Um, there generally aren’t a lot of street lights in rural areas here in the U.S. Maybe that’s different in the U.K.?
Climate change: Lord Deben says street lights not needed in rural areas
Street lights should not be installed in rural areas where people could use a torch instead, an influential climate adviser said.
Lord Deben chairs the Climate Change Committee, which advises the government on emissions targets.
He also said councils should not allow housing developments where residents would commute by car.
Lord Deben said local authorities “must be looking at everything they do” to tackle climate change.
Giving evidence to Parliament’s Housing, Communities and Local Government Committee, Lord Deben said: “The pressures to urbanise the countryside are largely antagonistic to dealing with climate change.”
He said street lighting in rural areas was unnecessary, adding: “When people move into the countryside you just have to say to them, ‘this is not the town, we do not have street lighting in this village, you have a torch, that’s just how we do it’.”
Wow, not too Authoritarian at all, eh? Lord Deben, who’s name is actually John Gummer, is also one of those rich folks (around $3 million net worth) who don’t worry about the climate cult policies affecting their own lives. And who expect the peons to do as they’re told.
But Lord Deben, who was environment minister under John Major and Suffolk Coastal MP until 2010, said street lighting was important in towns where it can make people feel safer and more likely to walk.
Lord Deben told the committee councils should look at cities, towns and near railway stations for large housing developments.
“You’ve got to plan your future around hubs so that people can get to work on their feet or a bicycle, not by car,” he said.
Anyone want to bet that Lord Deben has zero intention of giving up his own fossil fueled travel, that he won’t be walking or biking?
“We’ve got to be radical and very direct because we don’t have any time,” he said.
And you peasants need to live where you’re told and do as you’re told. Seriously, the climate cult grand poobahs aren’t even attempting to hide their Authoritarianism anymore.

Out in the country, we can actually see the stars at night. Nope, we don’t want any streetlights out here.