First, though, the NY Times has to fearmonger some more, as provided by Michael “Robust Debate” Mann
That Heat Dome? Yeah, It’s Climate Change.
In the old days, we could escape the summer heat by heading north — to the Adirondacks in the East or to the cool, forested Pacific Northwest in the West.
But this is not your grandparents’ climate.
And though we’re only one week into official summer, the characteristically cool Pacific Northwest has turned into a caldron of triple-digit temperatures, with Portland, Ore., and Seattle reaching record highs of 115 and 108 degrees, respectively. That’s unseasonably hot — for Phoenix.
Blah Blah Blah. He of course gets around to all sorts of prognosticating Doom. Does Mann have any comments on this?
NYTimes whiffs on 1995 prediction of climate catastrophe:
"At the most likely rate of rise, some experts say, most of the beaches on the East Coast of the United States would be gone in 25 years.”
25 years was 2020.@JV3MRC
— Steve Milloy (@JunkScience) June 29, 2021
From that article
The climate doom-mongers at The New York Times must now face the reality that their decades-old eco-Armageddon predictions were flat out wrong.
The Times screeched in a 1995 story how “some of the predicted effects of climate change may now be emerging for the first time or with increasing clarity.†One of the predictions included a “[a] continuing rise in average global sea level, which is likely to amount to more than a foot and a half by the year 2100.â€Â The Times then cautioned that an apocalypse for beach-goers would be a likely result: “At the most likely rate of rise, some experts say, most of the beaches on the East Coast of the United States would be gone in 25 years.â€
Twenty-five years from 1995 would mean the beaches would be gone by 2020. Newsflash: The East Coast beaches are still intact. U.S. News & World Report even ran a report in May 2020 headlined: “16 Top East Coast Beaches to Visit.â€
Have beaches disappeared? Any? The Times was yammering about them disappearing at around 2-3 feet a year. Which is not shown by the actual data. Or by beaches when you look at them. One of the best data points is at The Battery in NYC (city where the NY Times is located), which shows a whopping 2.88mm of sea rise per year, equivalent to 0.94 feet of sea rise per 100 years. Which is pretty much about average for the Holocene, and well below what should be occurring during a Holocene warm period.
So, what penalty does the NY Times pay for their 1995 Doomsaying prognostication, one designed to scare people and get politicians to pass laws that increase taxes, fees, and take away freedom, liberty, and choice? Should there not be consequences for this? And we will continue to see more prognostications fail.

Here’s part of what was reported by the NYTimes in the article:
The Times reported “some experts say”, sloppy reporting, but hardly a NYT prediction.
Teach wants to know how the Times should be made to pay for their reporting! How should Teach or jimhoft or Breitbart or OANN be punished for their reporting? How should trump be made to pay for his lies that led to an attack on Jan 6? What Teach reveals is the fascistic tendencies of the American far-right. When Trump re-ascends to the his rightful place on the White House Golden Throne next month he will seize the military and start shutting down the legitimate media, just as Teach desires! The price the Times should pay is to be roundly criticized as they often are.
Teach links to a NewsBusters article that concludes with:
Attack! Conservatives are under attack! Then they beg for money.
“Some experts” ???
Unnamed of course
Some experts, and posted here by Teach himself, predicted imminent global cooling back in 2012
When it comes to unmamed experts I take what they say with a grain of salt
Some experts say :
That it was antifa leading the capital riot
Thst Trump will be president in August
That the Messiah will return soon
Thatcztrump will pull all the troops from Afghanistan
That an occupation of Iraq will allow democracy to bloom
That only people that hate our military think that we are not winning in Afghanistan
Or that nuclear will solve our energy problems, Dukecsaid in 2016vnukes are no longer considered an option