On any other day, the big Haiti earthquake, a 7.2 which has seen at least 300 dead (thanking, not the hundreds of thousands like the 2010 earthquake) would be top news. Instead, we have Biden’s “plan” to leave Afghanistan in utter tatters, as you’ve surely seen. And most media are avoiding casting blame. Can you imagine if Trump was president and we were seeing this occur? Especially one photo which is reminiscent of Vietnam? Here’s the AP
Taliban enter Kabul, await ‘peaceful transfer’ of power
Taliban fighters entered Kabul on Sunday and sought the unconditional surrender of the central government, officials said, as Afghans and foreigners alike raced for the exit, signaling the end of a 20-year Western experiment aimed at remaking Afghanistan.
The beleaguered central government, meanwhile, hoped for an interim administration, but increasingly had few cards to play. Civilians fearing that the Taliban could reimpose the kind of brutal rule that all but eliminated women’s rights rushed to leave the country, lining up at cash machines to withdraw their life savings.
Helicopters buzzed overhead as part of an evacuation of personnel from the U.S. Embassy. Several other Western missions were also preparing to get staff out.
In a stunning rout, the Taliban seized nearly all of Afghanistan in just over a week, despite the hundreds of billions of dollars spent by the U.S. and NATO over nearly two decades to build up Afghan security forces. Just days earlier, an American military assessment estimated it would be a month before the capital would come under insurgent pressure.
On Sunday, the insurgents entered the outskirts of Kabul but apparently remained outside of the city’s downtown. Sporadic gunfire echoed at times though the streets were largely quiet.
Taliban spokesman Suhail Shaheen told Qatar’s Al-Jazeera English satellite news channel that the insurgents are “awaiting a peaceful transfer of Kabul city.†He declined to offer specifics on any possible negotiations between his forces and the government.
But when pressed on what kind of agreement the Taliban wanted, Shaheen acknowledged that they were seeking an unconditional surrender by the central government.
And, yes, Biden’s America fleeing from Afghanistan is already being compared to the fall of Saigon. Where’s Joe? He’s off for the weekend to Camp David. In fairness, he can do most things there that he can at the White House, but, the optics of him being mostly MIA are pretty bad, or, they would be if it was a Republican in office. Biden’s name appears exactly zero times in the AP article.
The NY Times fails to blame Biden for this debacle. The Washington Post offers a subtle piece
Biden administration scrambled as its Afghan withdrawal plan unraveled
Now, imagine Trump was in office, it would be something like “Trump scrambled as his Afghan withdrawal plan left in tatters, looking more like the fall of Saigon”. And, yes, that helicopter above is being used to shuttle Americans from our embassy.
BREAKING: Biden to deploy thousands more troops to Afghanistan, issues stern warning to Taliban https://t.co/TjbKyMjXwA pic.twitter.com/nVrgwq0HGB
— Fox News (@FoxNews) August 14, 2021
Joe is going to supposedly send over 5,000 troops, in a too little too late move, as the Taliban has taken tons of military hardware, including Blackhawk helicopters, super expensive drones, Hummers, MRAPs, heavy weapons (which are the only things these savages will know how to use), and more. And will surely sell them to China to reverse engineer.
And Joe? He’s still at Camp David, with no plans to return to Washington. BTW, the Biden admin isn’t really doing much at all for Haiti, beyond authorizing support and putting Samantha Power in charge. Zero details, just a basic statement.
Sen. Mitt Romney ‘cannot understand’ hasty withdrawal from Afghanistan
“I understand but disagree with those who felt we should leave Afghanistan,” the Utah Republican tweeted Saturday evening. “I cannot understand why it has been done with such tragic human cost; without an effective strategy to defend our partners; and with inestimable shock to our nation’s credibility, reliability, and honor.”
That’s from the Fox News above.
Uh. Trump isn’t president anymore, https://t.co/0RWwbfKJkk
— RBe (@RBPundit) August 14, 2021
You pushed for this, Bill. This is the consequence of your Trump Derangement Syndrome. Own it. STFU https://t.co/QH3vit7e0f
— William Teach2 ??????? #refuseresist (@WTeach2) August 15, 2021
Many other Never Trumpers, like Jonah Goldberg, Bulwark people, etc, were shocked and appalled by what’s happening. Embrace it! This is what you pushed to happen by wanting to get rid of Trump.

William Teach: Can you imagine if Trump was president and we were seeing this occur?
That’s rather the point. Bush should never have stayed in Afghanistan. Obama should have withdrawn, but was convinced by the military that a surge in forces could lead to long term stability. Trump should have withdrawn, but set a date of withdrawal after the election. Biden did withdraw, and will pay the political price.
There never never was a path to victory. The Taliban has by far the greatest support among the very conservative population. Much of the Afghan military simply laid down their weapons. The government was hopelessly corrupt, and most American investment was siphoned off, much of it ending up with the Taliban. The more the Americans spent, the more it weakened the government and strengthened the opposition.
William Teach: Especially one photo which is reminiscent of Vietnam?
The dynamic is very much as Vietnam. You might remember that a bunch of dirty hippies and Frenchies warned America in the early 2000s that this was how it would turn out.
“The dynamic is very much as Vietnam. You might remember that a bunch of dirty hippies and Frenchies warned America in the early 2000s that this was how it would turn out.”
So did millions of hard working Patriotic Americans like me. Dirty maggot infested Hippies were just against America being in ANY war, I was against America going in where Russia got their ass kicked. I’m not against war. I’m against not going in to win. I was already involved in a war we were meant to lose and I did not appreciate being used by the MI complex to make them money. BTW, that includes all the then Democrats who voted for war. Afghanistan was bipartisan. One of the last bipartisan votes the Democrats did before they were taken over by the communists.
Also, dirty Hippies and Frenchie’s are always against war. It does not make them clairvoyant.
Kye: So did millions of hard working Patriotic Americans like me.
Good to hear. Did you make your voice heard?
Kye: Afghanistan was bipartisan.
Just like Vietnam.
Kye: Also, dirty Hippies and Frenchie’s are always against war.
The French have started a lot of wars. Hmm. Now that you mention it, when was the last time the French have fought and died alongside Americans?
Just like the other blind mice, the Kiddiez intentionally drops a few “red herrings” into their, uh, “response”.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Blame Biden????
Blame should first go to the idiots who thought it was a good idea 20 years ago to occupy Afganistan, but also who weren’t going to put there own asses on the line
20 years ago I said that this is not going to end well remember I lived there in 76/77
Trump said he would end that war and like all of his promises like with tge wall,it never happened. This war is ending just like the Vietnam war,they , learned nothing from that mistake
Both of these wars were actively opposed by the left, actively promoted by the right of both parties
Both wars were unwinnable Both caused massive destruction to other people
Hey I got a great Idea how about a,war with Iran ? Teach we are now using B52s to bomb Afghan cities to prevent t them from Being taken by the taliban How do you think Afhhans feel about that ?
Joey voted for it 20 years ago.
Or to the retarded Buddhist that would be a few thousand bongs ago.

No wonder his memories are a little hazy.
Bwaha! Lolgfy
You elected Donald Trump in 2016 based on his promise of America First, including getting us out of Afghanistan. trump negotiated a deal with the TALIBAN that US troops would be gone by May 2021. He even invited the TALIBAN to Camp David!
What did you expect when the US withdraws from the global stage? When is the right time to give up in Afghanistan? Would it be different in a year? Two? Four? Ten?
Did you oppose the Trump Deal with the TALIBAN?
I happen to think both trump and President Biden were/are wrong on this issue. We keep a military presence around the globe for good reasons.
We elected Trump for many reasons and Afghanistan was only one of them. You guys always start with you bullshit about Trump promised this and Trump promised that. All politicians lie but in the case of Trump and Afghanistan only the willfully ignorant refuse to admit his efforts were undermined deliberately by the military establishment and their deep state cronies.
Stop with the Trump bullshit. Bush, a lying dog faced pony soldier liberal Republican got us into Afghanistan along with the vote of the US Congress (remember before Junta Joe when the Congress actually had to have a Constitutional vote?) and I’m too lazy to look it up but I’m pretty sure the majority of both parties voted yes.
“I actually did vote for it before I voted against it.” — John Kerry
Kye: I’m too lazy to look it up but I’m pretty sure the majority of both parties voted yes.
The Authorization for Use of Military Force of 2001 (AUMF) was passed overwhelmingly by both chambers of the U.S. Congress. The vote was unanimous in the Senate, and only Barbara Lee (D-CA) voted nay in the House. If you objected at the time, you would have been part of a very small minority.
It is only natural that Americans would want to exact retribution after 9-11. It really was up to the president to restrain and channel that impulse to good ends, rather than ride the wave to destructive ends.
That hindsight of yours is a silly smokescreen to excuse another of Joey’s fukups.
Bwaha! Lolgf
” It really was up to the president to restrain and channel that impulse to good ends, rather than ride the wave to destructive ends.”
It’s not up to the president to “restrain and channel” anything. I’ve never even heard or seen those words used in regard to the president’s job. If his job is anything it is to kill the enemy and lead America to victory. Restraining and channeling are bullshit terms for losing.
Kye: It’s not up to the president to “restrain and channel†anything.
That’s how you win wars, by channeling energy into effective an strategy. Wanting to punch Hitler in the face is not a strategy, but that impulse can be utilized to implement a strategy geared to his destruction.
Kye: Restraining and channeling are bullshit terms for losing.
The results of not having an effective strategy are manifest.
Ignoring Joey’s fukups won’t make them go away, KiddieZ.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Punching Hitler in the face
The neoconservative Mr Dowd wrote:
Bill Kristol, Max Boot, Jennifer Rubin and Elwood Dowd had dinner together . . . .
The lesson of Vietnam was that to win a war you actually have to fight a war! If you are more concerned about avoiding non-combatant casualties than you are with killing the enemy, you will always lose, because it just means that the enemy will hide among and shield himself with the non-combatants.
Der Führer’s armies were nice enough to move forward in an identifiable front, which made attacking them easier, but we also bombed the civilian areas, targeting rail lines, transportation hubs, and war materiel factories, of course, not schools, churches, hospitals and residential areas, but, in the end not giving a damn if it left the German people living in burned and bombed out rubble — if they lived at all. We used fire bombing raids on Dresden, Tokyo, Nagoya, Osaka and Kobe.
We haven’t won a war since then. We fought a stalemate in Korea, because we were unwilling to go beyond the Yalu, we fought to a military stalemate in Vietnam, because we weren’t willing to make a desert and call it peace, we fought to a stalemate in Iraq, and then in Afghanistan, because we were not willing to utterly destroy the enemy.
If you are going to fight a war, then fight a f(ornicating) war, or don’t get into a war at all.
The lesson of Vietnam is to not invade other nations needlessly. But we’ve learned little.
Hypocrite Dowd: Yeah, we should have let 9/11 slide. /sarc
Biden is showing us how not to conduct a war.
Is there anything Joey hasn’t fuked up since he took over?

Bwaha! Lolgf
Is there anything Joey hasn’t fuked up since he took over? Part II

Bwaha! Lolgf
Isn’t it about time to just forget about Afghanistan?
Seeing conservatives tugging at humanitarian heartstrings and pushing for wasting even more American blood and treasure on these seventh century savages just boggles the mind.
Every time elections are held in any of these primitive sh*%holes, the people vote for the most reactionary, bloodthirsty islamist fundamentalists on the ticket.
This is how their inbred tribal societies are structured, and they like living like this.
It is time to back off, and just let them slaughter each other like they have been for the last few thousand years.
The neighboring Chinese will make sure that the world’s opium supply will remain safe, and they show little concern for humanitarian handwringing over primitive peoples plight.
After a couple hundred thousand executions and disappearances, the Afghanis will be begging for the US to come back.
“Seeing conservatives tugging at humanitarian heartstrings and pushing for wasting even more American blood and treasure on these seventh century savages just boggles the mind.”
Exactly which “conservatives” are these? Name someone you believe to be conservative.
Kye: Exactly which “conservatives†are these?
No True Conservativesâ„¢.
So you support the withdrawal, then?
The Right Reverend Hoagie, master of sandwiches and restaurateur extraordinaire wrote:
Those would be the neoconservatives, such as Bill Kristol, Max Boot, Patterico, Jennifer Rubin, and Elwood P Dowd!
Conservatism has moved on from that of former President Bush, as conservatives have realized the futility of trying to impose Western democracy on 7th century goatherders and Middle Eastern Muslims.
We went into Afghanistan for the right reason: to destroy al Qaeda and kill Osama bin Laden, the former accomplished fairly early on, the latter too much later. But when we got there, we saw women oppressed, and girls banned from education, so our oh-so-sensitive Western liberalism was affronted, so we tried to make a conglomeration of fractious tribes into Sweden or Denmark; is it any surprise that we failed?
My older daughter spent the fall of 2017 at Bagram Air Base. She told us that she was startled the first couple of nights, as she heard stuff go boom. Apparently the Taliban was lobbing mortar shells, which the military called IDF — indirect fire — into the buffer zone surrounding the base. It never hurt anyone or anything. After a few days, she learned how to sleep through it.
But think about that: the fall of 2017 was after we had been in Afghanistan for sixteen years, and we couldn’t even secure the ground around the air base enough that the Taliban couldn’t get within mortar range of the buffer zone. Seven years under the younger President Bush, eight years under Barack Hussein Obama, and a year under President Trump, and we hadn’t secured even the area around Kabul.
By then we were training Afghan forces to defend their own country, but we never called it ‘Afghanization,’ because it was too close to ‘Vietnamization,’ and we all know how that worked out.
Afghanization was to turn the country back over to the Afghanis. Well, we’re doing just that, and they are getting back exactly what they had before we went in.
So answering “which conservatives are these” is not within your ability?
As I stated, I was against going into Afghanistan from day one. I’m for withdrawal now. I wouldn’t go back in regardless how many “innocent civilians” the mooslems murder. Fuk them all.
Our job is not to save Islam, that’s their problem. We Christians already had our Reformation it’s up to them to have their own.
FYI, I am now and always have been a Classical Liberal, ala the Founders. So-called conservatives have never conserved anything. They only acted as the “slow down” wing of the liberal party. They became extinct when liberal Democrats switched to leftist fascists. Now there are demofascists and normal Americans.
Seems even CNN, no less, has a problem with Joey’s fukup.
Oh my!

Bwaha! Lolgf
Kye: So answering “which conservatives are these†is not within your ability?
We did answer. No True Conservativesâ„¢ supported the AUMF authorizing military action, just every member of Congress, Democratic or Republican, save one. (True Conservatismâ„¢ is apparently a very rarefied faction.)
Still arguing the past, hey KiddieZ, to deny Joey’s fukup?
Bwaha! Lolgf
The pile of dead Afghani’s sure to come can be laid at the feet of of Biden Administration, who basically armed and re-supplied the Taliban by telegraphing the US departure date, and then leaving billions of dollars in functional military equipment behind.
As far as the US withdrawal is concerned, what is done is done. That God forsaken s*&thole is not worth one more American life or red cent.
What is really happening is a redeployment of the US Military back home to prepare to put down the coming rebellion against increasingly draconian COVID-19 restrictions.
El Polacko: The pile of dead Afghani’s sure to come can be laid at the feet of of Biden Administration, who basically armed and re-supplied the Taliban by telegraphing the US departure date
It was the Trump administration that set a departure date of May 1. The Biden administration extended it a few months. Twenty years should have been enough time for the Afghan government to prepare.
Thank for the opening, ya dumbasses.
Bwaha! Lolgf
Zachriel wrote:
Too bad we burned through something like $2.7 trillion to do all of this.
Dana: Too bad we burned through something like $2.7 trillion to do all of this.
Money, lives, credibility. Fairly typical late-stage empire decay.
If the U.S. had committed to a permanent presence in Afghanistan, then it might have been possible to reach some sort of accommodation. However, the American people would never have agreed to that. They want
blitzkriegshock and awe. They want a four act play.At what point during a leftists administration does every bad thing become his to own and not his predecessors? With Hussein (BHN) they blamed everything on Bush for 6 years. The anti Trump dementia could go on for decades. The hate runs deep with these leftists.
Kye: At what point during a leftists administration does every bad thing become his to own and not his predecessors?
It depends on the specifics, of course. Don’t worry. Biden will take the political damage for Afghanistan. He knows that, but he did it anyway.
Attaboy, Joey.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Imagine if you will that President Clinton had not turned down the offer from the Saudis to turn over Osama bin Laden to us in 1996, or our Secretary of State had the Albright idea that we had to notify Pakistan in advance before we sent cruise missiles to blow up Mr bin Laden’s campsite in Afghanistan. We might have saved the approximately $2.7 trillion burned in Afghanistan and the $1.92 trillion spent in Iraq.
Dana: Imagine if you will that President Clinton had not turned down the offer from the Saudis to turn over Osama bin Laden to us in 1996
That’s not accurate. Bin Laden was in Sudan, not Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia refused to take him, and at the time, there were no criminal charges with which the U.S. could have held bin Laden.
Zachriel wrote:
This, you see, is the problem. When it comes to terrorists, something Mr bin Laden was well before 2001, you simply take them when you can, and kill them.
Only American Patriot protesters get to sit in solitary in prison without trial or even charges for 7 months or shot dead when unarmed by the demofascist gestapo. That’s okay.
It’s amazing how The Letter of OUR LAW becomes paramount when dealing with mooslems or commies but for Trump supporting protesters not so much.
Kye: Only American Patriot protesters get to sit in solitary in prison without trial or even charges for 7 months or shot dead when unarmed by the demofascist gestapo. That’s okay.
You’re probably referring to the rioters from 1-6. They had an opportunity to be brought before the courts for a hearing to determine if there was probable cause to charge them, and to make a case for bail. The vast majority have been released on bail awaiting trial.
A failed coup is still a coup. Hitler was sentenced to 5 years following his 1923 failed coup.
Ms Babbitt was shot while illegally crawling through a broken window in an attempt to reach members of Congress.
Are those from the violent mob still in jail being held according to the law? Are you recommending the laws related to restricted public buildings be changed?
Dana: When it comes to terrorists, something Mr bin Laden was well before 2001, you simply take them when you can, and kill them.
So the U.S. should abandon the rule of law and the courts?
“Silent enim leges inter arma.” — Marcus Tullius Cicero
Dana: “Silent enim leges inter arma.†— Marcus Tullius Cicero
Since at least the Medieval Period, there have been rules for war. Certainly since Nuremberg. Regardless, the moment Bin Laden had been brought to the U.S., the courts would have had a say. The president is not a dictator and his power flows from the Constitution and institutions.
Don’t forget that the Z’s are high school kids in a debate club. This one seems to be more of a soy boy than the last.
Also, can we really blame Biden for anything when he stole the office and has advanced dementia.
But what will be great is that all this instability will trigger the return of the draft and I will love to see all the little soy boys and girls when the shit hits the fan and they lose their safe places.
david7134: can we really blame Biden for anything when he stole the office and has advanced dementia.
As there is no evidence Biden has dementia, he is certainly responsible as president.
No evidence, none.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Here’s the real quote from now President Biden:
Here’s the tRump quote about Revolutionary War airports in his “Salute to America” speech:
Where to start? The Army wasn’t named after George Washington. It didn’t man the air. It didn’t take over the airports. Fort McHenry was built after the Revolutionary War.
All nuCons have is disinformation. And hate.
No evidence? Other than the fact that I diagnosed him as having dementia as that is what I do, dumbass, soy boy.
Doogie Hoser DC,
You’re a chiropractor with signs of dementia who now claims he diagnosed dementia in someone he never met. Biden beat tRump by 7 million votes.
You also diagnosed Secretary Clinton with any number of neurological conditions, including Parkinsonism. Clinton beat tRump by 3 million votes.
I never met Biden, what does that have to do with making a diagnosis? Oh, I forgot, you are a pharmacist who does not have a clue about clinical medicine. As to Hillary, yep, may assessment was right on.
Now, what on earth do votes have to do with mental illness. It has been well established that Dems commit voter fraud, so nothing can be understood from fake votes.
Real physicians actually conduct cognitive, neuropsychological and neurological tests to diagnose dementia, yet you can do it remotely! Kudos!
Were you able to diagnose any of President Trump’s mental “difficulties”? Your answer will determine how seriously we can take your remote diagnostic abilities.
david7134: I never met Biden, what does that have to do with making a diagnosis? Oh, I forgot, you are a pharmacist who does not have a clue about clinical medicine.
Now that’s funny!
david7134: No evidence? Other than the fact that I diagnosed him as having dementia as that is what I do
The famous argument from personal, anonymous authority. Does your diagnosis represent a consensus in the field? Have you published your findings in a medical journal?
Here’s an interview with Biden. Please explain how this represents dementia.
Doogie Hoser,
We can only imagine you and your compatriots’ humiliation at being bested day after day by an effeminate HS debate club!
We’ve noticed too, that you never even attempt to refute their facts and reasoning.
“We’ve noticed too, that you never even attempt to refute their facts and reasoning.”
Says the guy who believes there are more than two sexes, thinks humans are a “race” not a species, calls males who claim to be females “she”, believes AGW will destroy the earth in 5 years (or whatever the latest fake prognostication predicts), and even after seeing the videos refuses to admit the election was stolen.
“Facts and reasoning” my ass. You’re a bunch of brain washed monkeys.
Why do you hate America? Still askin’.
I am not going to do their home work, and I find it difficult to reason with stupid people, you included.
david7134: I am not going to do their home work
That’s fine. Let us know when you have evidence to support your claims.
#Attaboy Joey!
Bwaha! Lolgf
The big question is, “Where is Joey and WTF is he doing?”

Bwaha! Lolgf
He is sitting at Camp David shitting in his diaper and drooling on the papers they give him, which he can’t understand. What a country! We are in so much trouble.
Doogie: We are in so much trouble.
America may be in trouble, not from President Biden, but from the residue of tRump and the collapse of the Republican Party. A substantial minority of Americans no longer believe in America, and DO believe in a wide collection conspiracies and select lies.
So apparently to this dipshit people are not allowed have personal beliefs that are at odds with his own.

No wonder he supports the Taliban.
Bwaha! Lolgf
Troll Dowd: Biden kneels to America’s internal enemies, begs America’s foreign enemies, while lying to Americans about the controla virus, our border, and many other anti-American things.
Troll Elwood P. Dowd: Have you no shame?
Junta Joe is planning how many diseased illegals he can get through the border so they can guesstimate the number of votes they’ll need to steal in 2022. They know Dominion can be counted on so they’re safe.
For a few decades the GOP has been looking down the double barrels of demographics and their own stasis, and hatched their plan to maintain power as a minority. Conservatives have ALWAYS opposed equality for all Americans, especially opposing the foundational right to vote.
Conservatives view the loss of white hegemony as an existential threat which explains the hundreds of laws proposed in red States to suppress potential Democratic voters. It’s their only hope. Well, that and a successful coup.
Troll Dowd: You have gone full hypocrite here. And you repeat your Masters’ lies with no shame.
Typical Leftist.
But back in clown-world, it looks like the important stuff was taken care of first…. https://pjmedia.com/instapundit/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/ian_miles_cheong_afghan_embassey_pride_month_08-15-2021.jpg
From America’s newspaper of record… https://babylonbee.com/news/cnn-praises-taliban-for-wearing-masks-during-attack
Just like what Obama did with the withdrawal from Iraq.

Bwaha! Lolgf