says Drone Strike That Killed 10 in Afghanistan Was Mistake
- Washington Post: U.S. military admits ‘horrible mistake’ in drone strike that killed 10 Afghans
- ABC News: I know there’s a story, because I ran across it on Yahoo News on tablet, but, it’s not on the front page.
- CBS News: Pentagon admits drone strike killed Afghan civilians (video only, no article)
- NBC News: U.S. drone strike in Kabul mistakenly killed civilians, not terrorists, Pentagon says
- LA Times: Pentagon reverses itself, says Kabul drone strike killed civilians in mistake (way down the page)
That’s just a smattering. Even some of the friendly overseas media is Blaming the Pentagon and calling it a “mistake.” It sure didn’t seem like a mistake when the Pentagon and Biden were announcing it, eh? Now, think back to when the Trump admin drone struck (striked?) General Soleimani, and the furor aimed right at Trump. They were calling it illegal, and some were even saying Trump should be impeached. Some called it a war crime. But, hitting 10, including 7 kids, in what was a massive mistake, something that wasn’t even close, and certainly not getting any ISIS-K members? Just a mistake.

Obama did the same thing for 8 years. He was the drone strike King of the world. He was drone striking everything that moved with a sheet on their heads in the middle east. It was so bad they ran out of missiles for awhile.
Biden learned. Drone strike. SOMETHING….Anything. Hell I don’t care, just make them stupid mericans think we is doin sumpin.
538 has biden 45.7 approve and 48.8 disapprove and this is a collection of lots of polls spread out over time.
Current polling. NEWSWEEK Biden’s Approval Rating Plummets Below Most Recent Presidents on Day 240, Polling Shows
Boston Herald
Biden keeps sinking in the latest presidential polls
Joe Dwinell 11 hrs ago Disapproval is 43 percent according to Rassmussen and less you say buh, but Rassmussen is a GOP pollster.
That’s slightly worse than a Reuters/Ipsos poll that pegged the president at 44% approval rating.
This time around everyone understands lying just got the Democrats in a huge mess with state after state redoing their election laws. So now polling has returned to some semblance of normal instead of having Trump losing Wisconsin by 15 points and losing Florida by 5 points and even losing Texas by 3 points….etc…etc….etc.
Its a whole host of things. People believe the Ukraine thing. People by 86 percent are opposed to China and there is the China thing for Hunter biden and Joe Biden. People know Biden is working on 3 cylinders. Afghanistan was a horrendous mess. The border is a horrendous mess. Letting in 100,000’s of thousands of illegals with COVID as your covid runs out of control even among the Vaccinated.
25-30 percent of those getting infected have had the Vaccine now….yet the left continues to CLOWARD AND PIVEN THE USA INTO BANKRUPTCY.
That is why ELWOOD screams NO when you mention any thing that might help fight the Corona Virus. Ulterior motives of destroying the USA CAPITALIST ECONOMY in favor of SOCIALIZED LUNACY.
est1950: Obama did the same thing for 8 years. He was the drone strike King of the world. He was drone striking everything that moved with a sheet on their heads in the middle east. It was so bad they ran out of missiles for awhile.
Biden learned. Drone strike. SOMETHING….Anything. Hell I don’t care, just make them stupid mericans think we is doin sumpin.
So only Presidents Obama and Biden authorized drone strikes? More on that later. Read on!!
And thanks to the New York Times for investigating this and finding the truth. Times Investigation: In U.S. Drone Strike, Evidence Suggests No ISIS Bomb
Once again, this exposes our flawed and deadly “drone programs”.
It’s encouraging that the American right-wing is at least pretending to be concerned that innocent civilians have been killed by the US military. It’s a start, but we know it’s just political gamesmanship on the right, as always.
The American Conservative wrote:
How big a threat are Somalis to America? But let’s be honest, to right-wingers… these are “others”, not white (actually Somalis are caucasian and Semitic), almost certainly Muslims, who right-wingers think should all be killed anyway. Now, you cry out to hold President Biden “responsible” for killing Muslims, whom you want dead, whom you claim America is at war with!! Representative Omar (D-MN) was born in Somalia.
At least the Biden administration admitted to their foul deed. Would tRump, LOL?
Joey didn’t really have a choice, now did he, dipshit?

Bwaha! Lolgf
Teach and his “lap”puppy, Bungholio, dipshits both, ignore that President Biden could have attacked the reporting of the New York Times and deny, deny, deny as ex-prez tRump would have.
What ignorant dipshits Bungholio and his master, Teach, are.
Fortunately, Democrats welcome the truth, even when it’s evil and ugly. tRumpublicans like dipshit Teach and dipshit Bungholio lie, and lie constantly. It’s the tRumpublican way.
Could have… would have..

There he goes again, Rimjob making up shit that didn’t happen.
Bwaha! Lolgf
Once again the fuked-up mind of a Nazi spews it’s anti-American, anti White racism in defense of communists and theocrats intent on murdering Americans. Well done as usual Elwood.
“How big a threat are Somalis to America? But let’s be honest, to right-wingers… these are “othersâ€, not white (actually Somalis are caucasian and Semitic), almost certainly Muslims, who right-wingers think should all be killed anyway.”
If you’re going to tell us “right-wingers” what we think at least get it right and don’t give a radical ;left-wingers view. It doesn’t matter how big or small the threat is to America from Somalis they shouldn’t be here period. They bring nothing positive to our country. No culture, no science, no technology, nothing of use. Their own country is a shithole because it’s FULL OF SOMSALIS, so why transfer the shit here? As far as being moooslems goes it is THEY who believe in killing US you fuking moron, Read their damn book and stop speaking out of ignorance.
“Now, you cry out to hold President Biden “responsible†for killing Muslims, whom you want dead, whom you claim America is at war with!! Representative Omar (D-MN) was born in Somalia.”
We’re not trying to hold murderin’ joe to anything, he DID murder innocent moooslem children or do you deny it? Omar (Fascist-MN) is the PRECISE reason why these animals should not be allowed in here. She lied to get in and committed incest by marrying her brother to do it. You use this kunt as you shining example of a Somali? Really? Omar should be tossed out of America on her worthless commie ass. And according to moooslem law, stoned to death. Nice religion you praise there Elwood, I hear they’re already throwing fags off roof tops in Kabul, cutting the clits off 6 year old girls and selling Christians into slavery. Yeah, Somalis are just what America needs you moron.
“At least the Biden administration admitted to their foul deed. Would tRump, LOL?”
LOL asshole, Trump didn’t need to because he, unlike the murdering thug and child rapist biden DIDN’T MURDER CHILDREN to get his cowardly loss off the front page. You won’t even admit the guy is wrong WHEN EVERYONE ON EARTH KNOWS IT!!!! That’s how fukin’ brainwashed you are you pathetic pussy.
Why do you hate America so much after all we’ve done for you?
kye: LOL asshole, Trump didn’t need to because he, unlike the murdering thug and child rapist biden DIDN’T MURDER CHILDREN to get his cowardly loss off the front page.
Like Teach, you are an asshole, and a white nationalist – Blood and Soil!. Thug tRump authorized drone strikes killing many civilians, you asshole. tRump has been credibly accused (with witnesses) of raping a 13 year old girl at Epstein’s Manhattan mansion, you asshole. But money buys a lot of silence. tRump murdered Muslims for fun and to give old men like you a boner, you asshole.
10 Afghans (including 7 children) were killed by mistake. Of course that’s wrong, you asshole.
Bullshit, asshole. You know as well as I do that if there was credible evidence and witnesses to such a thing by Trump (of all people) the leftist media would have plastered that on every front page and on every fake news site in the first world. They made up shit to try and get Trump so if they actually had something it would have been all over the place.
Your ignorance and total brain washing is monumental. You never really consider how stupid a suggestion like that sounds to thinking people, do you? You believe everybody only reads and watches your propaganda sites and has no other sources of information.
I’ll bet you haven’t seen this on your fake news sites!!!!! They hide shit like this from you low information retards.
Hey Elwood do you think Trump was ordering those attacks.
Hell even after he left office they were laughing at him saying they lied to him about troop strengths etc. in the Middle East. I surmise that those attacks are correct.
Yet you defend the butcher of Arlington because he is a leftist.
Sad for you. As for Me. I have been pounding the drum to get out of the middle east since 2004.
Like you, I opposed the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan, and tried to ignore the continuous mayhem in the middle east.
Did Donald (The Buck Stops Over There) tRump order the attacks in Somalia? He was, after all, the President of the United States. Are you implying that the military and CIA were operating independently? Could be. He certainly didn’t halt the drone killings.
Why did tRump nominate a “leftist” to chair the Joint Chiefs (Dec 2018)? And why did EVERY Republican Senator vote to confirm General Milley (confirmed 89-1; Jul 2019). Only liberal Senator Dem Jeff Merkley (D-OR) voted “nay”.
So you favored tRump/Milley’s drone attacks until noon Eastern time, Jan 20, 2021? Got it. Sad for you.
“Are you implying that the military and CIA were operating independently?”
Are you implying they weren’t? After all we’ve discovered about deep state and military operations being hidden from Trump and traitors like yourself who think it’s okay for a military junta to operate as long as they agree with you. We knew that was the case at least in 2018, maybe earlier. When you agree with the unelected military running foreign policy you agree with a military junta. Our military is supposed to be controlled by the executive whether you like him or not.
Do you feel comfortable with this senile demented jackass running our military today? You see what he’s done with Afghanistan and our international reputation in just 8 months. Should the top brass tell the Taliban they’ll give them notice if baby sniffer decides to attack? Would you be for that or just when Trump (who never did anything close to this) in president?
We are much more comfortable with President Biden as Commander-in-Chief than the sociopath Trump. Much.
That really carries a lot of weight coming from a truly demented sociopath like Rimjob, dipshit that he is.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Teach, dipshit that he is, speaks through his sockpuppy.
Are you saying that the military intended to kill 10 innocent civilians (including 7 children), that is, it WASN’T a mistake? How would killing 10 civilians (including 7 children) help the administration?
Do you accept that the military believed they were killing a terrorist with a car of explosives?
It doesn’t matter if they meant to murder them or not, fact is they murdered them. Period.
Your fake president is a child rapist and a child murder. Prove me wrong.
Good point. If you intend to kill someone but kill the wrong person, is it still murder?
If a soldier intends to kill an enemy but hits a bystander, is it murder?
Donald Trump is a child rapist and child murderer. Prove me wrong.
Do you see what’s wrong with that construct?
No, but I see what’s wrong with you. You have no ability to keep on topic nor to admit when you or those you worship are wrong.
A senile, hateful fascist president intends Afghans to prove he’s tough after fleeing the country like a coward. His intent is to get his failed policy off the front pages. Using the same “intelligence” sources that told him to abandon the military air base and hold the Kabul commercial and indefensible air base he authorizes a drone attack to kill “ISIS-K” terrorists which exist in the same dull brains in which millions of “White supremacists” exist. The result is the premeditated murder of 10 non-combatants 7 of which were children.
Well done Mr. Fake President.
Hey Elwood, the next time you fascists want to steal an election would you p[lease install someone with cognitive ability who isn’t insane?
We had four years of the catastrophic tRump with little cognitive ability and his insanity.
American survived, but barely.
You don’t remember all the accusations against tRump regarding his sexual abuse of women?
This from the lawsuits against tRump and Epstein…
and from the witness:
One does remember all the accusations against Rimjob regarding the assraping of his prepubescent grandson though.

Bwaha! Lolgf
“You don’t remember all the accusations against tRump regarding his sexual abuse of women?
This from the lawsuits against tRump and Epstein…”
Why, yes I do and none of them were proven so why bring them up except to confuse the issue. You really try that shit all the time.
Again do you really believe and more importantly do you think we believe that if your corrupt, lying DNC sycophants and their enablers in the deep state and the court system has ONE IOTA of proof of anything you just slanderously charged from leftist web sites and lying partisan testimonies they would not have Trump WHO YOU ALL HATE WITH A PASSION and have spent the last 6-7 YEARS trying to prosecute for SOMETHING in prison as we speak? For life? And all his wealth confiscated as “penalty” just to destroy his family too?
You are all liars so what makes you think any of us will believe this paranoid, partisan bull shit any more than we believed the “Russia, Russia, Russia” crap which also was proved all lies?
You’re kidding right?
You leftists have spent 7 years lying about everything from Russia to impeachments that failed to vaccines that aren’t by definition vaccines so what makes you think we’d believe anything you say now?
Hahahaha, you crack me up!
And I remember all the accusations of Bungholio fellating Teach.
“We had four years of the catastrophic tRump with little cognitive ability and his insanity.
American survived, but barely.”
Exactly what catastrophes did Trump cause? Almost full employment, more blacks and Hispanics working than ever before, great and growing economy, backed down China on tariffs, made progress with N. Korea, accelerated the Trump vaccine program, and most of all DID NOT MURDER 7 KIDS AND 3 ADULT CIVILIANS with indiscriminate bombing using faulty intel.
You sole an election and are turning America into a nuNazi state. And you’re fukin proud of it!
1. MURDERED OVER 500,000 AMERICAN CIVILIANS… (500,000 = half million)
2. Added to the national debt… (promised to eliminate the debt)
3. Cut taxes on the wealthy…(see 2 above)
4. Added to global warming…
5. Added to American divisions
6. Hurt America’s image globally
7. Normalized assholery
8. Lied, lied and lied some more to America
9. Normalized white nationalism
10. Normalized hate
11. Normalized sociopathy
12. Stayed in Afghanistan
13. Abandoned Kurdish allies
14. Mexico will pay for the wall!
15. Increased trade deficit (promised to end trade deficit)
16. STILL claims he WON the 2020 election
17. Fomented insurrection against the United States of America
18. Diminished American institutions (Democracy, elections, Census, military, medicine, science…)
19. Kidnapped and caged immigrant children
20. Aided Iran’s nuclear program
21. Fell in love with global dictators (Kim, Putin)