Is there anyone who can prove that China Joe’s Big Primetime Speech was doing live? No way he got through the whole thing, unless they pumped him full of meds. Anyhow, dude not wearing a mask in violation of his own Executive Order has proclamations
BIDEN: "If we do our part… by July 4, there's a good chance you, your families, and friends will be able to get together in your backyard or in your neighborhood and have a cookout or a barbecue and celebrate Independence Day… Small groups will be able to get together"
— Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) March 12, 2021
From the Daily Caller
(Not My) President Joe Biden said Thursday night that there is a “good chance†people can have small gatherings for the Fourth of July, but warned that Americans need to listen to Dr. Anthony Fauci and get vaccinated.
“I need you to get vaccinated when it’s your turn, and when you can find an opportunity,†Biden said during his Thursday night presidential address. “And to help your family, your friends, your neighbors get vaccinated as well.â€
Would this be the same vaccine (actually, several different types) which Joe and so many Dems would never happen for years, but, was accomplished around election day?
“Because here’s the point – if we do all of this, if we do our part, if we do this together, by July the 4th, there’s a good chance you, your families and friends, will be able to get together in your backyard or in your neighborhood and have a cookout and a barbecue and celebrate Independence Day,†Biden added.
The president said that celebrating Independence Day doesn’t mean people can gather in large groups, “but it does mean small groups will be able to get together after this long, hard year.â€
Biden then told Americans that the “goal†is to be able to celebrate the Fourth of July, but that they need to listen to Fauci and take the vaccine, which Biden says he knows is safe. Many Americans have said that they will not take the coronavirus vaccine, including 47% of supporters of former President Donald Trump.
As the vaccine has become more available, I’ve heard more and more come forth saying they are not going to take it, especially now that it is available for those in my profession, since we were deemed “essential” during the lockdown months (I got my Pfizer shot yesterday, scheduled for 2nd in April). Some just refuse to take a shot, some have objections over how fast developed, waiting to see about how it works out, and they are a smattering of conservatives and Trump haters.
So Biden says that if we're good little boys and girls, we can get together in small groups by July 4. Here is his CDC this week:
— Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) March 12, 2021
These are things many are already doing. Heck, these are things we are already doing at places of business, albeit with masks on in most states. China Joe is just reading lines someone else wrote for him, with no comprehension as to what it means.

Does Teach think it unusual that US Presidents have speechwriters? If the former occupant of the White House had listened to his writers he would still be President.
President Biden read a speech last night that was filled with optimism. Big deal.
Did he feed any conspiracies?
President Biden didn’t single out Dems, libs, or his supporters… He said “it’s never, ever a good bet to bet against the American people”.
Rimjob: Did he feed any conspiracies?
Bwaha! Lolgf
Smegma: Waah! Waah! Those mean ol’ tyrants have asked me to wear a mask, stay away from others and get a vaccination! The horror! The horror! To the ramparts, Patriots!
Bunch of babies…
Since January 20, daily new cases have dropped by two-thirds. That is real progress. We are vaccinating some 2 million Americans per day, sure to increase. That is real progress.
No doubt, alt-righters such as Smegma want deaths to increase and will resist vaccinations and common-sense behaviors. Already, several Red States have declared the pandemic over, and removed all restrictions on businesses and large gatherings, an experiment to be sure, but an experiment that risks citizens’ lives, not the lives the ruling elites, who arranged their vaccinations early. Let’s hope the elites are right.
Like Biden, Rimjob repeats some more of his Blue Anonsense …
Rimjob is such a lyin’ little pussy.
I’m around Asians constantly. The only talk of attacks on Asians are about how blacks have victimized them since their arrival. You need to check the FBI stats( if they’re still dependable and not cooked by commies) .
Everything The Elwood believes are lies fed to him by leftist fascist propagandists.
Smegma: Waah! Waah! President Biden blamed trump for attacks on Asians
Of course that’s the problem for dolts such as Smegma who read only alt-right renderings.
All President Biden said on the topic was:
The alt-right typist at the AmericanStinker made it up and Smegma swallowed every drop.
And as horrible as the physical assaults have been, it’s to be expected that that is all the likes of Smegma and other white supremacists would see. But the attacks have also been verbal, in writing, discriminatory, demeaning – largely fueled by right-wing hatred. Your exalted leader urged cretins such as Smegma and Teach to rename the virus the China Virus and the Kung Flu, and the cretins were eager to comply.
Reasonable Americans understand that trumpists routinely call(ed) SARS-CoV-2 the China Virus or the Kung Flu in a racist effort to demonize Asians, but that’s par for the course for a movement based on white supremacy. The pandemic was made much, much worse by the previous president, hence why it’s now known as the Trump Virus.
Kye: I’m around Asians constantly. The only talk of attacks on Asians are about how blacks have victimized them since their arrival.
Actually, there has been an increase in hate crimes against Asians over the last year, and an increase in reports by Asians of anti-Asian rhetoric.
Mr Zachriel actually provided evidence.
An ounce of evidence is worth a pound of your hearsay.
Let us re-emphasize – it is not at all surprising that white nationalists such as you, Smegma and alt-right blogs would blame anti-Asian-American hatred and discrimination on Black Americans.
Rimjob: Mr Zachriel actually provided evidence.
Some “evidence”.

The criminal in chief Xiden threatened Americans with further lockdowns if we’re not Following The Science ©
because as they previously lied to us: We’re All In This Together™ bullshit while they all kept drawing their paychecks. As usual LEFTIST LIARS!
So, we need Joe’s permission to celebrate our independence? The poor old senile geezer obviously doesn’t understand the word ‘independence’.
I’m struck by what irredeemably wretched souls the ruling elite really are. We can see it here when The Elwood parrots every asshole mandate from our illegal rulers. Xiden is just a sock puppet at this point, delivering the approved message in his own unique and demented way.
The cognitively abled, however, starting with the talentless Fuhrer in waiting Kamaltoe, the rest of his cabinet appointments from the hapless Merrick Garland to the rainbow warrior Austin, (all talentless fascist hacks picked because of color or sex), the entire Democratic house of representative contingent led in lockstep by the irascible Nazi Pelousey, Republican Senate leadership who settle back into their comfort zone of pre-Trump fecklessness thereby betraying all that real Republicans stand for, all of the deep state apparatchiks that gorge themselves off the largess that funnels through D.C. while exerting their destructive leftist influence behind the scenes, the once respected FBI and CIA who happily and eagerly reoriented their missions to target American citizens who didn’t vote for everyone listed above after they conspired to remove the guy they did vote for, the entire judicial system, personified best by the pathetic Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, seemingly settling on one of only two approaches in their rulings, leftist activism or abdication in the face of clear constitutional overreach, big tech oligarchs with their algorithms and use policies that filter and suppress wrongthink as they define, and the virtueless establishment media that relentlessly attacks or slavishly defends solely depending on party affiliation. I find no significant, identifiable redeeming qualities in any of them as they wittingly and self servingly push forth the cultural rot, economic ruin, and administrative tyranny that renders our short and long term future a dystopian nightmare that they will avoid.
75 or so million citizens who still cherish their God given liberties and values have to, at some point coalesce and resist. What will be the tipping point that propels us from acquiescence into action?
Maybe we have reached a tipping point when the illegal junta leader leader, offers us freedoms we already own. A dic… a dictator I mean, we have one as our leader. He will allow us a 4th of July, if we listen to him… Whoop-de-doo !
It’s always going to be those who acquiesce that is the problem, because there is recourse with tyrannical governments, but the minds of those who cower and fall in line never seems to stop. Our society and culture has been bending toward acquiescence for a long time. Call it what you want. Wimps, cowards, fools, lazy.
The Elwood would be better defining what it is since he is one, all part of the same problem. Rugged individualism is a lost breed.
They say it, you do it, seems to be a way of life cause We’re All In This Together™ except we all see we are not.
The problem becomes one when there are too many of those wimps and not enough of the individualists when government gets out of control.
Hands down – the people who willingly acquiesce are the scarier ones. Ever since this started, I’ve been simply amazed at how many sheep we have, not only afraid of their own shadow, but willing (and demanding others to) relinquish every freedom we cherish in the name of “safety”. Just mind boggling. And I might add, by people whom I thought were way too smart for this Twilight Zone of crap.
Sic Semper Tyrannis!
The Kye keeps whining about his lost freedoms! He is urging his fellow “patriots” to RESIST, to REBEL, to TAKE BACK America! To be “rugged individualists” such as he.
Did he RESIST when the local government ordered his beauty parlor to close as being non-essential? Did HE guard the door with his AR-15 keeping the Stasi away from his customers? No. Instead, he sheepishly applied for and received several hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars which he still boasts of.
You’ve been asked to wear a mask, socially distance and get a vaccine. Why? Because the world is in the middle of a global pandemic with a very contagious virus, while not the most lethal of viruses, has still killed over half a million Americans.
The Kye has the god-given right to get himself infected and die, but he’s avoided that by being cautious, but urges YOU other “patriots” to risk YOUR lives to further his quixotic quest to make America “free again”.
Rimjob playing the drama queen again.
Well he is a little lyin’ pussy.
Bwaha! Lolgf
Donald and Melania both got vacinated
500000 Americans died because Trump refused to tell us that this was a deadly disease until it had spread all over
Not true at all, John. In March the WHO estimated the fatality rate at 3.4%, Dr.Fauci estimated it at 2%. Trump said the 3.4% was probably high. By May the CDC estimated the fatality rate at .26%. In other words, Trump was vindicated. But like I said yesterday, it’s always fun reading your posts…
Jl: By May the CDC estimated the fatality rate at .26%.
You didn’t provide a citation, but that is certainly low. For instance, Kings County in New York has a population fatality rate of 0.9% and is still seeing hundreds of new cases a day, implying they have yet to reach herd immunity. Of course, this needs to be adjusted for demographics, but taking New York State as a whole, it has a population fatality rate of 0.25% and is still seeing thousands of new cases a day.
Jl: Trump was vindicated.
Uh, no. Trump made fundamental errors.
Just ignore the Cuomo factor.
Bwaha! Lolgf
Thank you- .25%. As said, Trump was responding to the 3.4% figure, which was way too high, and so vindicated according to John’s statement
And what were Trump’s fundamental errors?
Jl: Thank you- .25%.
That’s the population fatality rate, but the pandemic isn’t over, and without a vaccine, it’s clear the population fatality rate would continue to grow. Keep in mind that the infection fatality rate is >= population fatality rate. That means that if the population fatality rate is 0.25%, and people are still dying, then the infection fatality rate > 0.25%.
You have to also grapple with the population fatality rate of Kings County, New York of 0.9%, implying a much higher infection fatality rate than what you had claimed. Lombardy, Italy has a population fatality rate of about 1%.
Jl: As said, Trump was responding to the 3.4% figure, which was way too high, and so vindicated according to John’s statement
Trump was conflating the case fatality rate with the infection fatality rate. In any case, Trump made fundamental errors in the handling of the pandemic. He hasn’t and won’t be vindicated.
There was one small good thing about the floods. We were trapped in our own little area, as the flood waters covered the roads leading out. My wife and I would occasionally walk through the adjacent neighborhood — about ten houses in all — with the dogs, and there were neighbors, unmasked neighbors, out and about doing the same things. We met the volunteer fireman who lives around here, we had a neighbor give us two electric space heaters when our heating system was out, we talked to the grandmother who gave us one of our two dogs, etc.
Human beings are social creatures, and the cockamamie notion that the government could tell us not to be social was an act against human nature; it could not last.
We are all gratified that Mr Dand and those close to him stayed healthy.
Not all were so lucky. The fact remains that tens of millions of Americans WERE infected and over 500,000 Americans have died so far.
Yes, millions of Americas did not follow guidelines, which is not surprising. Would you feel the least bit guilty if you discovered you had been infected, but asymptomatic, and passed it to a stranger who in turn infected their uncle who died from Covid? That is how the disease spread, killing over 500,000 Americans.
What is the social cost of losing one dear friend, wife, husband, father, mother, son, daughter, teacher, nurse… Ask this of over 500,000 American families…
Not every American has been as lucky (or careful) as others of us.
This pandemic will end. How will we prepare for the next?
Rimjob moralizing again and spreading his BlueAnonsense.
Well he can’t help it being a lyin’ little pussy and all.
Bwaha! Lolgf
Bwaha! Lolgf
The very concerned Mr Dowd wrote:
Well, that’s probably what you’d claim happened, but the scenario you just put forth has the beauty of being completely untestable. We cannot know how any particular individual in an outdoor setting might have contracted the virus, and even in more restricted indoor settings, we cannot be sure. I did have one negative test, back in December, but that does not mean I had never contracted the virus and gotten over it previously, nor does my being completely asymptomatic mean that I never contracted it subsequently.
Of course, we did have people like Governor Andrew Cuomo (D-NY) and former Secretary of Health Richard Levine in Pennsylvania ordering nursing homes to accept COVID infected patients, with the predicted results, but if Mr Dowd has said anything the slightest bit condemnatory about Democratic politicians doing that, I have missed it.
Latest news: Governess Gretchen Whitless (D-MI) may be facing charges for falsification of COVID numbers from nursing homes, and a New York House committee is now investigating whether Governor Cuomo should be impeached.
The increasingly volatile Mr Dana ignores that being cautious is important during a deadly pandemic. That is, masking and social distancing and receiving the vaccine are all important. Do these things regardless to help protect oneself and others.
Mr Dana neglected to offer any citations (cough… gateway pundit), but Governor Whitmer IS being investigated by a GOP hack, THE Macomb County prosecutor. Good luck.
Except he didn’t. You made that up.
Lyin little pussy you are.
Bwaha! Lolgf
Xiden lied at least 55 times during what I call “His Red China Flu Gaslighting Tour”.
Biden’s speech Thursday evening was simply his latest and most daring attempt to take credit for The Red Cuomo vaccine development and distribution. It is insulting to the thousands of people who worked tirelessly under Operation Warp Speed to deliver a vaccine in historic record-breaking time, and a shameful attempt of rewriting history in the hopes that the Trump administration gets none of the credit.
No wonder Joe Biden hasn’t held an actual press conference and taken questions. He’s an illegal leader, a communist collaborator, a sexual predator, a grifter and a criminal. He’s not my president.
Kye is an ex-American. He can hide in his house and count all the money he got from the American taxpayers.
As we said many times, the former president would do OK as long as there were no crises. Unfortunately for Americans, the global SARS-CoV-2 pandemic hit and that president was ill-equipped to deal with it, having only his massive ego and insulting quips to fight the disease. Evidently, highly contagious viruses don’t read twitter.
Pathetically, the former prezzy emailed this yesterday:
Remember me, he wails. He’s taking credit for not getting in the way of the vaccine development, acting as if it was his idea, LOL. If not for him there would be no vaccine for at least 5 years! What a maroon. In fact, he hid the fact that he and the first “lady” received vaccinations in secret. Why? Because of his continuing efforts to downplay the seriousness of the pandemic. The scumguppy wouldn’t even take part in the PSA that included all living past Presidents advocating for vaccination.
Your series of comments make no sense at all. You claim to be a pharmacist, yet your commenting shows no concept of knowledge in medicine.
david7134: Your series of comments make no sense at all.
Not sure what you find difficult. Trump claimed it would have taken 5 years to develop a vaccine without him being president. In fact, the vaccine had already been developed by March 2020. But trials and approval was expected to take a year, less with emergency authorization.
Guess President Trump didn’t issue that authorization, oh wait, except he did.
KiddieZ caught with another misleading comment.
Imagine that.
Bwaha! Lolgf
YOU claim I’m a pharmacist. Why do you claim that, you smelly old liar?
You claim you’re a physician from LSU (the Trump U of the south), but “show no concept of knowledge of medicine”.
You claimed you joined the Army.
Why did you claim that, you lyin’ little pussy?
Bwaha! Lolgf
William Teach: Would this be the same vaccine (actually, several different types) which Joe and so many Dems would never happen for years
The Moderna vaccine was already developed by February 2020 (mRNA-1273), but testing and trials were expected to take about 12 months, and with emergency use authorization might be available to some people sooner.
Many other vaccine developers met a similar timeline, but were not part of Operation Warp Speed.
Let’s just ignore Operation Warp Speed, shall we KiddieZ?
Bwaha! Lolgf
Zach-what are you talking about? What about King’s County? We were talking nationally. In the beginning of the pandemic, like most events of this nature, the number of cases was no doubt unreported, which if they were reported would drive the fatality rate down even further. Figures I saw today showed 531,000 deaths, and 29,300,000 cases. That works out to only a .018 fatality rate. John originally said Trump refused to tell us it was “a deadly disease†. That’s not true, as shown., as what he said was that it probably wouldn’t be as deadly as the 3.4% rate the WHO said. And it wasn’t.
So again, what were Tump’s “fundamental errors�
Jl: What about King’s County?
The infection fatality rate must be at least as high as the population fatality rate. King’s County has a population fatality rate of 0.8%, so the infection fatality rate must be at least that high for that population.
Jl: Figures I saw today showed 531,000 deaths, and 29,300,000 cases. That works out to only a .018 fatality rate.
A 1.8% case fatality rate represents a very dangerous contagion. The population fatality rate is 0.16% and climbing. Of course, we can’t expect America to have the same effective response as a technological powerhouse like Vietnam, which shares a border with China and saw a population fatality rate of 0.00004%.
Jl: In the beginning of the pandemic, like most events of this nature, the number of cases was no doubt unreported, which if they were reported would drive the fatality rate down even further.
It would drive down the case fatality rate. As noted, Trump was conflating different measures. The case fatality rate *was* 3.4% at the beginning of the pandemic. The case fatality rate came down as testing became more common. The infection and case fatality rates also decreased as better treatments became available.
Jl: So again, what were Tump’s “fundamental errors�
Trump’s most egregious error was telling people in early 2020 and throughout the pandemic that the pandemic would go away quickly. That discouraged people from taking the measures necessary to confront the health emergency. Even today, people resist even the simplest social health measures largely because of the misinformation propagated by Trump.
“no doubt under-reported 
Again, Zach, who was talking about King’s County? Neither John nor I. I was responding to John’s post, which had nothing to do with King’s county, but rather nationally. “A 1.8% case fatality rate represents a dangerous numberâ€. Thanks, Zach, but who said it wasn’t? No one. I said it was lower than the estimated WHO 3.4% number, and it was. Trump said that number would prove to be high because it wasn’t counting un-reported cases, and it wasn’t. If you have evidence otherwise, please show us. And as stated, that would vindicate Trump. Here you go…
And as far as Trump downplaying it-that didn’t happen. Actually, Biden and Pelosi were the ones downplaying it as they criticized Trump’s travel ban. In other words, the fatality rate would have been higher under Biden. You can’t change history, sorry.
Jl: And as far as Trump downplaying it-that didn’t happen.
Jl: who was talking about King’s County?
We introduced it as evidence. In King’s County, the infection fatality rate is at least 0.8%.
Jl: I was responding to John’s post, which had nothing to do with King’s county, but rather nationally.
It’s called data.
Jl: I said it was lower than the estimated WHO 3.4% number, and it was.
The case fatality rate was about 3.4% at the time. Trump merely pointed out the obvious fact that the infection fatality rate would almost certainly be lower than the case fatality rate.
In any case, Trump made fundamental errors in the handling of the pandemic response.
“We introduced it as evidenceâ€. Who’s we? It’s data proving….what, seeing as we were talking nationally? It proves nothing, as we were alluding to the 3.4% figure. “Tump merely pointed out..that the infection fatality would be less than the case fatality rate. Not according to the article-“Trump said the mortality rate would be lower because that number didn’t take into account “cases†that weren’t†reported. But either way, case fatality or infection fatality, he was correct as both those numbers were well below the 3.4% figure-which is what I pointed out days ago. But that’s what the media jumped on when they said he downplayed the significance, when all he was doing was correctly pointing out that the fatality would be lower, which it was. “Trump, made fundamental errors…â€. It’s just that you can’t come up with any examples of the fundamental errors he alleged made.
Well, if Trump was trying to “downplay” the Red Chinese Demofascist Flu he did a poor job of it. It wasn’t long before every fascist and communist (i.e. Democrat politician) was on the “lockdown” and “wear a mask” bandwagon creating and spreading fear and panic as fast and as hard as possible. You’da thunk it was the fuking Bubonic plague the way the Demofascists used it to destroy businesses, unemploy the people and basically wreck the Great Trump Economy.
Kye: Well, if Trump was trying to “downplay†the Red Chinese Demofascist Flu he did a poor job of it.
The result was that large segments of the America public didn’t take the pandemic seriously, which exacerbated outbreaks, and led to thousands of additional deaths. Even now, many Americans won’t take even the simplest precautions.
So that former guy was responsible for a “great” economy but not for the subsequent recession? Got it.
We have to control the Trump Plague before the economy can rebound.